Miley Cyrus live la MTV VMA 2013...her inspiration

I am not sure about this fuss. Madonna do worse before Miley born. Go to Rihanna concert and see worse. It was tasteless but producers knew she going to do it. Act like whore get much publicity and exposure make lot of money. This not big deal.
I am not sure about this fuss. Madonna do worse before Miley born. Go to Rihanna concert and see worse. It was tasteless but producers knew she going to do it. Act like whore get much publicity and exposure make lot of money. This not big deal.

In fact, this is possibly a turning point in the values discourse in America. I'm seeing overwhelming criticism on internet boards for this incident. People who don't normally pay attention are shocked and pissed its gotten to the point that anyone could think this sort of thing is ok on mainstream TV.

Its one of those serendipitous moments for the Decency and Values Movement. One of my posts about this on Yahoo got over 40 thumbs up and only 2 thumbs down last I checked.

Suck on that, you GB renard haters! :D
I still want to bury her father in a shallow grave because of "that" song.

But don't tell my heart my achy breaky heart
I just don't think he'd understand
And if you tell my heart my achy breaky heart
He might blow up and kill this man

That is the craziest mullet I have ever seen! Any chance you know the year? Was it the 80s?