Men, what the çø˚ƒ are they doing to us?


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
I went to purchase new razor blades...

Everything is labeled ¶†˙∆˚∫øπing "Sensitive."

I am simply not the º˙ç∆˚¥ƒing 'sensitive' type with baby-ass soft skin.

They might as well start selling us Lady BICs™...

Bill Cosby cured me of my chauvinism. MIDOL works great for men and women. I mean, sure, my tits and ass are bigger, but the headaches gone!
I don't know if it helps my face. It sure does help my peace-and-quiet. No one in the home dares fuck with me while I have it on.:D
One guy I know solved the razor thing by 'dry' shaving.
He's been doing it for years, yet somehow has the most gorgeous skin!
I dry shaved my legs once on a camping trip and ended up looking like I had alligator skin. :(
You must be the sensitive type.

No one here dares ©ˆ˜∫≤ with me!

... other than the wife, the kid, the dogs...,
One guy I know solved the razor thing by 'dry' shaving.
He's been doing it for years, yet somehow has the most gorgeous skin!
I dry shaved my legs once on a camping trip and ended up looking like I had alligator skin. :(

You mean, like with his Crocodile Dundee knife?

:D ;) ;)
One guy I know solved the razor thing by 'dry' shaving.
He's been doing it for years, yet somehow has the most gorgeous skin!
I dry shaved my legs once on a camping trip and ended up looking like I had alligator skin. :(

that's barbaric and I've only ever heard the term before in the original Rambo, 'First Blood.' Brian Dennehy, "Dry shave him!" All hell broke lose after those wise words.:D
that's barbaric and I've only ever heard the term before in the original Rambo, 'First Blood.' Brian Dennehy, "Dry shave him!" All hell broke lose after those wise words.:D

I was stunned when I saw him do it the first time.
I cringed for him :eek:
It's not really dry shaving when there is grease from your big block under your fingernails.
what you need is some baby oil and cocoa butter. That will help adapt your skin to the new blades.
Guess what I was doing all day?
Pulling panels off the 351, and fitting the newly+painted air cleaner!
So the greasy fingernails thing totally applies :)

I'm off to make a few bucks to stash some in the kitty for the next big batch of parts: new front disc brakes. Safer, lighter, and faster stopping than the original drums.

So it'll be sawdust and regular dirt under the nails this evening, so shaving will happen with a bit of bar soap, if at all. The cats have no opinion.
I used to shave, until my beard started destroying the blades before they could cut it.

You know...I used to stand outside my hooch and hit it with water and a disposable the bush? Shaving with sweat and filth as lube.

But I don't have to do that anymore...I rather like my 'sensitive' lotion infused shave cream and obnoxiously sharp straight towel...feels good. Razor even has a nice ergonomic handle for my slowly but surely softening hands....

I'm ok with it.....retirement is supposed to be nice and laid back....and it is.
Haha - no.
He uses some mach 3 something or other with a lubricating strip.
It's the manliest razor he could find.

Yeah, well they've slapped the label "sensitive" on it.

Go to your local variation of Walmart and try buying him some blades that do not say "sensitive" on them.

;) ;) :)