Missouri GOP Gov. Parson Pardons McCloskeys on Weapons Charges

If you recall the story, the "tree of knowledge" was a lie told by Satan to trick Eve into eating the apple.

No, God called it the same. And Satan did not lie about it at all. God lied, when he said they would die of eating it.
Nothing in the Bible suggests he was lying not God. And God's later actions heavily implied he feared humanity.
Nothing in the Bible suggests he was lying not God. And God's later actions heavily implied he feared humanity.

He confused the tongues at Babel because this dinky little tower He had to squint to see actually frightened Him.
Trump specifically condemned the WN's.

He was given the opportunity to do that, and instead he insisted there were "very fine people on both sides". Ergo Biden was telling the truth - he did say that.
Did the McCloskey's use deadly force? No.
So now we've reached the point where waving guns around isn't "using deadly force". Um, right.

Were the "protestors" trespassing on private property? Yes.
Quasi-private, but they probably didn't know that, and they were only on their way past the McCloskeys' house.

Given the histories of "mostly peaceful protests" over that period of time was it reasonable for the McCloskeys to be concerned over their property and themselves? Yes.

Only if they got their news from the same right-wing rags you do. Which, to be fair, they probably did.
So now we've reached the point where waving guns around isn't "using deadly force". Um, right.

Quasi-private, but they probably didn't know that, and they were only on their way past the McCloskeys' house.

Only if they got their news from the same right-wing rags you do. Which, to be fair, they probably did.

That's right Sparky, use means use. The mere act of brandishing is NOT use.

The property isn't "quasi-private", it's private. Even the street is private property. And ignorance is no excuse.

Go talk to the insurance companies that had to cough up for those "mostly peaceful protests."
Go talk to the insurance companies that had to cough up for those "mostly peaceful protests."

You can harp all you want on the exceptions to the rule, but they are still that. (And in many if not most cases, it wasn't the BLM protestors who turned violent, it was the counterprotestors - people like the McCloskeys, that is.)
Loser fucker's a real three percenter now .....

Mark McCloskey, who waved gun at protesters, garners just 3 percent of vote in GOP Senate primary

The Hill|54 minutes ago
Mark McCloskey, who became infamous in 2020 for waving a rifle at Black Lives Matter protesters who marched near his front lawn in St. Louis, lost his bid for a U.S. Senate seat in Missouri on

You can harp all you want on the exceptions to the rule, but they are still that. (And in many if not most cases, it wasn't the BLM protestors who turned violent, it was the counterprotestors - people like the McCloskeys, that is.)
It's interesting to note that recently an Antifa supporter was convicted of murder in Oregon.

Yet a search by both Google and Bing fail to turn up that news story. Further, results about Antifa violence are skewed heavily toward non-Antifa returns. And, despite me having personal knowledge of convictions and plea bargains of Antifa supporters, those stories are also missing even though they were reported on at the time.

The only thing I can say about this is; if you're relying on the internet to get your news, you're being manipulated because the results you're seeing are being falsified through omission.

Make of that what you will.
It's interesting to note that recently an Antifa supporter was convicted of murder in Oregon.

Yet a search by both Google and Bing fail to turn up that news story. Further, results about Antifa violence are skewed heavily toward non-Antifa returns. And, despite me having personal knowledge of convictions and plea bargains of Antifa supporters, those stories are also missing even though they were reported on at the time.

The only thing I can say about this is; if you're relying on the internet to get your news, you're being manipulated because the results you're seeing are being falsified through omission.

Make of that what you will.
Where do you get your information? #NewsForDumbFox