mid terms polling... 4 nationals, plus the FiveThirtyEight model, shows growing dem support for House and Senate wins


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
For the first time, political polling website FiveThirtyEight shows the Democrats with an edge in the race for the U.S. Senate in November.

The website late on Tuesday showed the Democrats had a 52 percent chance of keeping the Senate majority, while the Republicans had a 48 chance.
in just a month, this has changed from a dems 40, 'pubs 60 model. The site says choices of certain republican candidates is most likely the driving change in their model.

Despite the grim expectations for Democrats, four separate polls published since last Friday have shown them with more support than Republicans among voters.

of course polls aren't a reliable predictor, particularly given the small sample sizes as used in these of around 1,000 voters. but it's nice to see a little trend in the right direction, no?
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Usually, polls are a reliable predictor. A few recent exceptions have us understandably paranoid, but remember: Trump isn't on the ballot anywhere in 2022, so the hidden deplorables won't be turning out to vote.
"Despite the grim expectations for Democrats, four separate polls published since last Friday have shown them with more support than Republicans among voters."—while that may be true, any election where the national vote is 50-50 is going to wind up as a net plus for Republicans when it comes to actual seats in the House, thanks to gerrymandering.

The Senate is a different beast because Republicans have put up some real dog candidates this time around. Also, people see what a Republican Senate got us with the Supreme Court and they're pissed off.
Last I saw is that there are 12 polls and only 1 of them shows the Senate remaining in D hands.
Fat overweight Democrats lost the Congressional baseball game to the Republicans 10-0 last night. Times are hard for Democrats this year.
Fat overweight Democrats lost the Congressional baseball game to the Republicans 10-0 last night. Times are hard for Democrats this year. 280 lbs Linda Sanchez flipped off Republicans as she waddled by in defeat.
Every time iso mentions butters or luk, everybody drink. We should be drunk in about five minutes.