More Good News from Michigan

So, they need an emergency manager because the ones that were elected can't do the job.

And what does it have to do with unions.

The managers made a deal with the workers/unions to pay them a specified amount, now through MISmanagement they can't live up to their end of the bargain.
So, they need an emergency manager because the ones that were elected can't do the job.

And what does it have to do with unions.

The managers made a deal with the workers/unions to pay them a specified amount, now through MISmanagement they can't live up to their end of the bargain.

Prove it. :D
LOL, you fucking little twit

It is the will of the people

no, i live here and i know. the people voted to throw the old law out and the assholes responded by writing a new law the was only marginally different and written in such a manner as to make it impossible for the voters to repeal it again. in short, it's crybaby, anti-democratic horseshit by a bunch of losers.
Where do you get that supporting parasitic unions is the will of the people.

Those thugs who assaulted people don't represent MI. Gov Snyder like Scott Walker is supporting the real working people.
Where do you get that supporting parasitic unions is the will of the people.

Those thugs who assaulted people don't represent MI. Gov Snyder like Scott Walker is supporting the real working people.

Where do you guys get off.
Unions negitiate contracts. All the get is what the government agrees to.

If its too much and unaffordable, don't fucking agree to it.

Going back on a contract just shows you don't know what you were doing in the first place.
They took the easy way out...fucking city managers
Where do you guys get off.
Unions negitiate contracts. All the get is what the government agrees to.

If its too much and unaffordable, don't fucking agree to it.

Going back on a contract just shows you don't know what you were doing in the first place.
They took the easy way out...fucking city managers

But selling the load of shit kept them in office. ;)
Becaause the tax payers are not reprsented in the negoiation. The tax payers have to pay for these pensions.

So let them declare bankrupcy void the contract and pensions. The needsof the many out wiegh the needs of the few.
^^^^MORON. The will of the people put the repubs in office.;)
So let's sum it up.

The will of the people of Benton Harbor put Democrats in charge.

But the will of the people of Michigan put Republicans in charge. So they can ignore the will of the people of Benton Harbor and replace the Democrats with their own guys.

Fair enough.

The will of the people of America put Obama in charge. Ergo...