Miss Vickies Jalapeño flavored potato chips


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
the best potato chips I've ever eaten. And I can ever find these suckers unless I go to Subway.

edited 'cause it's "never" & not "vever"

edited a 2nd time 'cause it's "'cause" & not "'cuasse"
Last edited:
i bought some at the local corner store a month ago.

very good. only problem was i finished them all too soon.:(

but they are good arent they?

there's never enough I think there some kind of addicting additive.

I liked these ...


Taste: These are good chips, but I should first warn you that they're not particularly hot. There's a bit of jalapeño taste and a mildly hot aftertaste, but they're much more cheese chips than they are hot chips. They've got tons of flavor powder on them, but the cheese taste is faily mild (and quite good) though not all that "sharp" as the name suggests. Another winner in the Bistro Gourmet line.

Aroma: Very, very nice cheese smell. No jalapeño that I could notice.
I'm sorry! I know how those can be. Not personally, but from seeiing other women go insane if what they crave isn't given to them
we have those in our snack machine at work :) Local stores carry the larger size bags of jalapeno chips but there's still never enough!
ooooh, I have to stop reading this thread or I am going to give me and the baby heartburn!
The only place that carries those delicious spicy potato chips is this little deli ... and that is the only place I have seen them, I love them as well.
Aphrodisiac said:
The only place that carries those delicious spicy potato chips is this little deli ... and that is the only place I have seen them, I love them as well.

I can go for something *delicious* and *spicy* right about now!
J.B. said:
the best potato chips I've ever eaten. And I can ever find these suckers unless I go to Subway.

edited 'cause it's "never" & not "vever"

edited a 2nd time 'cause it's "'cause" & not "'cuasse"
You've been into LL's wine, haven't you?

Last edited by BoobsNBrains on 01-01-2000 at 12:01 AM
Aphrodisiac said:
Que dulce eres ... hablando en español... un beso para un hombre muy sexy. :kiss:

Nada comparada al dulzor y sexiness que usted emite!:kiss:
I was at Subway the other day, and I saw those! I didn't try them though.

I've had jalepeno pretzels that were really good.