Missed connections: What could have been?


Literotica Guru
Jul 11, 2008
Ever wondered how it would have panned out with those missed connections where you did not act on it?

I have had a few over the years, some very close and some more distant ones and often wonder what could have been!

The closest one was sitting next to one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen (from Tunisia) on an international flight, watching a movie together and her leaning her head on me and sleeping.

She gave me a friendly kiss on the cheeks at the airport and I did not follow it up as much I should have as I wanted to be loyal to my gf at that time!
I try not to dwell on these too much. But I definitely have a few. Fortunately, I took a HUGE gamble on the one that would have bothered me forever if I didn't at least try, and it worked! I've been so incredibly lucky with a few others that would have bothered me if I didn't try something, in which they all worked out, so I really don't have many lingering regrets from the one's that I let get away.
Ever wondered how it would have panned out with those missed connections where you did not act on it?

I have had a few over the years, some very close and some more distant ones and often wonder what could have been!
You take all that energy you're putting in to wondering and ruminating, and you apply that energy to the next situation which comes up! So that you know what-if.
Two that come to mind:

First, after drinking and getting in an argument with friends, walking home along a four lane road. A car pulled up slowly, lowered window, and the male driver said "i give pretty good head if you're interested." I just smiled and said "no, i'm good", and he drove away. Never had gay experience before, but afterwards thought "hmmm....i wonder if...."

Second was a couple of years ago when a friend said "me and (wife's name) thought, if we were ever going to have a threesome, it would be with you." i again just smiled and said "that's funny!" Ugh. Not sure i would have been interested in having him around, but i bet he would have let me fuck her (and they got divorced not too long after, so maybe this was a "spice up our life" moment.)
Ran for a while with a buddy who was also just divorced and much more a swinger than I was, he definitely did more drugs than I did. Found myself with him and a very attractive black woman at her place late one night. The two of them started setting out the drugs and I said good night. I’m pretty sure he spent the night and that their twosome could have been a threesome of multiple possibilities.
I've had a few missed connections. I got to say they were all on me for not following through. But things worked out for me in the long run.
The biggest one I have is someone I still see on occasion. We were both in questionable marriages, but she got her 3 kids and that's what she wanted most, and what I wanted least. Our divorces weren't at the same time, but when her marriage fizzled, I still had to wonder....

She remarried last year and is ridiculously happy, and that truly brings me joy.

I wouldn't trade my second wife for anything.
I think back to my senior year of high school. Yes, we were both 18.

She had just got into a new relationship and i had been with someone for a couple months. One day she had asked me a question about giving blowjobs.

Now that i think about it, knowing we were both virgins at the time, maybe this would have been the time for me to suggest that we could practice with each other so that we wouldn't disappoint our current relationships.

I must have done something right. Still together after 31 years.
About a decade ago, I was talking to an old friend from college. We were going over the old gossip about who had been sleeping with who back in the day. At some point, he noted wistfully that it was odd that he and I never hooked up. I felt obligated to inform him that I suggested that we do it one night and that he turned me down. The baffled look on his face was priceless. He had been happily married for around ten years, so he had to choose wisely how to respond to this revelation. He went with something like, "We must have gotten our signals crossed, because back then I would have jumped at the chance." I told him that I was surprised at the time, but that I ended up hooking up with a mutual friend (who I inappropriately named). I could see his heart sink at the thought of so and so getting laid and not him.
About a decade ago, I was talking to an old friend from college. We were going over the old gossip about who had been sleeping with who back in the day. At some point, he noted wistfully that it was odd that he and I never hooked up. I felt obligated to inform him that I suggested that we do it one night and that he turned me down. The baffled look on his face was priceless. He had been happily married for around ten years, so he had to choose wisely how to respond to this revelation. He went with something like, "We must have gotten our signals crossed, because back then I would have jumped at the chance." I told him that I was surprised at the time, but that I ended up hooking up with a mutual friend (who I inappropriately named). I could see his heart sink at the thought of so and so getting laid and not him.
The tension in the air must be palpable!
The tension in the air must be palpable!
It was, but only because I could tell that he was struggling to remain cool about it all. I could have tormented him about it if I wanted to. ("So, while so and so and I were fucking like bunnies a few doors down from you, you were probably jerking off in the dark?")
It was, but only because I could tell that he was struggling to remain cool about it all. I could have tormented him about it if I wanted to. ("So, while so and so and I were fucking like bunnies a few doors down from you, you were probably jerking off in the dark?")
The poor guy deserved a kiss at least :)
I'm an introvert and rather shy, so I've missed many opportunities. The ones I'm most aware of were with other men ... the can be pretty obvious when they come on to you. No idea how many connections with women I've missed. Didn't even notice they were interested.
What might of been? I'd be a lot more comfortable with my sexuality. I'd certainly have more stories to share here.
It was, but only because I could tell that he was struggling to remain cool about it all. I could have tormented him about it if I wanted to. ("So, while so and so and I were fucking like bunnies a few doors down from you, you were probably jerking off in the dark?")

Yikes, that would have been tough to hear, lol.
For me there were a few women from h.s. who later told me they had crushes on me. I had no idea. Definitely know some in college where I didn't make a move.

More recently, a young woman (almost 20 years my junior), we became fast friends but with a certain "romantic" connection. Hard to explain. Like in that movie Lost in Translation, some romances weren't meant to be physical. She had a long term boyfriend (who was toxic) and I was dating around and eventually found a girlfriend. But there were a number of months where the attraction and connection was palpable, I made a couple of moves but she was not willing to take that leap. It was probably for the best, we remain friends but I often wonder what would have been if she'd had a different mentality about it.
I had only recently come out to my wife and started having gay sex. Before I had sex with a guy I met with him in a public place. Sex would happen on a followup meeting. I met one guy for lunch and we hit it off and arranged for a followup meeting.
When I first announced I was married a bunch of my guy friends tried to hit me up for casual sex but I was too much in love to say yes.. in retrospect I wish I’d spent my first year of marriage being a complete slut to all of them.
Sorry did not intend to hit send. He was also interested in coming out to his wife. He wanted to know if he could meet with my wife and I to discuss our experience. My wife readily agreed. I was fantasizing where that could lead.

Unfortunately the follow-up meeting never took place. He had a heart attack. I know he recovered, but we lost contact.
About a decade ago, I was talking to an old friend from college. We were going over the old gossip about who had been sleeping with who back in the day. At some point, he noted wistfully that it was odd that he and I never hooked up. I felt obligated to inform him that I suggested that we do it one night and that he turned me down. The baffled look on his face was priceless. He had been happily married for around ten years, so he had to choose wisely how to respond to this revelation. He went with something like, "We must have gotten our signals crossed, because back then I would have jumped at the chance." I told him that I was surprised at the time, but that I ended up hooking up with a mutual friend (who I inappropriately named). I could see his heart sink at the thought of so and so getting laid and not him.
Sounds to me like a victory lap
More than a missed connection!
While visiting a female friend attending a different college than I was, a different friend asked me to pick him up at a coffee shop. While the three of us sat at a table and had a cup he reached under the table and put a hand on my thigh.

I wish I had been ready to accept the invitation.
About 20 years ago I was contacted out of the blue by a woman I knew from high school. Actually, we had known each other since elementary, but I last saw her in high school. We were friendly, but not close at all -- acquaintances, at best. Over the course of a year we exchanged emails and became more friendly with each other. We talked about our hobbies -- she shared some of her photographs and I told her I wrote short stories. Eventually, the discussion turned sexual. She confessed that she was no longer attracted to her husband and they were not having sex. She told me some of her fantasies - which were pretty dark - and I shared some of my mine. We started talking about possibly hooking up. It was going to take some effort, since we lived over a thousand miles apart and neither of us had any reason to visit the city where the other lived. The best option was to visit our hometown at the same time under the guise of visiting family. We started making plans for a trip later that year.
Around that time she asked me to write a story for her, so I did, using her fantasies as a framework. I don't know whether the story was too shocking for her, or if the prospect of going through with it was a bridge too far, but I never heard from her again after sending her the story. I wonder what would have happened if I had not sent that story, or if I wrote a less dark story. Something romantic, rather than centered on her rape fantasies. I'll never know.