Meeting Huma Clinton


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Empress Hillary, 2016
Stella Paul, American Thinker
July 29, 2013

Hillary has already ordered the diamond tiara and gold scepter for her 2016 coronation, and a whole village of enslaved Chinese orphans is weaving her red carpet right now.

Sooner than you can say "Obama who?" Hillary will ascend to her rightful position of World Empress. The optics will dazzle us. Adorned in a floor length cape made from the dead cats of Bill's mistresses, she will bless us all from her 20-foot- platinum throne, gifted by our dear friends in Saudi Arabia.

True, she'll be a bit long in the tooth, but a federal edict, upheld by the Supreme Court, will force us all to wear Google Glass. Hillary's face, devised by Hollywood courtiers, will appear as a clever blend of her own features, circa 1983, and Scarlett Johansson's. A subtle halo will hover at all times.

Do you find this vision objectionable? Fear not, for Empress Hillary will care for us with the tender ministrations she lavished on the abandoned, slaughtered Americans in Benghazi.

And should you find yourself raped and dragged through the streets by screaming Muslim mobs, be assured that Hillary will comfort your survivors by jailing an unknown filmmaker.

If that was good enough for an American ambassador, surely that should be good enough for you.

Now what Royal Personage do you picture reigning by her side? His Supreme Excellency Bill, chuckling amiably and feeling up the maids?

That's been the plan all along, but we may be thinking too conventionally. Give the Clintons their due as fearless improvisers, able to maneuver and respond to the times.

Maybe we should prepare for a glamorous Muslima Royal Regent. Think "The Consort Wears Prada." Yes, Huma Abedin Weiner, a.k.a. Mrs. Carlos Danger, may deign to co-rule us yet.

If you're having trouble following this story, let's review the background I so helpfully laid out in September 2012 in "Bill and Hillary and Huma and Anthony." Describing "the vilest soap opera in American history" I noted, "This one's got it all: two sham marriages, sexual perversions, and national treachery at the highest level."

The Huma Comedy now bewitching the media is an utter crock. The commentariat's burning questions about the state of poor lil' Huma's marriage mask the cold truth: There is no Abedin/Weiner marriage.

There's only a political deal brokered by the Clintons: Weiner would marry Huma, Hillary's top aide, to stop increasingly uncomfortable attention to Hillary's intimate relationship with her. In turn, the Clintons would back Weiner's bid to be New York mayor.

When the pathetic Weiner committed a complete Twitter-ectomy of his Congressional career, The Plan temporarily derailed. But scandals that would force the rest of us to quiver in lifelong shame are mere temporary annoyances for this lot.

Weiner was soon back, sexting worshipful females and running for the Right Honorable Flasher of New York, with the help of his lovely bride. And if it hadn't been for that mean Sydney Leathers, they might have gotten away with it.

Of course, as the nation finds itself transfixed by Weiner's very public privates, the media studiously ignores the real scandal: Huma Abedin is a Muslim Brotherhood asset, planted at the highest level of national power.

The invaluable Andrew McCarthy lays out the whole sordid shebang here, including how Secretary of State Hillary and Huma collaborated to abandon Israel, bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power abroad, and impose Shariah-ism at home.

But, in the words of our Presumptive Empress: "What difference at this point does it make?" Hillary's fixers will continue to smooth the path for Huma's ascension to saintly wronged woman status, whose stoic nobility we must reward with our love. As the Washington Post reports, "The chatter was, if you wanted to stay in Hillary's good graces, you answer the call from Huma."

Which brings us to Plan B. The Weiner/Abedin farce may be past its sell-by date, but why not unleash a bold new plan? Now that the Supreme Court has fast-tracked gay marriage, why shouldn't Hillary and Huma publicly tie the knot?

Two wronged woman, so strong and brilliant, bravely make a new future together, because they have so much love to give each other and the world. How lucky we are to have them! Vote for these magnificent trail-blazers and Make History!

But wait a minute, you say. What about Bill? Well, nature might take its course and Bill could succumb in the arms of a particularly nubile female receptacle. Or maybe he'll agree to a friendly staged divorce, in which he'll get a piece of the action. The obedient media will shriek at us about the Clintons' awe-inspiring maturity at handling difficult life transitions and harangue us into learning important Life Lessons from them and worshiping them even more.

Or maybe Bill will join Huma in the White House for A New Paradigm Three-Way. After all, our moral betters will lecture us, "What is 'family' anyway?" Perhaps Bill will donate the goods for Huma to get pregnant and the whole world will celebrate the birth of Baby Mohammed in the White House.

You don't want Huma in the White House? Homophobe! Racist! Islamophobe! Hater! Bigot! Right-wing Christian!

This bunch didn't get where they are through failure of nerve.

Let us explore the depth and breadth of the famed Democrat sense of humor, you know, in the vein of Arod and Willow Palin...

:D ;) ;)
Why not post your own thoughts? Any moron can read the daily RW rags.
For Jenn14, We find this movie to be two thumbs up!

Get Ready for the All-Hail-Hillary Movies
In the run-up to 2016, Hollywood plans to turn out “evenhanded” biopics. Sure.
John Fund, NRO
JULY 29, 2013

I wasn’t surprised to learn that sometime before the 2016 election, NBC will be releasing a four-hour miniseries about Hillary Clinton starring Academy Award nominee Diane Lane. What did surprise me was that the series will cover none of her life before the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which took place five years into her husband’s second term as president and when Hillary was already 51 years old. It’s as if her first half-century will be airbrushed away, along with the many scandals that dogged her in those decades.

While the series will still have a lot of ground to cover — impeachment and the “vast right-wing conspiracy” she suspected, her successful 2000 Senate race, her loss to Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries, her time as secretary of state and her role in the Benghazi debacle — it’s striking that so much rich material will be excluded even before footage is discarded on the cutting-room floor.

Just consider what we’ll be missing.

Health-Care Gate: In 1997, federal judge Royce Lamberth levied $286,000 in sanctions against Bill Clinton’s administration for “running amok” in a “cover-up” of Hillary Clinton’s health-care task force. The scandal began when deputy White House counsel Vincent Foster made contradictory assertions about the first lady’s job status, in an attempt to keep the work of the task force secret. Foster later committed suicide, and a Secret Service agent saw Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carry boxes of papers out of Foster’s office before investigators showed up to seal it.

A report by the special prosecutor’s office concluded that Foster had been suffering from clinical depression and “was involved in work related to a number of important and difficult issues,” including controversial appointments and “litigation related to the Health Care Task Force; the dismissal of White House Travel Office employees and the ensuing fallout from that incident; the Clintons’ tax returns (which involved an issue regarding treatment of the Clintons’ 1992 sale of their interest in Whitewater); the Clintons’ blind trust; liaison with the White House Usher’s office over issues related to the White House Residence; and issues related to the Freedom of Information Act.” The first lady was involved in all of these controversies.

Filegate: The confidential FBI files of up to 900 former Reagan and Bush appointees were sent over to White House security chief Craig Livingstone. Deputy White House counsel William Kennedy, a close friend of Hillary Clinton’s from their days at the Rose Law Firm, would frequently call up the FBI and have someone’s files sent over on his say-so. Then–FBI director Louis Freeh called it “an egregious violation of privacy.”

Cattle-Futures Gate: Hillary Clinton came under scrutiny when, during her tenure as first lady of Arkansas, she managed to turn a $1,000 investment in cattle futures into a profit of nearly $100,000 in only nine months. She claimed she had learned how to trade by reading the Wall Street Journal. Her broker had earlier been suspended from trading for a year after he was charged with manipulating the egg-futures market.

Travelgate: In May 1993, Hillary Clinton wrote an infamous note demanding action to “get our people” into the White House Travel Office. Billy Dale, its director, and six of his employees were quickly fired on the basis of rumors that they had engaged in criminal conduct; the rumors were cooked up in part by a 25-year-old cousin of Bill Clinton’s who wound up running the travel office.

Dale was indicted on charges of embezzling $88,000 from the office. Jurors took only two hours to acquit him of all charges. Hillary Clinton refused an interview request from the General Accounting Office about her role in the affair. The late New York Times columnist Bill Safire concluded after Travelgate that Hillary Clinton was “a congenital liar.”

Whitewater Gate: The tangled web of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Whitewater real-estate dealings in Arkansas prompted Attorney General Janet Reno to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate. Jim McDougal, a Clinton business partner who went to jail over Whitewater, famously described the Clintons as “sort of like tornadoes moving through people’s lives.”

First led by Robert Fiske, then by Ken Starr, the special prosecutor’s office was deeply disturbed by the lack of candor from the Clintons when they were deposed under oath. Hickman Ewing, Starr’s deputy, testified in court that after he heard Hillary Clinton say “I don’t recall” some 50 times in one deposition, he gave her an F grade for her truthfulness.

Billing-Records Gate: The records of Hillary Clinton’s clients at the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas were subpoenaed for years by investigators looking into Whitewater. They were finally discovered on a coffee table in the private quarters of the White House. No one ever explained how they got there.

All this juicy drama will remain off the table in the miniseries, but the website reports that NBC executive Robert Greenblatt is promising skeptics the biopic will be “even-handed in terms of criticism and praise when it comes to dealing with Clinton and her work.” Speaking of Hillary’s response to the film, Greenblatt told reporters, “I don’t think she will endorse it.”

Despite such reassurance, if this biopic achieves balance, it will only be by overcoming the prejudices of its screenwriter, Courtney Hunt, who is known in Hollywood as an admirer of Hillary Clinton’s. Andrew Sarris of the New York Observer praised Hunt’s first feature film, Frozen Assets, as “one of the strongest feminist statements I have seen onscreen.” Hunt told the Huffington Post that when it comes to women’s rights, “I feel that everything after 1979 has been going backwards.” Ronald Reagan was first elected president in 1980.

NBC isn’t the only entertainment entity making a Hillary film in the run-up to the next presidential election. Director James Ponsoldt plans to release Rodham in 2016. It will focus on her early years with Bill Clinton and her tenure as a 27-year-old junior counsel on the House Judiciary Committee when President Nixon was impeached. Actresses Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, and Amanda Seyfried are all front-runners for the role. “You don’t find people who question the quality of her intelligence or her drive,” Ponsoldt says. “I want a wonderful actress who could embody that.” Somehow I don’t think the script will require an actress to embody other, perhaps less appealing, aspects of Hillary Clinton’s modus operandi.

In March 2008, as Hillary Clinton was running for president, Jerry Zeifman — the chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee at the time of Nixon’s impeachment and a lifelong Democrat — expressed his profound disappointment with her work on the committee. Among her transgressions were lying, removing files from the committee offices without permission, and arguing that Nixon shouldn’t be allowed any legal counsel before the committee. “I terminated her employment on the Nixon impeachment staff,” he told me. “My only regret was I had not reported her unethical practices to the appropriate bar associations. I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust.”

People who have seen the draft for Rodham say that the script skips over any mention of the controversy that surrounded the future Mrs. Clinton’s time on the impeachment committee. On that, I am not surprised at all.

yet ANOTHER dumbass comment by you

you never TIRE of em, nor run out of em

Yeah, and on the upside, if you post your own thoughts, you get pretty much the same response...

You do not do your own thinking, Limbaugh, Hannity and FOX do it for you.

But what we do notice is how rarely these paragons of thought actually post their own.

Heaven forbid others might point out the shallowness of their 'Broken Window' thinking.
we know

can YOU imagine the POUTRAGE if an R were associated with the (defunct) KKK, or an anti GAY group etc etc


but be a part of the TERRORIST MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.............NADA

the REPOZ aren't better,

When M Bachman pointed it out, the REPOZ shit on her as well

Why not post your own thoughts? Any moron can read the daily RW rags.

you have no problem posting SHIT from LIB shit that are utter LIES

why shit on someone else?

cause YOU have nothing but SHIT! is pointing out the lie that Republicans will not work with Obama by listing all of the RINOs that praise and endorse his war on terror and his willingness to accept everything about the Bush Doctrine that he ran against.

;) ;)

So in other words, Democrat women are willing — even eager — to abet the bad behavior of men as long as those men support the Democrats’ theoretically pro-woman agenda of legal abortions and taxpayer-funded health care.

But isn’t it possible that the agenda and the behavior are connected? That is, ladies, maybe it’s not a coincidence that the same men who want to ensure your unborn child can be turned into medical waste — or who feel your vote (not to mention your sexual favors) can be bought in exchange for “free” birth control — are the very men who treat you like a collection of damp holes into which they can stick themselves without regard for your feelings, their principles, or basic human decency. The Kennedys, the Clintons, the Weiners, the Spitzers — maybe they have a natural home in a party that is always thinking of ways to transform female sexuality into a meaningless mechanism, and devising ways to fund that transformation with other people’s money.
Andrew Klavan
PJ Media
Yeah, and on the upside, if you post your own thoughts, you get pretty much the same response...

You do not do your own thinking, Limbaugh, Hannity and FOX do it for you.

But what we do notice is how rarely these paragons of thought actually post their own.

Heaven forbid others might point out the shallowness of their 'Broken Window' thinking.

Speaking of your false idols Limbaugh and Hannity, there's dark clouds ahead. Cumulus clouds, to be exact.

Cumulus, nation's second largest radio network, planning to drop Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity

You know, I think that even if an impartial documentary were to be made it would make no difference at all. In the eyes of the Liv's and the socialist elite she has reached beyond Empress status to damn near living Goddess status. In their estimation there shouldn't be an election at all, just a coronation, or anointment.

When you look at her list of accomplishments, most of which involve misplaced or missing paperwork, you can almost begin to understand Bill's serial dalliances.

The whole broken paper trail thing is her MO and you do have to admit that she's a ground breaker in that respect.

in her 4 yrs as Sec Of State

which so many have PRAISED as the BEST EVAH



You know, I think that even if an impartial documentary were to be made it would make no difference at all. In the eyes of the Liv's and the socialist elite she has reached beyond Empress status to damn near living Goddess status. In their estimation there shouldn't be an election at all, just a coronation, or anointment.

When you look at her list of accomplishments, most of which involve misplaced or missing paperwork, you can almost begin to understand Bill's serial dalliances.

The whole broken paper trail thing is her MO and you do have to admit that she's a ground breaker in that respect.


The ongoing worship of the Cult of Personality demanded by the typical Democrat LIVE's (Low Information Voter Example) short and unimaginative attention span.

Throb is a perfect example of what it means to be aLIVE...
We know Mercury's thinking on the matter.

If Hillary is the nominee, he will vote for Hillary and support her every utterance and thought and defend every action in her past, present or future with factoids from any web source he can google up.

We will learn that Bill Clinton was the second greatest president EVER ( 1.3% better than Obama, but not as good as Roosevelt) and that his greatness was 63.5% due to the influence of Hillary. We will learn that Hillary was the driving force behind 57.2% of the Obamacare law and that without her great tenure as SecState, we'd be in 41.3 wars that are Bush's fault. She stopped the War in Iraq, her diplomacy made the end of Afghan war 82% more possible, she freed Egypt, Syria (29.5%) and Libya from brutal dictators and gave them 62% of democracy. I cannot wait until he locates the proof that she dodged 32.5% of sniper bullets in Kosovo. I want to read about her suffering at Wellesley, being forced to live in 1% multi-occupant dwelling and to eat food prepared by common folk.
Yeah, and on the upside, if you post your own thoughts, you get pretty much the same response...

You do not do your own thinking, Limbaugh, Hannity and FOX do it for you.

But what we do notice is how rarely these paragons of thought actually post their own.

Heaven forbid others might point out the shallowness of their 'Broken Window' thinking.

That's why our Usual Suspects never do more than whine and cry, they know theyd be massacred and laughed off the board if they proposed their nonsense openly.
in her 4 yrs as Sec Of State

which so many have PRAISED as the BEST EVAH




When Obama handed her the 3AM call, she said, "WHO? I don't know him. Fuck him." *click*

Then, at his funeral, he was a dear, close friend that she would do anything for.

;) ;)
We know Mercury's thinking on the matter.

If Hillary is the nominee, he will vote for Hillary and support her every utterance and thought and defend every action in her past, present or future with factoids from any web source he can google up.

We will learn that Bill Clinton was the second greatest president EVER ( 1.3% better than Obama, but not as good as Roosevelt) and that his greatness was 63.5% due to the influence of Hillary. We will learn that Hillary was the driving force behind 57.2% of the Obamacare law and that without her great tenure as SecState, we'd be in 41.3 wars that are Bush's fault. She stopped the War in Iraq, her diplomacy made the end of Afghan war 82% more possible, she freed Egypt, Syria (29.5%) and Libya from brutal dictators and gave them 62% of democracy. I cannot wait until he locates the proof that she dodged 32.5% of sniper bullets in Kosovo. I want to read about her suffering at Wellesley, being forced to live in 1% multi-occupant dwelling and to eat food prepared by common folk.

That's why our Usual Suspects never do more than whine and cry, they know theyd be massacred and laughed off the board if they proposed their nonsense openly.

If they see it on TV in a movie, then, it is true.

Hollywood would never lie.
When Obama handed her the 3AM call, she said, "WHO? I don't know him. Fuck him." *click*

Then, at his funeral, he was a dear, close friend that she would do anything for.

;) ;)

as of now

there is no record of Obama EVEN handing the phone to anyone

he had in on call forward to nowhere
FUNdaMENTALly they can't take it...

Sharia don't like it. Rawk the Casbah!

The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbah way

As soon as the Sharia was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare

As soon as the Sharia was
Outta their hair
The jet pilots wailed
The ongoing worship of the Cult of Personality demanded by the typical Democrat LIVE's (Low Information Voter Example) short and unimaginative attention span.

Throb is a perfect example of what it means to be aLIVE...

Holy lack of self-awareness, Batman!

A man who gets all his information from American Thinker accusing others of being "low information".

♫♫ Isn't it ironic...