More intense because ... I wasn't there or because there was more emotional connection or both?


Jul 20, 2012
My first cuckold relationship I never got to be there. In truth it wasn't technically cuckold. She was actively dating other guys, sometimes just to enjoy cock and eventually with more connection in mind (it was sometimes difficult to tell what she actually wanted - she probably didn't know). I was crazy about her and she expressed love for me as well.

It drove me wild knowing she was going on a date, waiting to hear from her or sometimes not hearing from her for some time, and then finding out what she'd been up to. Being surprised with a selfie from another guy's bed after shed been fucked. How shed fucked one guy and needed more so fucked another.

Later I had a dated a woman that was into cuckolding me. I found her a guy, they got drinks to check the vibe and she brought him back and fucked in front of me. It was hot, but it didn't put me in that same intoxicated space.

My current partner has also told me about her dates, the more she tells me things she loved and how turned on she was. Once even the description of a deep intimate kiss that made her swoon made be ravage her - cumming twice without going soft.

I can't be sure if it's the emotional connection or that not being there leaves more to the imagination? I'm sure emotional connection instensifies it, but does not being there make it more or less intense for me?
There is a different vibe to both scenarios. I have been friends with several couples in cuckold relationships, and sometimes the wife will deliberately choose the scenario that drives her husband the craziest. But, in every relationship I know of, there was intense love between the wife and her husband. So it was all done out of love.
She told me she was going out with her old boyfriend on a "friendly" date. It was intense torture for me because in spite of her promises, I knew she was going to fuck him because she always told me he was very good in bed, and I also knew there was still remnants of an emotional connection. That was an intense night.
No matter how it is done, a loving cuckold relationship can be an emotional rollercoaster. The secret to making it work is the loving bond between the husband and wife.
Sometimes sex is more mental than physical so I can imagine that waiting at home while the wife is out on a date could be more exciting for the guy than actually being there and watching. We have done both and my husband says it would be hard to choose which is best. He loves to watch but the anticipation of my coming home and telling him about it was special too.
without a doubt not being there is the most intense agony for me.often the simple fact that she is late getting home makes me crazy. the look in her eyes the smile or half smile when she does get home
without a doubt not being there is the most intense agony for me.often the simple fact that she is late getting home makes me crazy. the look in her eyes the smile or half smile when she does get home
Have you ever picked her up from a date. That adds a little twist to the concept. Her coming out of his place after being freshly fucked. You could probably smell the sex on her when she gets into the car and certainly see the glow on her face.
I have never thought of that. i will have to find a good time to ask if that would ever be a possibility. My wife is rightfully very possessive of her time with her dates.