Mmmmmmm, vanilla ice cream



Kind of sad really...I have this yummy pint of vanilla ice cream sitting here and no one to lick it off of....any volunteers? :devil:
Keirena said:
Kind of sad really...I have this yummy pint of vanilla ice cream sitting here and no one to lick it off of....any volunteers? :devil:

*raising hand*

I'll be your huckleberry...
Hmmmm, :::thinks to herself::: a trip to San Diego might have to be planned ;)
Only if you drizzle butterscotch syrup on yourself and we can have a little sundae.

:::grinning from ear to ear:::Now THIS is getting interesting!
Hmmm vanilla ice cream being dribbled over a warm patch of your body then having your lover lick it off… *sigh* I need to get laid
Keirena said:
Kind of sad really...I have this yummy pint of vanilla ice cream sitting here and no one to lick it off of....any volunteers? :devil:

right here

you need a little carmel poured over you emmm I mean the ice cream
Yer fat fuck friend george is fond of ice cream. Perhaps you can both drop dead from cardiac arrest.
Keirena said:
Kind of sad really...I have this yummy pint of vanilla ice cream sitting here and no one to lick it off of....any volunteers? :devil:
Just vanilla? I was thinking we could spice the evening up a bit with some Rocky Road!
As long as i can lick the whip cream off you. ;)

And i will say to hell with my blood sugar.
GeorgeWBush said:
As long as i can lick the whip cream off you. ;)
There you go again you fat fuck, stop eating already. There is a food shortage in the world.