Meeting at the Outdoor Market (Closed to Ryanmo97 and spankmegirl23)


Literotica Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Ryan was walking through the farmer's market getting some fresh fruit. Even though he could have the fruit delivered to his home. He preferred to get it himself. He was a self-made millionaire thanks to some good investments and knowing when to stay in and when to get out. He almost had everything a person could want. Except for someone to share it with.

He didn't like to go out to bars and clubs and he struck out many times on Internet dating. Things would be going good then at some point, the conversation got around to sexual fantasies. He tell her his sexual fantasy, he wanted a woman that would give him complete control of her life. Then, the woman he was dating would freak out and he'd never hear from them again. So, he just spent his time at home, maybe taking a trip once and awhile, but except for his friends... he was alone.

He was dressed pretty casually, a blue polo shirt, shorts, and sneakers. He was 33, had short brown hair, 5' 11", 190 lbs. As he was walking through the market, a woman bumped into him.
Marie was a pretty woman she stood out nice body brown hair to shoulders and At 25 she worked as waitress in a bar and guys wanted her all the time she turn down most but at times she dated and had fun with a few but never give her what she needed,she wanted him to take control her,spank her they ran so she stay single for awhile but life was boring but she make great tips,lived in a 1 bedroom house near work and a farmer market she loved to get fruit and veg. and cooked herself a nice meal.

Every night she worked and days she stay in reading or just relaxing she hated having no one for most when she did date he wanted sex then leave she only slept with a few guys blow alot she never had that wow orgasm that made her want to stay with him.

She dressed in a jean skirt went to her knees and black thong,red teeshirt with a bra see though bra.she was 5'4 130lbs nice body round nice ass 36C tits she was looking around when she bumped in to a tall guy she back up and looked over him he was good looking she smiled " I'm sorry guess my looking around caught up to me" She laugh alittle looking at him in his eyes there was something bout him she didn't walk away.
"I"m sorry..." said Ryan. Then he looked at the woman who bumped into him. He was never a real believer in love at first sight but this woman he was looking at was starting to change his mine. "I really should be looking where I'm going... Are you OK?"
She looked at him she wanted to know him something bout her draw him into her like this was a good sign for her past week she had a stressful week working so much it was getting to her and she had not been with a guy for over 2months masturbating every night but she smiled " No I'm sorry i am fine thanks I'm Marie"
Ryan smiled, "Nice to meet you, Marie. My Name's Ryan." He couldn't stop looking at her. She was so beautiful, "You know, I should have been where I was looking too... I don't usually do this but would you like to go to the coffee shop just up the street and get a coffee?" He just had this feeling that she could be something special. He had to find out more about her.
She smiled at him he was good looking and once he asked her to go coffee she loved he wanted to know her better she looked at him " Id love too" He had something in his eyes saying there was something he had about him that maked her want to go with him and she would find out.
Ryan smiled when Marie accepted his offer for coffee. He took her by the hand and led her out of the market and down the street to the nearby coffee shop. They each paid for their own drink. Ryan had a regular coffee with cream and sugar. They found a quiet table in back and sat down. They sat there in silence for a few moments and then Ryan said, "So Marie... Tell me about yourself..."
She smiled taking her hand and going down to coffee shop they got their coffee and sat and drink their coffee then he ask her about her she smiled " I'm 25 i work at a bar as a waitress and i have dated a few men but they don't give me what i want so i stop dating i want a man who gives it to me like he wants but also want to pleases me" She felt shy open to him but she felt good opening herself to him for some reason.
Ryan listened to Marie and was surprised that she had stopped dating. He took a sip of his coffee... "Yeah... I know what you mean... I haven't had much luck with women myself... They don't like my sexual fantasy... I would love to have a woman give me complete control over her life...." Ryan couldn't believe he told her that. He expected Marie to stand up and walk away.
Marie listen to him saying he haven't had much luck and what his sexual fantasy was and she knew he was shocked he told her but now she knew why she wanted to know him she smiled at him and wanted to know more " sound hot how much control" she looked at him knowing they was near people she wanted him more now for some reason.
Ryan was surprised when Marie asked how much control he would have over her, "Well, I mean I would choose what clothes she wore each day. She would move into my house and share my bed. She would belong only to me and I would be the only man she would ever love for the rest of her life. I would also take control of all her assets, and I'll put her on an allowance. She could continue to work if she wanted to but all her money would go to me. And, she would also be the mother of my children... Also, if she wasn't a natural redhead she would have to be willing to dye her hair red..." He took a sip of his coffee, "Do you think you can handle that?"
Marie sat and slip at her coffee listening to his words and shocked how much control he wanted but hearing him tell her turn her on in a way she couldn't understand she was not a natural red head but she did dye hers red she liked to work she smiled " i think so and what about sexual?" She asked him the living together so soon what got to her.
Ryan took a sip of his coffee... "Well, besides regular vaginal sex. She'd must be willing to give my blowjobs from time to time. Maybe an occasional spanking... sometimes as a punishment, sometimes as a reward..." He smiled and continued, "I might tie her to the bed some times. Maybe some role play. Maybe some sex in the shower or my pool..."
She smile like the sound of how he was talking she knew how to blow a guy and loved spanking as punishment or reward and being tied down helpless turn her on more then anything and hoping he lick her also she never had an orgasm from it but she loved the feeling of it before sex she smiled and asked " you said your blowjobs would you do oral also at times and spanking as punshment what would cause it the spanking that way?"
Ryan was starting to get turned on by Marie's questions. It sounded like she was getting very interested in what he was proposing. "Yes... I would be willing to give my lady oral every once in awhile. It would only be fair. And as far as spankings go, she would be spanked if she refused to do something I told her to do.
She smiled she was glad he do oral she lend in " I asked cause Ive had oral but never cum guess they was not doing it right" She knew they was in public but she was very turn on and wanted to know him more,She looked at her phone it was her boss he wanted her come in early she text back it got her more hours but she was tired and had to leave soon to go home get ready." I'm going to having to get going it was nice meeting you" She smiled hoping he wanted to see her again.
"You too..." he said with a smiled, "I'd love to see you again some time..." He took her phone and started to enter his number into it, "I'm free anytime so give me a call..." Then he handed it back to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled as he took her phone doing his number she had alot guys in her phone she had text her she took it back and wrote down her and smiled as he kissed her cheek she kissed him light on lip and handed it to him and walked away not knowing when she see him again but she wanted to see him,have him spank her naughty ass lick her wet pussy fuck her,she hated going to work wet she may have to fix that at home.
Ryan waited a couple of days after not hearing from Marie. He wanted to see if she wanted to make the next move. But, after not hearing from her he deiced to make the next move himself. He picked up the piece of paper with her number on it. He dialed the number and waited.
Marie picked up hours and worked every day and wanted to call Ryan but she was so busy on night she had off she was getting out of shower and hear her phone rang she answered "Hello hey Ryan.. how are you.. I'm sorry been working.. i do wanna see you"
Ryan smiled when he heard Marie answer the phone. "Hi, Marie it's Ryan... I'm good... That's OK... I want to see you too... Where would you like to met? At the coffee house or some other place?"
She smiled and said " how about you come her we can order in" She was hoping he would they could talk more open
"Sure," said Ryan, "Sounds like a plan..." Some time later Ryan arrived at Marie's place. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans. He knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.
She smiled and give him her address then went and got dressed in a black cute dress and did her hair up and order pizza and was there mins before he was she heard the knock and open the door and smiled " Hello Ryan come in" She had a nice house was a nice sizes rooms and a nice couch with a flat screen on the wall.
"Hi, Marie..." Ryan gave her a kiss on the cheek. Ryan took a quick look around. "You have a very nice home here."