Men...You're just going about your day. Describe the kind of woman that instantly intrigues you and stirs your loins.

As she walks in the first thing I’m drawn to are her legs. Toned, but not skinny. Just a hint of thick thighs encased in skin tight jeans. Then I see her flaming red hair. Not a bottle job, this is all natural. Her pale skin, with just a hint of freckles from her youth. Then it’s the sensuality she oozes. She knows she’s hot, and she appreciates every pair of eyes in the room that are drawn to her. Finally I see her ample breasts straining against her blouse. You just know her pussy is shaved, and that she knows exactly what she wants in the bed room.
I love it. There's something to be said for natural beauty, a sprinkle of freckles and tight jeans. A while ago I'd always do my make up before leaving the house. My previous partners and my forever man This past few years I've found myself venturing out with very minimal makeup (sometimes none) and seem to get hit on even more than before.
As she walks in the first thing I’m drawn to are her legs. Toned, but not skinny. Just a hint of thick thighs encased in skin tight jeans. Then I see her flaming red hair. Not a bottle job, this is all natural. Her pale skin, with just a hint of freckles from her youth. Then it’s the sensuality she oozes. She knows she’s hot, and she appreciates every pair of eyes in the room that are drawn to her. Finally I see her ample breasts straining against her blouse. You just know her pussy is shaved, and that she knows exactly what she wants in the bed room.
Second thing, and it only just occurred to me: gothic girls. Tattoos, black hair, pale complexion -- body shape and size are mostly irrelevant. That look kindles something fun inside me, maybe sparked by my college years.
Ah yes, nice to conjure up those college days😘
Yes. I relish a mix of intelligence and fast wit whereby you can go from deep/serious conversation to fun banter.