Medical Questions? The Doctor Is IN


Really Really Experienced
Nov 22, 2002
Welcome to the thread of PlayingDoctr!

Heres the deal... my contribution to society has always been in the feild of medicine, and with that in mind, I wanted to start a thread where I can anwser any medical questions people might have. Hopefully, most of these will be sexually related (were talking a Dr. Drew kinda thread here), but I will do my best to anwser any question that comes my way.


I am NOT a doctor. I do not hold a degree in medicine. All of the advice given here is the product of the education I have recieved and carefull research.


The advice on this thread is purely supplemental.


To make you all feel comfortable.. let me give you all my background.

-I hold a BS in Physiology and Neuroscience from the University of California at San Diego, with minors in Organic Chemistry and Psycology

- I hold an EMT liscense which I have maintained since I was 18.

-I have worked as a ambulance attendant, ER tech, respirtory technician, and vollenteer firefighter over the years.

- I currentlly work for UC Davis Medical Center in the AIDS Clinical Trial Group as a researcher.

-I plan to attend medical school within the next few years

And please note.... I cant spell worth a damn, and dont bother to. So please, dont correct my spelling. Medical stuff is hard enough to remember, let alone spell half the time. Bare with me :)

I know you said not to ask or say anything, but I just can't help it... How in the hell can you be so educated and spell so badly?

How do you expect people to take you seriously?

I am just curious...
SkyBluAngelEyes said:
I know you said not to ask or say anything, but I just can't help it... How in the hell can you be so educated and spell so badly?

How do you expect people to take you seriously?

I am just curious...

I think he's really a bricklayer.......
SkyBluAngelEyes said:
I know you said not to ask or say anything, but I just can't help it... How in the hell can you be so educated and spell so badly?

How do you expect people to take you seriously?

I am just curious...

Everyone knows doctors can't spell. Every try to read those prescriptions they fill out?
What is the difference between being knocked out and being in a coma? Time? Symtoms?
medjay said:
Everyone knows doctors can't spell. Every try to read those prescriptions they fill out?

LOL... I'm a nurse, so I have to read their writing daily... Well, I don't read it per se, I decipher it. They can spell, it's just that their penmanship sucks ass.
How can I improve my hand writing? The last time I wrote a love letter to my girl she took it to the pharmacy and they gave her a bottle of amoxicillin.
What is the difference between being knocked up amd pregnant?
SkyBluAngelEyes said:
I know you said not to ask or say anything, but I just can't help it... How in the hell can you be so educated and spell so badly?

How do you expect people to take you seriously?

I am just curious...

I ask myself the same thing some days.. and have come to this conclusion...

I havent taken a spelling test since the sixth grade, and every paper I have written for the past 10 or so years of my education has been on a computer with spell check... So I never bothered. Theres better things to occupy your brain with.

And hey... thats what messy handwriting is for...
If you think their writing is bad...try listening to the voices through Dictaphone. :eek:
Mia62 said:
If you think their writing is bad...try listening to the voices through Dictaphone. :eek:

I cannot believe I got Mia to fall for that dickaphone thing. Speak into the mic baby. :)
SaintPeter said:
What is the difference between being knocked out and being in a coma? Time? Symtoms?

Coma is a state of brain function. The human brain performs at different levels of consciousness. Each level does not have distinct boundaries, but rather, at one end blends into the level above it and at the other, blends into the level below it. At the highest level of performance the mind is perceived as alert, sharp, quick to respond to varying forms of input. Through a gentle phasing down, the brain may become progressively less responsive until, at the lowest level of function, the brain is in a state of coma. This represents the last state before death. This state most frequently occurs abruptly rather than in phases, usually followed by a progressive recovery.

Being "knocked out" on the other hand is a slang term used any time a someone looses conscioucness for any amount of time. This incudes momentary blackouts due to trauma, lack of proper circulation, and loss of blood pressure. Most often this is a state which one is removed from upon treating the symptom. With most comas, the patient can be asymptomatic and yet still unresponsive.
guilty pleasure said:
What is the difference between being knocked up amd pregnant?

Hmm.. dont quote me on this (or ask my ex...)

But Id say being knocked up is the accidental and unplanned version (which may be but usually is not a welcome event) while being pregnate is the state upon which anyone who is knocked up will find themselves... as well as anyone who happens to have concieved on purpose :)
SaintPeter said:
I cannot believe I got Mia to fall for that dickaphone thing. Speak into the mic baby. :)

Come a little closer then, darlin. That mic seems to have shrunk or something. ;)
CoolidgEffect said:
Why is it called an 'inion' when it sticks out?

NOUN: The most prominent projecting point of the occipital bone at the base of the skull.
ETYMOLOGY: Greek nion, occipital bone, from s, n-, sinew, fiber.
PlayingDoctr said:
Hmm.. dont quote me on this (or ask my ex...)

But Id say being knocked up is the accidental and unplanned version (which may be but usually is not a welcome event) while being pregnate is the state upon which anyone who is knocked up will find themselves... as well as anyone who happens to have concieved on purpose :)

Thanks......and no fee?:D
Dear Doc:

I have a bad case of the jock itch. I have had it for 8 years. What can I do? My other Dr said suicide, but I hear that's kinda risky. Plz help b4 I am in a wheelchair.

Your Truly
Ceasar Chavez (Psudeonym. Lol.)
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Spinaroonie said:
Dear Doc:

I have a bad case of the jock itch. I have had it for 8 years. What can I do? My other Dr said suicide, but I hear that's kinda risky. Plz help b4 I am in a wheelchair.

Your Truly
Ceasar Chavez (Psudeonym. Lol.)

Antifungal creams may be required. Miconazole cream can be purchased over the counter. If that is not helpful, several prescription creams are available from your dermatologist. These creams should be applied once or twice a day in a thin layer, spreading the cream at least a half inch beyond the margin of the rash. Treatment should be continued for one week after the rash goes away to prevent reoccurrences. If your rash is still present after 1 month, see your physician. Change in creams or oral medications may be needed.

This is from:

if you need more information, please go there.
CoolidgEffect said:
What makes men and women attracted to one another?

lol... you could read books on it and still not have a clue...

Some say its the smell... Pheremones, and hygene are important

Some say its how you look.... get to the gym, and hope you were born with the left half of your body perfectally inline with the right half....

Some say its fate.... get to the local church / temple / mosk / alter / shrine / etc

Whatever it is... good luck finding it!
ok this probably better falls under dentistry....but its the only serious question I could come up with....

my brother just found a white patch on his gums...what the hell is it?
What are pollups cuz I have them in my sinuses and I can barely breath through my nose. The doctor says it's not serious so I don't have to get it taken care of right now but what are they.

There now 2 TCers have posted on your thread