Monster Murders Child Over a Few Bucks and GJ Declines to Charge


Dec 31, 2009
There may already be a thread on this ... can't remember .....

Grieving mother attacks decision not to charge man who shot and killed her nine-year-old daughter

42 minutes ago
A grieving mother slammed a Texas grand jury after it declined to charge the man who accidentally shot and killed her daughter as he was attempting to target a robber. Gwen Alvarez spoke to the press after jurors in Harris County chose not to charge Tony Earls, ...

I hope she goes to civil court and hangs this bastard out to dry.
to be clear, i'm liking this, not the fact they refuse to charge him:

I hope she goes to civil court and hangs this bastard out to dry.
if she can afford to take him to court, that is *sighs*

the right to defend his property (his cash) trumps that little girl's life.

when enough people (carrying open or concealed) shoot enough innocent bystanders in 'defending their property' then maybe things will change. And by 'enough' i mean it actually impacting enough of the gun-toters, them losing or having loved ones maimed for life through another gun-toter's actions.

texas is shit.
i don't think he's a 'monster', either, just another fucking entitled gun-toter
That's because his actions weren't criminal, it was an accident apparently without intent. The consequences of that shot though are most likely actionable under civil law for wrongful death. So he could face heavy consequences going that route. If he was smart he have taken out a USCCA membership.
It wasn't accidental. Shithead pulled the trigger intentionally and a kid died. It doesn't matter that the kid wasn't the target.

You pull a trigger and an innocent dies, you go to jail. Period.
It wasn't accidental. Shithead pulled the trigger intentionally and a kid died. It doesn't matter that the kid wasn't the target.

You pull a trigger and an innocent dies, you go to jail. Period.
Only if you are charged and the jury finds you guilty.
A bullet killed an innocent. That's murder.
No, it isn't. Murder is a legal term. There has to be deliberation and premeditation. even second-degree murder in most jurisdictions requires conduct in activity prohibited by statute, like robbery, burglary, rape, arson, or kidnapping. It too requires malicious intent and premeditation. There may be more grounds for adding a murder charge to the perpetrator who caused this chain of events to play out the way they did.
Why can’t you pussy bitches be the targets of such events rather than being belligerent bitch ass cunts. Laws are laws. Your cunt feelings are meaningless.

Be mad at the criminal cocksucker who caused it by robbing an innocent person.

This butters person should be the first target. I suppose you’d actually have to leave your house first.

Some people don’t deserve to share breath with others.
Tell us you're a trumptard without saying you voted for trump. Lol
Ooh, I hit a nerve. 😁

Is that you, potato boi?
Lol what a scrub. I made the same post back at you yet my nerve was hit? How’s that work out for you? I dunno who you’re accusing me of being but you’re still a useless troll scrub with little to no purpose here. Nofx sucks too. They were fun when they tried to be the Dead Milkmen but they went full libtard and that was the end of them. Seems to be the case for most in that category.

Also I sure did vote for Trump in 2016. I abstained from the last one and I have no trouble admitting I regretted it but I knew that arrogant cunt would easily win my state so it mattered not. Trump should hang at this point but it doesn’t bode well for your poor attempt at an insult. Does that mean trump supporters are the only people with balls? How does that work out for you people?
Why can’t you pussy bitches be the targets of such events rather than being belligerent bitch ass cunts. Laws are laws. Your cunt feelings are meaningless.

Be mad at the criminal cocksucker who caused it by robbing an innocent person.

This butters person should be the first target. I suppose you’d actually have to leave your house first.

Some people don’t deserve to share breath with others.
oh my. histrionics on such a hot day.

breath: correct! wear a mask or quit breathing the same air as other people. in your case, perhaps not breathing is the best idea, period?
Sorry not looking for attention here so you can take your new lib word and shove it up your ass.

Keep up with spewing stories off MSN. How is it you people think you can say anything to anyone with thousands of posts and alts and whatever this is? Anyone else sees a slew of virtual failures.
I’ll mean really you have almost 80 thousand fucking posts. What reality can you possibly know?
Lol what a scrub. I made the same post back at you yet my nerve was hit? How’s that work out for you? I dunno who you’re accusing me of being but you’re still a useless troll scrub with little to no purpose here. Nofx sucks too. They were fun when they tried to be the Dead Milkmen but they went full libtard and that was the end of them. Seems to be the case for most in that category.

Also I sure did vote for Trump in 2016. I abstained from the last one and I have no trouble admitting I regretted it but I knew that arrogant cunt would easily win my state so it mattered not. Trump should hang at this point but it doesn’t bode well for your poor attempt at an insult. Does that mean trump supporters are the only people with balls? How does that work out for you people?
Yeah, I definitely hit a nerve. Lol You're a clown, trumptard. :)
