More Polyamory in the Mainstream Press


Just a Regular Guy
May 12, 2020
The New York Times Magazine has a surprisingly detailed article consisting of interviews of the members of a polyamory group, which they call a "polycule":

My wife brought this to my attention, knowing that I primarily write about polyamory situations. I was taken aback by how close my fantasy stories resemble the real thing, though I spend very little time on the negatives outlined in the article. Well, I say "negatives", but the article was absolutely positive about polyamory and the fulfillment the various members feel by being unrestrained to express their attraction to others in the "polycule", both intimate and platonic.

What I didn't see anywhere was the word "compersion", which is the honest pleasure taken in your intimate partners' intimate pleasures with others. OTOH, I had never heard of "polycule", a portmanteau of "polyamory" and "molecule", the molecule part describing a whole composed of smaller discrete units (atoms).

A very, very interesting read! If you don't have a subscription to get to this article, you can sign-up for limited free access.
The New York Times Magazine has a surprisingly detailed article consisting of interviews of the members of a polyamory group, which they call a "polycule":

My wife brought this to my attention, knowing that I primarily write about polyamory situations. I was taken aback by how close my fantasy stories resemble the real thing, though I spend very little time on the negatives outlined in the article. Well, I say "negatives", but the article was absolutely positive about polyamory and the fulfillment the various members feel by being unrestrained to express their attraction to others in the "polycule", both intimate and platonic.

What I didn't see anywhere was the word "compersion", which is the honest pleasure taken in your intimate partners' intimate pleasures with others. OTOH, I had never heard of "polycule", a portmanteau of "polyamory" and "molecule", the molecule part describing a whole composed of smaller discrete units (atoms).

A very, very interesting read! If you don't have a subscription to get to this article, you can sign-up for limited free access.
There was compersion mentioned!

I don't *think* I know any of them... But interesting that The Ethical Slut is still the recommended book on the subject - it's very good, but also very much 80s American hippy. Nothing wrong with that, but that aspect does put a lot of people off. I had dinner with Dossie Easton once - she'd be the first to confirm that yes, she was indeed an old hippy.

The really key part of the book is the two-page spread "How to Fuck Up", and is mostly applicable to any relationship - anyone adhering to the letter rather than the spirit of a relationship rule is probably not committed to a relation with you, for example.
I use the word “polyamorous,” though "relationship anarchist" is probably a more accurate representation.

A very interesting article. Part of me wishes I was emotionally secure enough to consider something like that.