Men breast feeding

Interesting, though not the best sourse. If was possible I wonder if there would be equal nutritional value in men's milk.
I have no clue. it just astounds me that this is even possible.
I remember in the early '80s I read an article in "Omni", that said it was possible for a fetus to be attatched to a man's stomach and could be carried to term.
SilvaTungDevil said:
I remember in the early '80s I read an article in "Omni", that said it was possible for a fetus to be attatched to a man's stomach and could be carried to term.

I read that same article in the Weekly Worlds News.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Aquila could carry 10 on that fat gut

fat fucking monster

Your right sweetheart, I am a monster, more of one than you'll ever be. because what YOU want and prize so highly, I regret. I am also more human.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Aquila could

Aquila, is Hanns your love child? I'm guessing you didn't carry him all the way to term though. This is making a lot of sense now.