New here and nervous about my first attempt


Rank Amateur
Apr 29, 2024
I joined a couple of weeks ago and am trying to finish what I hope to be my first submission. I think it's pretty good, but I am a bit biased. It's definitely not as good as many of the stories l've read here and I've shared with my wife. There are some very talented writers here. The reasons I am here at Lit are long but l've shared the basics on my Profile. If anyone really wants to know, I can share that openly. I just don't want this thread to turn into that. I'm trying to get past my fears of posting my first attempt.

The things that are worrying me are this...

  1. I am not a writer or an author. I'm a storyteller. When I share a story there are different inflections of voice and facial expression. I don't know how to put that emphasis on paper. I've told stories to large audiences and small, but the stories I would even think about sharing here I would only share with my wife.
  2. I don't even know if I have a writing style, let alone what one really is. Each story I've ever shared was never really thought out. It sort of "wrote" itself based on the reaction of my audience. Each story had a "life" of its own. Each had its own style.
  3. My absolute biggest concern, especially as a new member here and not an accomplishment writer, is the whole Al thing. I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technology. I'm writing my story on an iPad (my first "tablet") and in Notes because it was already on there. But it sounds as if some true writers are having problems with this Al thing. I'm feeling like I really don't stand a chance of getting it published. I'm sure it will take some time because I'm not a known quantity here and it will be my first try and I'm okay with that. But the whole Al thing is making me question if this is worth the headaches I've been reading about in the forums for the past few months. (Yes, I've "lurked" this site for a long time.)

My wife and I have shared reading stories from Lit for a long time now. Physical intimacy sometimes isn't in the cards. She has some health problems and I'm beginning to feel my age. We are deeply committed to each other and we do take advantage of those times when we are both feeling good.
We've found other ways to stay intimate on different levels. She has wanted me to share some of the stories l've concocted here. I guess it's akin to folks that have taken pictures of their "significant others " for themselves, but are thinking about the excitement of submitting them online for total strangers to see.

Any advice for a true amateur like me..

1 & 2, just start from where you are. You can read a thousand books to get a feel for how good writing should be - and you should - but until you try it yourself, you won't gain the experience to figure out how to create it yourself. Nothing beats experience, and there is only one way to get it.
3. Is a relatively rare event, and not something you have any control of either way. If it happens, read the threads here on how to deal with it. Don't let it scare you off.

Put a link to your submissions page in your sig here so we can all check it out, and good luck.

My wife and I have shared reading stories from Lit for a long time now.
I got some really nice comments on a couple of my stories recently that appeared to be the same, an older couple reading my stories together. If that was by some chance you, thank you. If not, leave those authors a comment letting them know. It's really nice to hear.
Can I say, first and foremost, that just by reading the ways in which you've articulated yourself and your perspective in this thread, I can already tell you don't have too much reason to be worried. I'd happily bet now that your story is indeed good, and it's not just your bias talking.

Your concerns are still valid. Just remember that writing is still fundamentally storytelling. There are a wide variety of styles in the world of fiction, and some feel more like 'storytelling' than others. Think of old literature: Homer and Virgil. These are very much stories being told more so than being explored in the more common modern sense. They're on a macro scale, and time passes under a few careful words from the narrator.

The point being: campfire stories are super cosy, and lots of people love that style. You don't have to explore your characaters' lives from a close-perspective POV. You can tell their story on the page like you would out loud. And yes, it can be difficult to get across your meaning without inflection or expression. I'd recommend reading your work out loud if it doesn't feel too awkward; try to gauge the tone of the words when they're standing on their own. Word choice is everything. So is practice.

In any case, don't worry about developing your own style. That sort of thing is abstract. Do I have my own style? Maybe. But it's not something that I consciously think about while I write. It just happens, the same way your stories each took on a "life" of their own automatically. It sounds like you're a good storyteller, so just focus on telling the story and you might find yourself falling into a comfortable writing rhythm. Most importantly just stick at it, and if you're writing passionately then it will come across in the final work!!

(As for the AI thing, it can feel like an omnipresent issue when looking at this forum, but those stories which get wrongly rejected are in fact in a rare minority. It is unlikely to happen, so I think you should cross that bridge when (if) you come to it. The general consensus seems to be to avoid intrusive editing or grammar tools.)
Thank you both for the encouragement.

Another part of my problem is that when I tell a story there aren't any "do overs". I heard it said in a movie (Scent of a Woman maybe?) "If you get tangled up, just Tango on." When I write, I re-read and make changes and edits. Usually because after being away from the story for a few days, I have a new idea or twist that sounds better or is just more interesting to me. I play the stories out in my head on my drive to work and try and put them on paper every couple of nights. I hate spelling errors in writing and try to fix grammar errors manually. About the only electronic help I use is hitting the predictive words at the top of the keyboard because it saves my old fingers from hitting more keys.

My vernacular in a forum is different from my storytelling. I can be "well spoken" in a forum, but to use the same language and style to tell a story would be so dry, I would lose my audience in the first five minutes. I'm not nearly as articulate in a story.

I'll work on finishing the first one and give it a go. I've got plenty of ideas rattling around in the back of my mind and some rough outlines. Like most of my stories, there's usually a small thread of truth in them. That's where they start.

Thank you again.
I echo the previous advice you have received and wish you luck. I hope you will share your stories here in the near future.
Another part of my problem is that when I tell a story there aren't any "do overs" .... When I write, I re-read and make changes and edits.
Sure, putting it down in internet bits and bytes makes it more or less permanent. I know the feeling of wanting to endlessly tweak it, but be wary of overdoing that, you can work it to death and wear it out.

I doubt you need to worry so much, but I get that nervousness, those jitters of getting it just right. Get the spelling and grammar and stuff right, but as to the tweaking of the ideas of it, you'll never write a perfect story, so at some point, you have to just call it a wrap and push the button. Like ripping off a band-aid, just do it. It might be a good story, or even a great one, but you'll never know until it hits the streets and other people get their hands on it. Use that new idea as the basis for the next one.

We'll try to be gentle for your first time :)

Oh, and you think you're nervous about posting it, wait till your stomach gets tied in knots as you refresh your dashboard every two minutes looking for that next vote, comment, or favorite. Bwahahahah!
I joined a couple of weeks ago and am trying to finish what I hope to be my first submission. I think it's pretty good, but I am a bit biased. It's definitely not as good as many of the stories l've read here and I've shared with my wife. There are some very talented writers here. The reasons I am here at Lit are long but l've shared the basics on my Profile. If anyone really wants to know, I can share that openly. I just don't want this thread to turn into that. I'm trying to get past my fears of posting my first attempt.

The things that are worrying me are this...

  1. I am not a writer or an author. I'm a storyteller. When I share a story there are different inflections of voice and facial expression. I don't know how to put that emphasis on paper. I've told stories to large audiences and small, but the stories I would even think about sharing here I would only share with my wife.
  2. I don't even know if I have a writing style, let alone what one really is. Each story I've ever shared was never really thought out. It sort of "wrote" itself based on the reaction of my audience. Each story had a "life" of its own. Each had its own style.
  3. My absolute biggest concern, especially as a new member here and not an accomplishment writer, is the whole Al thing. I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technology. I'm writing my story on an iPad (my first "tablet") and in Notes because it was already on there. But it sounds as if some true writers are having problems with this Al thing. I'm feeling like I really don't stand a chance of getting it published. I'm sure it will take some time because I'm not a known quantity here and it will be my first try and I'm okay with that. But the whole Al thing is making me question if this is worth the headaches I've been reading about in the forums for the past few months. (Yes, I've "lurked" this site for a long time.)

My wife and I have shared reading stories from Lit for a long time now. Physical intimacy sometimes isn't in the cards. She has some health problems and I'm beginning to feel my age. We are deeply committed to each other and we do take advantage of those times when we are both feeling good.
We've found other ways to stay intimate on different levels. She has wanted me to share some of the stories l've concocted here. I guess it's akin to folks that have taken pictures of their "significant others " for themselves, but are thinking about the excitement of submitting them online for total strangers to see.

Any advice for a true amateur like me..

Stay true to yourself!
Sometimes one just has to tell oneself "if it's imperfect, well so what?" and post the damn thing anyway. It's great to have high standards but not to the point where they suppress one's output altogether. Especially when you're new to this style of writing, you'll probably do best to knock a few stories out and figure out your voice as you go along rather than trying to decide it all up front.

Re. AI rejections, there's a huge volume of discussion about it but what we actually know is pretty scanty. Some authors are getting stories rejected for AI, some aren't, almost everything beyond that is speculation. Your best bet is to forget about it for now, don't let it affect how you write, and post something. If you get an AI rejection then you can revisit the issue but until then, it's not likely to be helpful focussing on it.
Write something, publish it, see where you stand. At the very least you'll have a baseline. See how the reader respond, hope for some constructive criticism, see what parts of the process and the product you enjoy most.

And if you hate the reactions, you can always ask Laurel to remove the story again.
Welcome and good luck!

There's a lot to be said for writing a story the way you would tell a story: the speaker at the bar telling the barman about the experience he/she just had that he/she can't quite believe; the confession to a friend/flatmate about the details of the night before.

Most importantly, have fun!
I won't repeat the advice of other, but simply add: Listen to your story.

Run it through a text-to-speech application or website and hear how it sounds to you. Do the words flow the way that you want them to? Are the pauses and breaks in the right places and do the emotions or inflections implied by your words fit the mood you want? To a large degree, punctuation and spacing will influence these things and you can adjust for those in your writing.

Listen also to the vocabulary in your story. Some authors have a tendency to use different words when writing than they would when speaking. Focus on what you want your readers to "hear" when they read your words and how you want them to hear it. When telling a story, do you want your listeners to have to jump up to research the words you are using?
Since you asked, I'll pontificate about a few things.

1. First, some people here have monetized their work, but on the site itself I'd define all of us as "amateurs" in the sense that we are not being paid.

2. "Talent" is an abstraction unless put to some use; I'd go with Thomas Edison's "99% perspiration" idea. Thus, at best, other writers here may be more experienced, not more talented.

3. "Style" is another abstraction. There's no reason that all of your stories have to have the same style, whatever that is.
  1. My absolute biggest concern, especially as a new member here and not an accomplishment writer, is the whole Al thing. I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technology. I'm writing my story on an iPad (my first "tablet") and in Notes because it was already on there. But it sounds as if some true writers are having problems with this Al thing. I'm feeling like I really don't stand a chance of getting it published. I'm sure it will take some time because I'm not a known quantity here and it will be my first try and I'm okay with that. But the whole Al thing is making me question if this is worth the headaches I've been reading about in the forums for the past few months. (Yes, I've "lurked" this site for a long time.)

Any advice for a true amateur like me..


The AI issue is more of a problem from the perspective of the site; the authors merely get caught up in it. The site has a single person who "vets" all stories. (I doubt that will ever change.) In recent months, more stories have been sent back on charges on "being written by AI." Possibly that's an overreaction on the part of the site, but that's another thing we can't change. It seems like "on appeal," most of the authors do get the story published on the second attempt.
Write for yourself, not for scores or comments and certainly not to comply with anyone else's rules. Have fun and, if reviews are favourable, that's a bonus. Good luck!
Just dive into the pool. You'll get wet, but so does everybody else. We've all been there. I think it bodes well that you see yourself as a "storyteller," because that's what most readers want here. They want a good story. They can forgive technical mistakes here and there if the story is good. Tell a good story, do the best you can, and most of all, have fun, because this can be a lot of fun.
Welcome, welcome!!!
For sure Literotica does not require that we all be fully formed authors. I just hope to find like minded people and don't pay much attention to numbers of comments and ratings. You're more likely to get feedback and support from the AH forum than the story side.
I joined a couple of weeks ago and am trying to finish what I hope to be my first submission. I think it's pretty good, but I am a bit biased. It's definitely not as good as many of the stories l've read here and I've shared with my wife. There are some very talented writers here. The reasons I am here at Lit are long but l've shared the basics on my Profile. If anyone really wants to know, I can share that openly. I just don't want this thread to turn into that. I'm trying to get past my fears of posting my first attempt.

The things that are worrying me are this...

  1. I am not a writer or an author. I'm a storyteller. When I share a story there are different inflections of voice and facial expression. I don't know how to put that emphasis on paper. I've told stories to large audiences and small, but the stories I would even think about sharing here I would only share with my wife.
This is a great place for that reason. There are not a lot of venues where you can share these particular stories. Go for it!
  1. I don't even know if I have a writing style, let alone what one really is. Each story I've ever shared was never really thought out. It sort of "wrote" itself based on the reaction of my audience. Each story had a "life" of its own. Each had its own style.
If you want to work on your authorial skills you can find opportunities here (AH) and in Story Feedback. And maybe other places. Read the posts that talk about writing and jump in.
  1. My absolute biggest concern, especially as a new member here and not an accomplishment writer, is the whole Al thing. I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technology. I'm writing my story on an iPad (my first "tablet") and in Notes because it was already on there. But it sounds as if some true writers are having problems with this Al thing. I'm feeling like I really don't stand a chance of getting it published. I'm sure it will take some time because I'm not a known quantity here and it will be my first try and I'm okay with that. But the whole Al thing is making me question if this is worth the headaches I've been reading about in the forums for the past few months. (Yes, I've "lurked" this site for a long time.)
Using an IPad and Notes does not put you in the world of AI. Unfortunately, no one here knows why some stories get flagged undeservedly. Try not to think about it.
My wife and I have shared reading stories from Lit for a long time now. Physical intimacy sometimes isn't in the cards. She has some health problems and I'm beginning to feel my age. We are deeply committed to each other and we do take advantage of those times when we are both feeling good.
My 88 year old hubby and I (80) get happy about every 6 weeks with Cialis. I really feel for the people who lived before Viagra and Cialis.
We've found other ways to stay intimate on different levels. She has wanted me to share some of the stories l've concocted here. I guess it's akin to folks that have taken pictures of their "significant others " for themselves, but are thinking about the excitement of submitting them online for total strangers to see.

Any advice for a true amateur like me..

Welcome and Go for it!!!!
Thank you both for the encouragement.
Hint. If you name the people you are addressing with a @ in front of their names, they'll know your addressing them. If you're just addressing one person, use Reply, and keep enough of their post showing so their name shows. Again, they'll know you addressed them.
From someone still pretty new here. The Endorphins you get from readers commenting and liking and favoriting your story is like no other. Go for it!
From someone not so new here, I can tell you the endorphins from readers commenting and liking never gets old. Best of luck to you in your writing endeavors on Lit!
I joined a couple of weeks ago and am trying to finish what I hope to be my first submission. I think it's pretty good, but I am a bit biased. It's definitely not as good as many of the stories l've read here and I've shared with my wife. There are some very talented writers here. The reasons I am here at Lit are long but l've shared the basics on my Profile. If anyone really wants to know, I can share that openly. I just don't want this thread to turn into that. I'm trying to get past my fears of posting my first attempt.

The things that are worrying me are this...

  1. I am not a writer or an author. I'm a storyteller. When I share a story there are different inflections of voice and facial expression. I don't know how to put that emphasis on paper. I've told stories to large audiences and small, but the stories I would even think about sharing here I would only share with my wife.
  2. I don't even know if I have a writing style, let alone what one really is. Each story I've ever shared was never really thought out. It sort of "wrote" itself based on the reaction of my audience. Each story had a "life" of its own. Each had its own style.
  3. My absolute biggest concern, especially as a new member here and not an accomplishment writer, is the whole Al thing. I'm a bit of a Luddite when it comes to technology. I'm writing my story on an iPad (my first "tablet") and in Notes because it was already on there. But it sounds as if some true writers are having problems with this Al thing. I'm feeling like I really don't stand a chance of getting it published. I'm sure it will take some time because I'm not a known quantity here and it will be my first try and I'm okay with that. But the whole Al thing is making me question if this is worth the headaches I've been reading about in the forums for the past few months. (Yes, I've "lurked" this site for a long time.)

My wife and I have shared reading stories from Lit for a long time now. Physical intimacy sometimes isn't in the cards. She has some health problems and I'm beginning to feel my age. We are deeply committed to each other and we do take advantage of those times when we are both feeling good.
We've found other ways to stay intimate on different levels. She has wanted me to share some of the stories l've concocted here. I guess it's akin to folks that have taken pictures of their "significant others " for themselves, but are thinking about the excitement of submitting them online for total strangers to see.

Any advice for a true amateur like me..

Welcome! I'm definitely newer here myself, within the last six months. I think everyone has covered most of what I'd say, except for the fact that some of the really nasty reviews came as a bit of a shock to me. It wasn't until I started reading here - and really looking at other comments on other, perfectly fine stories - that I understood it's just part of the game, not a reflection on you.

I think that's all I would add though, that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Looking forward to reading your work!
So…after all the kind words, advice, and encouragement I sat down and finished writing my first attempt. I’ll read it again tomorrow and see how it sounds. Then I’ll copy it into the submission form, cross my fingers, and hit the button and wait. Unless there’s something I’m forgetting or don’t know about how to submit a story. I’ll check the FAQ’s first to get it right. I’ll leave it alone until I hear it’s been published. Does Lit send an email when it’s published? I don’t get back here everyday.

Even though it takes place outside between two people who know each other but have never “been together “ I think the safest place would be to submit it to Erotic Encounters. They don’t want to be seen and they aren’t virgins so I guess that eliminates Exhibitionist/Voyeur and First Time.

I read once that every journey starts with the first step. Well…here’s to first steps.

Thanks again @everyone.
Congratulations! It's a great feeling when you finish that first story. It's an even greater feeling when you submit it. Then when it's published you feel great, and you wait to see how many people have clicked it, and then the very first reader rates it and... either your heart sinks, or you're bouncing off the ceiling. And then another reader rates it, and so on.

A few tips before you submit it.

As a professional editor, I recommend using Read Aloud (or another text-to-speech program) to catch the final mistakes. Take your time, sit down and watch the grey highlight skip from word to word. You can adjust the speed, which makes it more bearable, but it's still mindnumbingly boring. But it's worth it because you'll always catch a few embarrassing mistakes.

Another tip is to start thinking about your description line (a maximum of 60 characters, I believe), and what tags you want to use. It's really frustrating when you want to submit your story, but you can't decide on the best tags.

When you've submitted your story, Laurel will review it. It will be appear under your "Pending" tab. Once it's approved, the grey "Pending" label will change to an orange "New" label, with a date beside it. Your story will appear on that date, at about 7am GMT (although the "New stories" lists usually appear at about 7.30am).

To get eyes on it straight away, I suggest posting a link in New Stories Advertisements (in Story Feedback) and What have you posted recently (here in the Hangout).

Another tip, and this might be slightly controversial, is to rate your own story during that half hour between when it's published (7am) and when the New Stories lists go live (7.30am). That way, when people look at the lists, your story is more likely to catch their eye. (It can take a while for the scores to update, which is why I recommend doing it during that grace period.)

Good luck! And don't overthink it. :)