

Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
What does "morality" mean to you? Who are the "moral" people? What and where is the "moral highground?" Do you find yourself there from time to time?

I have observed that some of the most difficult discussions here and in real life are those that seem to offend our sense of morality.

Morality is extremely specific to each individual, so I am asking you to give it some thought and tell us what is morality to you?

Can you define your morals?
Morals?? This is a porn site isn't it?

(OK, I'm nice to animals and children. I don't believe in murder. I have nothing but contempt for wife beaters and abusers. I have faith in the goodness of people unless they prove me wrong.)

Is that moral enough?
MissTaken said:
What does "morality" mean to you? Who are the "moral" people? What and where is the "moral highground?" Do you find yourself there from time to time?

I have observed that some of the most difficult discussions here and in real life are those that seem to offend our sense of morality.

Morality is extremely specific to each individual, so I am asking you to give it some thought and tell us what is morality to you?

Can you define your morals?

Hi lady!

Can you narrow this down a little? I have PMS today, and well, you know what those hormones do to the brain and mine is already challenged, so well...?:D

Are you asking what is black and white to us, and what is gray? What we believe is right, and who sets the perfect example of "right" to us?
MissTaken said:
Who decides whether or not you are a moral person?


Being an agnostic, I have no idea who's going to decide and really don't care. As long as I'm content with myself I'm happy.
Do Unto Others

That's something I stick with. I'm not sure exactly where the line is drawn for my morals, but as a Rule of Thumb I try to treat others as I would like to be treated.

I don't approve of Incest, but some people that have experienced it enjoyed it. If it feels good, do it only if you would be willing to get it right back. If not, don't.

Re: Re: Morality

intrigued said:
Hi lady!

Can you narrow this down a little? I have PMS today, and well, you know what those hormones do to the brain and mine is already challenged, so well...?:D

Are you asking what is black and white to us, and what is gray? What we believe is right, and who sets the perfect example of "right" to us?

Hi, hon,
I don't know if I can narrow it down. I have been thinking about this for a few days and can't answer it myself, yet.


Main Entry: 1mor·al
Pronunciation: 'mor-&l, 'mär-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
Date: 14th century
1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL <moral judgments> b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e : capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>

~~~So, who determines "right and wrong" behavior?

Who sets the standards of right and wrong behavior?

How did you arrive at these answers?

:) It isn't easy, is it?
"And harm ye none, do as ye will."

The bottom line of my morals is that I always try to think about the consequences of my actions before I do them. I may slip from time to time, but I always try again.
Without getting into the sociology of morality, I'd have to say I base my morality on how I hope to be treated by others.

It's not a perfect system, but at least I know if I treat people the way I hope to be treated in return, I'm not likely to step too far out of bounds.

Respect, and good old-fashioned common courtesy play the biggest parts. With a small dose of cynicism, just to keep from being taken advantage of.
Morality is a value that you change and adapt to every situation as need be, there is no one constant morality for all things. Mostly you make it up as you go.
MissTaken said:
Can you define your morals?
ALmost all (all that I can think of) of my morals derive from two principles (not in order of precedence, which varies with context):

1) To seek the truth.

2) To treat other people the way I wish to be treated - and to ask the same of others.

Almost everything in my philosophy, my political thought, my "morals", my ethics, even my religious thought, is based on those two principles. Someone can ask me my stance on just about any issue, I can then state it and usually be able to show how that stance is based on those two principles. I have found that if you keep such rules simple, logical, consistent and small in number - you can apply them to just about any context or situation.
How would you say your morals affect your interaction with others?

And, do you use the "Do unto others " rule to measure someone else's morals?
Re: Re: Re: Morality

MissTaken said:
Hi, hon,
I don't know if I can narrow it down. I have been thinking about this for a few days and can't answer it myself, yet.


Main Entry: 1mor·al
Pronunciation: 'mor-&l, 'mär-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
Date: 14th century
1 a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL <moral judgments> b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c : conforming to a standard of right behavior d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e : capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>

~~~So, who determines "right and wrong" behavior?

Who sets the standards of right and wrong behavior?

How did you arrive at these answers?

:) It isn't easy, is it?

lol, I sure do appreciate that dictionary entry, dear.;)

OK, through my fog, I'll give it a go.

"~~~So, who determines "right and wrong" behavior?"

I'll state the obvious first...society (family, school, church) instills a great deal of the basics from the moment we enter the world. Through the way we (as infants) are handled and treated by our parents and those in our immediate invironment, we learn what "feels" good/bad. As we develop, we learn what is expected of us...what we should do, how we should think, and how to respond to people and situations. This is when conflict begins. From this point on, we begin to practice trial and error, and learn consequences. As a result of all these influences, that little voice inside (or, our "conscious") begins to develop, and we learn the tools by which we are expected to determine "right and wrong".
In this sense, I believe that initially it is a combination of society, and our own ability to ascertain what "feels" good, versus what will gain approval as being "good and right". As we begin to experience life, the concept of what is right and wrong begins to take shape, and stick.

"Who sets the standards between right and wrong behavior?"

While the influence of society's standards still shape me, it becomes something that I weigh individually through what my own experiences have taught me and what the laws of the land dictate....degrees of "right and wrong" and lots of shades of gray. It is very hard for me to just stamp "right" or "wrong" on anything other than the taking of a life, violence against people and animals, and abuse. I am far too understanding and have seen way too much to not temper compassion and understanding of what makes people behave as they do, with what society deems wrong. I am always wondering "why", trying to understand, and finding myself so damn releived that it is not I that has to judge and hand out punishment.
In all matters of a personal nature that affect me, its how something hits me instictively, how it makes me feel that determines how I call it. Then I have to determine the intent of the person, and how they are presenting themselves in the light of their "wrong", and what they have to say about it.

There are so many issues I struggle with and though I may believe something is wrong fundamentally, I can still understand and accept that we make many mistakes, and why we make them. For instance, take shoplifting. I believe there are different kinds of shoplifters. I believe there are those that do it out of sickness, that cannot stop themselves, they do it to compulsion. I believe that there are those that do it just to do it, to get a thrill and get something for nothing. Then, I believe there are those that do so because of circumstance, such as the parent trying to feed or diaper a baby, and they have no money, no hope of getting money, and not a soul to turn to, FOR WHATEVER REASON. I don't care why. They are doing something that has to be done and they are doing it for their child. All three situations are wrong, but I can understand why they happen, with the exception of one case.

"How did you arrive at these answers?"

I'm sure it's something age related.

You also asked how we define our morals. The biggest rule I have is to not hurt someone else intentionally. To think I have or will is very serious to me. I make mistakes, but every situation I encounter, I approach with a great deal of thought and good intentions. Sometimes, there are no easy answers, you're gonna piss someone off, disappoint, or hurt them to some degree. Sometimes, because of this, I will do nothing, and thats almost as bad.
I try to live in a way that allows me peace.

Miss T, no, it is not easy for me. But, on the other hand, if you think along the lines of "right/wrong" and "good/bad" as religion dictates, as our government our parents dictate, it is crystal clear, huh?
Re: Re: Re: Morality

MissTaken said:

~~~So, who determines "right and wrong" behavior?

Who sets the standards of right and wrong behavior?

How did you arrive at these answers?

:) It isn't easy, is it?

In general I do. I decide what constitutes right and wrong and then I judge others based on that. For me, it has a lot to do with would I like to be treated like that? Would I like to be treated like shit just because I work at a fast food place? No, so I try to be nice to people. I feel that abuse is wrong, because there are no positives. No one walks away from being abused saying, "that was really good". Same with rape.

Mostly I find life to be a lot of grey areas and case by case issues. What is ok in one situation may not be in another.

I'm not christian so I don't believe in some higher power that is going to spiritually spank me for doing something wrong. I also believe, in the same vein that merely saying I'm sorry and a few outdated prayers erases any stain from my "soul" that I may have caused by an act of cruelty, for example. I grew up Catholic and found it very hypocritical and full of too-pat answers. I prefer to struggle for myself.

It isn't easy, and it has to be something you're willing to change. Things I thought were 100% wrong 5 years ago are no longer necessarily wrong in my eyes, depending on context.

I honestly think that morality has become too simple a phrase in American society. It adds imaginary weight to an argument, and most often complicates an issue rather than coming up with an answer. For example, should we be very honest and frank with our kids about sex? And beyond that, is it okay to have that talk with someone else's kid if they aren't getting the info they need at home? Depends on the context...if I'm teaching a high school class I might want to give out that information, but I can't because I would lose my job. If it's my daughter's boyfriend, and I've just caught them having unprotected sex, I'm not going to call his parents and expect them to give him all the information...I'd talk to both of them (although in my case, any child of mine would already have the information and would get a stern lecture beyond the talk). Point being, I often hear discussions about sex talks invoking the word morals and morality, but too often the men (and it's usually men) using those turns mean their morals and their morality, which I have no use for (example, abstinence until way in hell. I would strongly encourage my children to have sex before's easier to walk away from a physically dissatisfying relationship than it is to get a divorce....and also it would cause people to get married much too early)

Just examples and my 2 one has to agree with me
MissTaken said:
What does "morality" mean to you? Who are the "moral" people? What and where is the "moral highground?" Do you find yourself there from time to time?

I have observed that some of the most difficult discussions here and in real life are those that seem to offend our sense of morality.

Morality is extremely specific to each individual, so I am asking you to give it some thought and tell us what is morality to you?

Can you define your morals?

All Morality is to me is the following of my own set of morals... completely chosen by me, not of those outside of my sphere of influence. My personal morals basically follow along the lines of D&D Alignment of Lawful evil... for those of you who don't know what that means...I know this is just going to add to the ammunition to those who think I'm arrogant beyond comprehension, and you're probably right, but I don't care. Anyway, this is Lawful Evil, and it fits me to a T... including the killing and torture. If I was ever in a situation that required it, I wouldn't balk at it... remember, the second word is EVIL.

Lawful Evil
1. Always keeps his word of honor.
2. Lies and cheats those not worthy of his respect.
3. May or may not kill an unarmed foe.
4. Never kill an innocent but will harm, harass or kidnap.
5. Never torture for pleasure but will to extract information.
6. Never kills for pleasure - always has a reason.
7. May or may not help someone in need.
8. Respects honor and self-discipline. Has no time for the law.
9. Will work with others to attain his goals.
10. May take dirty money.
11. Never betray a friend.
As outdated as it seems these days, my moral code comes from a purely religious authority. I live it as well as I am able and when I do not, I live to the consequences of my actions as well.

Of course I consider others I meet by my own moral code. It's not all that hard to follow in the most part and I figure if there's someone out there that can't stick to the basics of being a decent, thoughtful, and considerate person (which is one of the most important parts of my moral code) then they have a character problem and I don't need them around.
GREAT thread, Sweets!

The Heretic said it more concisely than I would have - I'm about precisely in step - with the exception that, as a Believer, my Truth comes from God. Not uncritically, but using my God-given Free Will to discern what my choice should be in an ethical/moral dilemma situation.

so "God" has come into the discussion.

Do you judge others based on your own moral code?

To what degree would you do this?
Just to be different.. I'll say that we each set our own "morality". Society and religion influnce how we each shape our morality but we do it ourselves.

When we take offense to something that is our outward signal to society that something happened that breached our moral code. Our own inner signal of our transgressions would be "guilt".
MissTaken said:

so "God" has come into the discussion.

Do you judge others based on your own moral code?

To what degree would you do this?

I don't judge people on my own moral code... because I know I'm a freak, and not many people have my morals... What I DO judge people on is how well they are convicted to their own morals (as it indicates a sense of Honor, which I value more than anything) and their ability to be open minded and intelligent.
Re: GREAT thread, Sweets!

Jimi6996 said:
The Heretic said it more concisely than I would have - I'm about precisely in step - with the exception that, as a Believer, my Truth comes from God.
Since I am a Christian I believe that my truth also comes from God. How that truth comes to me from God is via my God given reason (as in rational thought). I believe that God is truth - if He isn't, then he isn't God (if that doesn't make sense to anyone I will explain it in more detail).

Therefore, by saying that I seek the truth I am also saying that I also seeking God.
Re: Re: GREAT thread, Sweets!

The Heretic said:
Since I am a Christian I believe that my truth also comes from God. How that truth comes to me from God is via my God given reason (as in rational thought). I believe that God is truth - if He isn't, then he isn't God (if that doesn't make sense to anyone I will explain it in more detail).

Therefore, by saying that I seek the truth I am also saying that I also seeking God.

Precisely! :)
MissTaken said:

so "God" has come into the discussion.

Do you judge others based on your own moral code?

Judge is a sometimes too harsh a word - "observe" will also fit. Yes! How else can one decide with whom to associate, and at what "level" - or whom to avoid. Unless someone's externals are TOTALLY whacked, I tend initiallyto seek common ground, rather than focus on differences. in the end, though, although we can't see a person's true internals (motivation), we can, over time, get a pretty clear idea if they are harmful or helpful!

To what degree would you do this?

See Question above. :D