
Pixie Mischief

Master's kitten
Nov 15, 2002
kitty is sitting on my lap all warm and cuddly and purrin hehe she wants to say "meow" to everyone.
Pixie Mischief said:
kitty is sitting on my lap all warm and cuddly and purrin hehe she wants to say "meow" to everyone.


Shhhhh Pixie!

I thought we were keeping our 'affair' underwraps ;)

How old is she? :)
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so funny :p ;)
shes hmm 2 years old. black and white, her name is oreo.
Pixie Mischief said:
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so funny :p ;)
shes hmm 2 years old. black and white, her name is oreo.

You should take a pic of yourself with her, kitty av's are very popular around here. :)
its hard getting a pic really small and not loosing much details. if I do that might not see either of us LOL I could try thought. and yeah I saw many "kitty" avs but... not that same kind I'm talking about LMAO lol
does your kitty....

...enjoy a nose nuzzling it's whiskers? If so, I'll be right over to
Pixie Mischief said:
its hard getting a pic really small and not loosing much details. if I do that might not see either of us LOL I could try thought. and yeah I saw many "kitty" avs but... not that same kind I'm talking about LMAO lol


Well that's one thing I won't do, show my kitty ;)