Men removing pubic hair


Really Experienced
Oct 13, 2001
Okay guys (or women who know) best way to remove public hair?
Shaving causes stubble pretty quickly and itches. I like to keep the twig clean but wouldn’t mind cleaning twig and berries. Constantly shaving cock and balls is a pain in the ass and I also don’t want to be waxed (ouch!)
What do you guys do? What do women prefer?
Thanks in advance for your replies
If I was going for semi-permanent I'd use Veet, but I know I'm not sensitive to it like some people are. Seems very variable how people react; some like me have no problem while others get a massive rash and inflammation.
First started shaving but I have course black hair so it’s back the next day. Then my wife started tweezing me, we did that for years. Then all of a sudden I started getting ingrown hairs. We tried moisturizers and exfoliants but to no success. So we got laser removal. Should of done it sooner.
I’ll look for it thanks for the suggestion
Try it on a small area first before going gardening big time (as per the instructions you'll get with it). Last thing you want is a massive rash where your pubes used to be 😉
I have a deep hatred of body hair, so I started shaving my genital region back in the early 1990's, longggggg before it was cool to do so.

To me it seemed pretty simple: if you shave, it does not itch.

I shave it every few days, but here is the thing; if you shave it often, it does not take long to shave. Just a few minutes while in the shower, but I have been doing it for 30 years now too. If it grows back and gets itchy, then it takes a while to hack back off.

Incidentally I started shaving my legs and other parts of me about a year ago, which is something I will continue to do. It takes very little time once it is done and routinely done, and while I am hardly a trendsetter on anything, I predict in a few years men will be shaving more and more of themselves as well.
I've tried everything and settled on waxing. The first couple of times it hurt a bit but was well within my tolerance. If you do it regularly, it gets pretty easy. I get it done every 8 weeks.

The chemical stuff is nasty, and shaving results in stubble after just a day or two. Suck it up and get waxed by a pro.
I've tried everything and settled on waxing. The first couple of times it hurt a bit but was well within my tolerance. If you do it regularly, it gets pretty easy. I get it done every 8 weeks.

The chemical stuff is nasty, and shaving results in stubble after just a day or two. Suck it up and get waxed by a pro.
Waxed? Like everything? You get your balls waxed?
I shave every day and have for at least 25 years---it is the best and whoever said it is right, no itching this way and your lovers love your attention to details!!
I got it! The best I have ever used. Men's Intimate Hair Removal Cream by Meoly.,aps,132&sr=8-2

I applied the cream, waited 10 minutes (it says 3 - 4 minutes) and I got in the shower to rinse off with a wash cloth and I am smooth, my balls don't lhave one hair, I didn't have to shave, and there was zero burning or discomfort.
I am amazed with the results and thrilled with my new look.

For reference I am a hairy guy, chest, back, arms, I'm hairy, but not my cock or balls. I am thrilled.
Use a razor everywhere but my forearms and eyebrows. Use of body lotion helps with irritation. I just love this super-nude phase of my life worshipping women!
Now that I found the hair removal cream and I’m thrilled with the results does anyone know how often I will need to use it to remain smooth and clean?
Yeah, I use the hair removal cream, works wonders, alot more smooth down there, also hair takes longer to grow back & when it does, it's not as hard & prickly. However, when done, I lather thoroughly after with either coconut oil or cocoa butter for nourishment as this softens the skin. Also, not prickly @ all esp during oral the next morning with no lip rash caused by stubble, cause there is none. That's the biggest bonus for me
Use a shaving product called Cremo. Smooth shave, no rash, no redness. Stuff was designed to prevent shaving redness and irritation. I have to shave about twice a week! Cremo moisturizes, too. It makes the area soft and sensitive to erotic touch.
Okay so I used the cream for a second time because I was getting some stubble, I left the cream on for 10+ minutes, no burning and all hair removed, mission accomplished.

Now my question for those more experienced, if I continue to remove my public hair with the hair removal cream with the amount of hair ever decrease?
In other words does removing hair with the cream ever permanently eliminate some of the hair?
resul may vary person to person. My wife would tweeze the hairs but it never lasted 2-3 weeks.

I just tried home waxing last week. It was very difficult to get "everywhere" so I didn't do it all. I did not attempt to do my balls as I was having a hard enough time doing it to begin with. I did end up with a rather nice patch or landing strip and I am still almost completely smooth. I have noticed a few hairs popping back up. It was very painful when I did it, but I got used to it as I went along. I think I will find a salon that will do full waxing on men and give that a try.