This speech was indeed disheartening. He was bashing America, his own country down there and playing up Mexican stereotypes of Americans such as the idea that Americans are the only people in the world who have a weakness for drugs. If it wasn't for the morally licencious American pigs, nobody would want drugs in the world is an old "meme" that you really don't even hear that much anymore though I'm sure many Latin Americans still believe it or at least find comfort in it. Maybe in the 70s and 80s there might have some truth to that, but the reality is Latin countries have a hell of a lot of their own problems with drug abuse and addiction, the main difference is that they don't have the money to drive as much demand. If Mexico had the same per capita income as the US, it would have as much per capita drug demand as the US or any other modern country. Morals have collapsed in Mexico just as much or more than in the US, and the old Catholic and Christian values are being spit on across Latin America as well as other historically Catholic countries.