"Morning After" Pill For Kids......

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
Would you want to be informed by the school if your child had this problem? Do you have any concern that by law, the school is not obligated to inform you unless it has to do with tardiness, and scholastics?

Girls as young as 11 will be able to obtain the morning-after pill at a London school without their parents' consent.

If the scheme at Chestnut Grove School in Balham is successful, it could be extended to every secondary school in Wandsworth, a borough which has the fifth highest teenage pregnancy rate in inner London.

Margaret Peacock, the headmistress, said her school was trying to behave responsibly.

She said under-16s could already obtain the pill without their parents' consent from hospital accident and emergency units and pharmacies.

"The school governors thought it would be better for children to receive counselling from the school nurse at the same time. If the child is under age, loud bells will ring and the case will be treated as a child protection issue."

Social services could be involved, although under current law, parents do not need to be informed.

Government figures in July showed that four girls of 10 had become mothers. The figures covered three years - 1998, 1999 and 2000 - and showed that another 23 girls of 11 had become pregnant and about 400 under-14s had conceived.

Sheila Crouch, Chestnut Grove's nurse, said: "If a pupil comes to me for advice about emergency contraception I can only inform them of relevant clinics. This delays the process. The sooner the young person takes the first dose of the Levonelle-2 pill the more likely it is to prevent a pregnancy."

The mother of one 12-year-old pupil said: "I was horrified. They're trying to take away any control that parents have.

I'm not expressing an opinion about the use of the morning after pill.

My concern is when will the government/school allow parents to be parents?
I should clarify, I've no issue with the morning after pill. All for it.

What I find disgusting is giving it to children who shouldn't even be fucking in the first place, and if they are, they should be made to live with the consequences.
Personally I think it is a good idea. Then maybe there won't be so many teenage pregnacys.

In the case of a ten year old child, the girl was probably raped. Chances are pretty good that she would have told her parents, and there is a significant chance of a father or step-father being the one who did it, so revealing that other people have known about the incident such could be harmful to the child's life.
HeavyStick said:
My concern is when will the government/school allow parents to be parents?

Even if the individual is physically afraid of their parents?
Also please note that is says, "does not need to be informed". It does not say can't or won't. I would say the likelyhood of school personnel just letting children fuck around as much as they would like without telling the parents is pretty fucking slim.

I'm looking at the initial post for what it is.

You present some thoughts that are a level or 2 deeper than what i posted my reply to. However, there needs to be a balance as to what the scholl can do without parental consent. If the girl was raped by someone not living in her house the parents NEED to be informed.

The child needs to be protected at all costs.

But to let the schools indiscriminately prescribe medicines and medical procedures is a dangerous path to go down.

If the girl got pregnant from assault by someone living in her house, then the police need to be involved before any medical procedure. Due process must be adhered to.
Re: Sillyman

HeavyStick said:
I'm looking at the initial post for what it is.

You present some thoughts that are a level or 2 deeper than what i posted my reply to. However, there needs to be a balance as to what the scholl can do without parental consent. If the girl was raped by someone not living in her house the parents NEED to be informed.

Which will probably be the first thing the school staff does. Again it's "doesn't have to", not "can't".

The child needs to be protected at all costs.

But to let the schools indiscriminately prescribe medicines and medical procedures is a dangerous path to go down.

Tylenol dude. These people are trained. Have some faith.

If the girl got pregnant from assault by someone living in her house, then the police need to be involved before any medical procedure. Due process must be adhered to.

Why? THey aren't going any fucking where and the medical ramifications are more important, especially if due process requires fucking along long enough to make abortion unfeasible.
Re: Sillyman

HeavyStick said:
The child needs to be protected at all costs.

But to let the schools indiscriminately prescribe medicines and medical procedures is a dangerous path to go down.

I have to agree with this portion of the post... If the school can prescribe the morning after pill, what's next? Prozac? I'm sure an 11 year old cannot walk into an emergency room and be given the morning after pill without parental consent so why can the school nurse give it?
Re: Re: Sillyman

Sillyman said:
Which will probably be the first thing the school staff does. Again it's "doesn't have to", not "can't".

I agree with some of that

Tylenol dude. These people are trained. Have some faith.

I have no problem with common sense stuff. But to indiscriminately terminate a life should not be a decision made by a teen without the consent of her parents. I'm talking about other major medical, when will parents be allowed to make decisions or at least be a part of the counselling process. I just belief that as the door opens up and the parents get stripped of their parental duties, then we are turning the parents into brood mares for the "state" and turning them over to the government.

Why? THey aren't going any fucking where and the medical ramifications are more important, especially if due process requires fucking along long enough to make abortion unfeasible.

Depending on the source you trust most, abortions can be safely performed up to 6 and 8 weeks, throwing a pill down a kids throat is not a responsible decision, it's a knee jerk reaction. If a 18+ wanted to pop a morning after pill every other day so be it. I'm just against the fact that the schools are making decisions that are a FAMILY concern.
She said under-16s could already obtain the pill without their parents' consent from hospital accident and emergency units and pharmacies.

I would also like to note that this is my argument for the night and I will not post anything except goofy crap for another 22-26 hours.