Members Photos

Nov 22, 2002
Ok, this was inspired by another thread.

If you could see photos of a member or members, who would it be.

Tell me, and tell them here.

Here is my list.
Rambling Rose

There is more but that will get it started.

Now, some of these women I have seen, in one way or another. AV's, websites, or photos that I was lucky enough to see.
The ones I have seen know who they are and I would love to see more.

This isnt a who's beautiful or who's not thing. I like to put names with faces but I am also curious as well. Just like you.

Another thing you could address here if youd like is...Would you care to see any members photos, or just leave the mental image up to your own imagination and or fantasy.

Everyone is here for varying reasons, so I expect a number of different answers to these queries.

Have fun with it, and dont hurt anyones feelings if you can avoid it.


I want to see:

Raw Humor

I'v seen the others.
I don't want to see pictures, unless I'm the one taking them...
I made a list!! This is the first time I've been on anyone's list here...

So Kill, you've seen me, let's see you!
huskie said:
I want to see:

Raw Humor

I'v seen the others.

You know you have seen "parts" of me! ;)
The odds of me ever putting my face or any other body part up at Lit again are slim to nill. lol

I did put my face up REALLY briefly once. lol But now, no way.

I'm flattered you're curious though. ;)
sunstruck said:
The odds of me ever putting my face or any other body part up at Lit again are slim to nill. lol

I did put my face up REALLY briefly once. lol But now, no way.

I'm flattered you're curious though. ;)

Why is that? Did someone actually recognize you IRL?
Two reasons.

One: I don't want my face being used by the wrong person to make me look like an ass (or try anyway).

Two: After seeing what happened with the Gazzette my husband asked me not to and I agreed with him.

Did anyone else know this site is one of the top 500 visited on the net? That's huge! There are a lot more lurkers here than you think. Doesn't worry me, but it did make me think.

I mean how does anyone in the amature pics forum know their pics aren't being posted on some other site? You can't search a pic can you?
juicylips said:
Are you talking about the others on Killswitch's list?

no. I'v seen the faces of other lit memembers I wanted to see, just not theirs yet.
sunstruck said:
I mean how does anyone in the amature pics forum know their pics aren't being posted on some other site? You can't search a pic can you?

Actually, someone made a thread once with pics that he said were from his site, that women had e-mailed to him. One of the pics looked remarkably like one of the women who used to post pics to the Amateur Pics forum.

That thread has been removed.

But no, there's no really way to make sure that a pic doesn't get stolen and used for other purposes.
Oh, and I'm flattered Huskie.

I'm afraid, however, that since Hanns and company have arrived, the odds of me posting my face have declined quite drastically.
i like knowing who i'm talking to but if you want to maintain your anonymity i can respect that...i've requested to see a few people here on the board when plasticman had his thread running but really in all the time i've been here only really wanted to see one.

and he said no.


(and its not heavy who's just a lot of fun to tease.)