Morning Radio

crappie master

King of the Shitz
Mar 21, 2002
What is your normal moring radio listen preference? I listen to The Bob & Tom Show on the drive to work.
I use to get The John-boy & Billy Big Show, but none of the local stations carry it any more.
Before I walk to class in the morning, I usually load a few upbeat tunes on my MP3 player. Lately, I've been getting down to some old electronic music circa 1992. The cheeze vocals make me smile. :)
I haven't been waking up while it is still morning- room is too dark. I've been late a lot.
I wake up to Mancow. He's even more annoying than my alarm so it gets me up.
I'm not usually conscious enough in the morning to know what's actually going on. I know that I heard the Oscar nominations this morning, though.
I listen to Jim Rome in the mornings when I can at work. Days off like today are more perfect for listning in though of course.

His take today on the fact it was raining in L.A. was funny as hell... I didn't realize So-Cal reacted like that to rain.