Medical Conference

Serving breakfast and lunch and being across the counter from Irene had been good thing for Will.
He liked how she filled out her jogging clothes. He was however aware that Melody had a larger
When Melody returned they conferred on the morning activities. Everything had according to plan
and Melody appeared pleased. Will felt the relief in her voice. It was now on to what would happen
in the afternoon. The weather beckon for being outside. Yet yard work seemed so unappealing.
Will had been a real help all day as he did kitchen patrol and entertained himself in town giving Irene and
her plenty of space. She had thoughts of how he should be rewarded. They had missed their usual romp at
wake up. When needed a reference to the conference Spain never failed to arouse Will. Melody pondered
how to be suggestive. As Will filled the ice trays, Melody released her top three buttons.

" Irene took in everything and made plenty notes, yet she has apprehension about the task."

" Understandable, I was the same way."

" Well, it's those moments of dealing with strangers and essentially bragging about yourself."

" Right, it's awkward. A new environment."

" Imagine applying for your first job at age 29."

" In a far off city."

" Like when we were in Spain."

" Those dreadful loud-mouth, Italians yelling all night."

" I was so glad when we moved to my room around the corner."

" That first....back rub. I went to sleep. You did my ass."

" I liked watching you sleep."

" You covered me with a blanket.".

" When it was your turn an hour later my bra fell away. You saw my...chest. "
Will enjoyed reminiscing the experience of how they met. In fact it stirred him more so than usual.
He pressed forward with his side of the intimate details as Melody's eyes brightened.

" You looked so relaxed and it was rest you need."

" It seemed pointless so I simply left it on the floor. Then I realized how you were getting ahh...excited
and I needed to make a move or..."

" I pulled you over and took a taste."

" I was so electrified but had to get you off. I was surprised you were shaved. I never..."

Will moved to her side of the kitchen island. He knew full well Melody was talking himself into
an arousal. His idea was too simply let her go. He carefully constructed his next comment.

" You looked so good, so smooth, I simply kept going. The air conditioning wasn't keeping up"

" Yes, I remember. I was so heated but I sucked you, knowing I had to get you off or you would take me."

" Your pussy surrendered!"

" I couldn't hold back."

" Neither could I. I shot off."

" Then you led me to shower. I was naked."
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" I was really warm, and a shower sounded really good."

" You walked by and I had a swell look at your chest and followed you to the shower."

" I wasn't nervous. I just thought we were getting freshened up. The warm water started. That's when I saw your cock!

" All I recall was washing your back. "

" You were behind me and it felt so good. So attentive.
Their recollections were both the same of that wonderful shower. Melody had cascade of emotions about her marriage, adultery,
preserving her conference in Spain and what might happen next. Those next seven days now seemed like a whirlwind.

Will appeared to be in need of a change of scenery. Melody moved to the front door which led once more to the porch.
If anything the temperature had gone up into the seventies. She knew he was behind her and she knew his thoughts! He wanted
what he missed out on in bed that morning! This might be just the time. Hopefully he wants it fast.
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It was surprising yet pleasing to be out on the front porch and glancing at the lake. There
was not a hint of wind which is unusual for the middle of May. As he looked around at remaining
ice, Will felt positive that he could have his boat on the water for next Saturday. Fishing in just ten
more days.

" So, Irene enjoyed her hike and your suggestions."

" Also liked this porch and the view of the lake."

" Did you describe the way we enjoy it?"

" Oh, I should have. Especially the first time. "
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Melody was staring out at the lake and the large but shrinking block of ice about two miles away. While
pretending to be observing, she felt Will moving to rub her shoulders. It was a clear indication he was
interested! His hand moved up the back of her tee to quickly undo her branice.

" The iceberg seems to be shrinking."

Without slowing her jeans were unsnapped and slid to her knees where she managed to step out. The air
on her legs felt almost warm.

" like what you see?"

Will appeared to be in full focus. A quick glance revealed his jeans were down and Will's cock was ready.
He said nothing as he turned Melody to face the yard. His fingers tugged eagerly to pull down her
underwear. He took a fast search of her clit! He seemed to be positioning himself. Will's fingers struggled
under her tee to find her breasts. He seemed momentarily content as he stroked the very tip of her nipples
He so good at getting me ready.

" really like this porch don't you. Outside can be ...."

Will's shaft rubbed on her backside. It was searching! She leaned on the railing making a better angle.
It was already stiff. He seemed in control and not hurried. He spoke not a word. She closed her eyes
to allow her body to be responsive. Patience, he will go in for what he wants.

Will's fingers shifted to feeling her breasts. When that happens Melody knew he was close. She moaned
involuntarily! This is going to be great, I hope he soaks me!
Once her panties were down Will took a casual look at Melody's ass and her waiting clit. It
excited him. Suddenly Melody leaned on the railing and made a soft moan almost as if it was
in anticipation! She was highly elevated. Melody needed his cock! Will could proceed at his
own pace, first going in then reaching under her top to feel her tits. Her nipples confirmed his

" Yes, I love seeing...all of you...especially....."

" My ass."

" Yes. Even better in sunlight."

"'re soo big."

Will pulled backward lightly with a soft grip on her tits making his cock an even tighter connection. He
glanced around the yard double checking and finding no signs of activity. She was all his! He settled into a
slow series of rhythmic thrusts. His only thought was to pleasure himself.
Melody had a basic and comfortable position except having her around her knees. It restricted her
moving her feet wider. His fingers were softly rubbing instead of grasping her breasts. Will appeared
to be taking it slow. All the talk about their first conquest in the hotel room had Melody keyed up.
Already she felt her body tingles traversing. No need to hold off. Just let him take you. Rock on him.

"'re FUCKING hard....I can suck're right there."

Pushing gently with arms against rail, Melody set up a rocking motion that complemented Will's
thrust. The net effect set in motion a voltage charge progressing up her spine and soothing her
mind. Melody seemed to be floating in pleasure. How long it lasted was difficult judge. Will had pulled back
and was assisting Melody to being upright. With no ability to think, she stepped out of her crumpled
jeans and underwear as Will gathered them. She walked briskly to the front door with socks feeling the
warm kitchen floor. Melody was breathing excessively.

" In here."

Will pointed to the living room as he closed the door. Melody walked halfway then turned as Will placed
her jeans on the couch.

" You were so good. I want you again. Can you....."

" Yes..."

She went directly to her knees. She was confused. Did she actually not feel his orgasm? Had she been
able over ride his shooting off with own cataclysmic explosion?

Will stepped directly forward. Her hand took hold. He was wet! She stared upward to see Will's face
and his inability to hide a smile. She stroked him to give inspiration. His eyes were locked on her! She
felt so empowered. Melody took the tip. At the same moment her hand checked her clit!
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Will reached and pulled up her tee and over her head. He now had a full view of her tits. It may
well have been an error in judgement as he had an immediate mental block about drenching them
with his jizz. Having her on her knees and taking him was an incredible visual stimulant leading Will
to think of what would be best for giving it to her. Melody decided for him.

She rocked backward to lay on rug with her head on green pillow. At same time she cupped her hands
over her clit as if to hide it from view.

"'re being coy."

" You want my pussy? You need to earn it."

Will ducked to the rug between her knees as Melody instantly removed her hands. He was looking directly
at little tunnel. He played it slow. His tongue traced her inner thigh down to her hip. He then did the same
with her left thigh, slightly slower. He wanted her to build her expectations. Her skin felt warm and very
tender. Will thought about doing the same with her tits. Instead he lifted her legs to have them point to the
ceiling as he went lower and swirled his tongue in a circle around his intended target. Melody was shaved
smooth as always. He went in!

" it.....I love it it....When you stripped me on the porch then took me..."

Almost immediately his tongue found her nub! Melody made only murmuring sounds. She attempted to
lift her hips upward then gave in. Her legs fell onto his back. He had Melody perfectly position once more!
A trickle of lotion found his tongue. Will's right hand reached out to feel her nipple! It sent her over the edge.
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Will was being aggressive and taking full charge. She had been so turned on by having been stripped by his
anxious fingers on the porch then taken from behind! Now he wanted to be sucked in a rather whorish manner!
Her hand checked her puss to be sure! Their simultaneous orgasm was in her thoughts. Melody could barely think! Will directed that she lie back. He had some thought. She needed to comply.

With her head on the pillow, Will appeared to be examining her. Her hands covered her clit hiding it from view
for no real reason other than to arouse him. Melody wanted him to lose control and release his manly desires.

"You want my pussy, you need to earn it."

She could not believe she spoke such words. He instantly swooped down on her, as her hands were cast aside
and his voracious tongue invaded her womanhood! He was ever so good at finding her spot!

" it Will."

Knowing she was only five minutes from being taken excited Melody beyond reason!
Will's idea was simple. As soon as she came he would give it to her! The concept was simple
and it gave him inspiration. It most certainly had an effect on Melody, too. She was lifting her
hips. Will had experienced that move with only two other women.

" it Will."

A slow trickle was the signal. It soon became a consistent flow. Will waited as he flexed his knees on the
rug then pounced with a perfect motion, as his cock found her slender slit! He was in!

"'re getting me so good!"

" Cum on that cock! YES

" our first time."
Melody rubbed Will's head as he rested on her chest. He seemed to savor his conquest and Melody
was very willing to give him his moment. Will stirred and moved to one side allowing her to stand up.
Her first thought was to go for an early afternoon shower. It had been an active day and it was only half
over. The shower proved to be wonderful idea.

Will had tidied up the living room and she found her jeans and underwear on the bed. After dressing
Melody discovered the kitchen back in order and dishes put away.

" Wow, you have been busy."

" Feels good. I needed the exercise. By the way it's raining outside."

" Least it is not snow."
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The afternoon was spent indoors although Melody had no inclination for doing hospital reports
nor writing bills. She read a novel quietly on the couch. There were inspiring moments that
managed to set off her imagination. Will had really got her going and there were moments when
the story brought out those inspirations.

Will was her lover for life. Melody felt compelled to keep him at home, quietly happy and most
of all sexually satisfied. They had made love three times that afternoon and five times that week.
By her estimate, Will had her around 200 times in the past year!

More if he wants it!
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Will found tidying up in the garage was a useful way to spend the afternoon. Besides the sweeping of winter debris
there was the shifting of tools back to the summer needs. The firewood pile was down to five bundles, which
was perfect. Will finished by using the blower to clean the blacktop.

He really needed to get ready for his boat. Using his cellphone he caught the local fix-it man Jefferson and
described his need for getting the dock and boat lift in place. He had used his team three years ago. They
knew how he liked things and charged $125. Will didn't care, he only wanted it done by the following weekend.

Once back indoors he found Melody reading at her desk. It seemed surprising as she hadn't read a novel in
a few months.
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Will seemed to be content and Melody continued reading a section unusually reminiscent of how Will
had taken her on the porch. The boyfriend pulls his partners swimsuit down and licks her right by the
backyard pool. No one was home and it was secluded from the neighbors but the thrill of being outside
sent her body tingling. She sees his manhood, ever so erect, moving toward her! The idea of cupping
her hands to cover her clit had been her idea and Will was so turned on as he took his pleasure!

Melody marked her page and went to the kitchen. She was inclined to have dinner at home tonight. It
was their night of favorite TV shows.
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When Will heard the backdoor close he knew Melody gone to check the mail and he took a quick glance
at her novel while carefully checking the bookmark. Will scanned the previous five pages finding the
favored areas. One captured his attention. The husband sneaks a peek at his wife after her shower,
turns out the bedroom lights and tackles her onto the bed he uses gerovelling disguise in his voice to
sound like an intruder who takes his pleasure quicky.

Will replaces the bookmark and sets her book back on the desk before moving to the kitchen. He
contemplates his plan while refilling the wine rack in the refrigerator. Melody returns and remarks
once more on the warmth.

" Yep, we get to finally take a boat ride next Saturday."

" It will be great."

" I will be wearing a swimsuit, um under my sweat clothes."

" A wise choice."
Melody arrived home on Wednesday just as the work crew was leaving having positioned the dock and boat lift.
Will was in the side yard and even at a distance she could see his cheerful face. She also was relieved not
to have to slug those heavy things in that freezing water.

" Next our boat. Should be here tomorrow."

" I can hardly wait."

" We are only ten days behind."

" Come inside we can talk over dinner."
By Friday the weather had really warmed with temperatures shooting up to eighty. Everything looked to be ready and Melody had
started their day with a great breakfast. To be sure, water temps would remain below average and fishing would likely suffer. There
was however a vast amount of fishing equipment to be stock onboard. They worked for an hour and were ready for the all important
first boat ride by ten-thirty.

Having not grown up around boats or the water, Melody still felt as a beginner to being onboard, but she was getting excited about
the season ahead. Will was a swell teacher. He took every occasion to point out features of how the boat handled. He backed the
boat in reverse out of the lift and turn to face open water, before taking it up to cruising speed.

" No need fish yet, we can ride down the East side."

" Good idea, the lake looks to be clearing up."

" I am reading surface temperature of 57."

" Yikes, no swimming. "

" Here take over."

Melody shifted to the drivers seat. This early in the day there were only three other boats in view. They were going about 15 mph
getting their view of the shoreline some 100 yards away. This side of the lake had less than ten cottages and was very much
wooded, which made for great, undisturbed fishing. It had frequently also been a favored place to anchor and have adventurous
As Melody piloted the boat, Will rechecked the boat to make sure all was operational. He had most of the tackle in its
rightful place. Melody looked really good driving the boat. He was pleased to at last be out on the water. There
was an intention to make a few casts. At that moment his cellphone went off. The hospital was calling to get additional staff in place for a bus crash on the interstate.

Will had Melody turn the boat around and speed back to the dock. Will understood the need but he knew that the surgeons would be getting all the serious patients and he would be doing x-rays and bandages! Still the hospital would grant him an additional day off for him to use whenever. Somehow, he felt he was missing out.

Melody drove the boat perfectly into the lift. Will dashed to the cottage for a quick change then
regrettably off to Madison.
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Melody wished him well as Will attempted to not look disappointed. She remained dockside cleaning
and positioning equipment. She knew how Will felt missing out. Eventually she returned to the cottage
noticing how warm the morning sun had changed in one week.

Melody fixed a fresh pot of coffee and found her book. It looked to be a slow day. Ten minutes later
there was a knock at the kitchen door and was Irene! She had gone shopping in Madison and dropped by
on a lark. She had some paperwork that would be added to her resume and wanted Melody's opinion.

Melody was delighted by the visit and poured Irene a coffee and began checking the pages at the kitchen
island, while explaining Will's departure. Only after a few minutes did Melody realize the temperature
rising in the kitchen and suggested they adjourn to the porch.

" Oh, my gosh, you have a great view. Is that Madison?"

" Yes, the harbor."

" And it is so peaceful."

" Two of the neighbors are year-round, the the rest are here only in the summer."
As Melody perused the paperwork, Irene looked around the porch casually finishing her coffee and
apparently getting a bit of sunshine. Once back on the porch Melody watched as she took out some
sunscreen from her bag.

" Good thinking, it's a smart idea."

" I really miss getting a tan in good weather."

" Irene, nobody will see us. Will is gone for the day."

" I trust you. Here goes."

With that, Irene lift her top up over head to casually toss it on the rail and sat in the chair next
to Melody. Quickly she was joined as Melody removed her top. With only their bras showing they
had ample sunshine warming their skin!

" You have a perfect lake home."
Melody was delighted with Irene dropping in to visit and the timing could hardly have been better. She
did glance over to view Irene's chest and noticed how she pressed her fabric. Irene was a very upbeat
person and already a valued and trusted friend. At one point she retrieved the empty cups and returned
them to the kitchen. This gave Melody another extended view and a thought of how Will might have

" Glad you got the dock and boat in the water."

" We were out for about twenty minutes. Not missing any fishing as the water is still in the forties."

" Do you swim from the boat?"

" Oh, yes, it's great. We have a cove about a mile down the lake."

" "Perfect"
Will's five hours at the hospital was very routine. He read x-rays and tended to minor cuts. It had been a rollover
accident with a busload of older people headed for a casino. The real injuries were in the operating rooms and
he never got to see them. The only redeeming feature would be he would be getting an extra day of his
choosing to make up for it. Will was on his way home by 3pm - too late for any meaningful boat ride.

He found Melody reading inside the cottage. After describing his day he grabbed a quick shower. Over
afternoon coffee he went into a few details and listened as Melody described her visit with Irene.

" Glad it turned out. Hopefully you and Irene can get out in the boat next time."

" That would be good."

" Get some sun!"
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Melody finished her coffee and took Will's hand to lead him out to the porch, suggesting he needed fresh air and sunshine. The air had retained its warmth yet it felt so refreshing. Melody looked around the neighborhood to
be sure no one was about, then unbuttoned her blouse.

" Remember my first visit here in the summer almost two years ago?"

" Yep, I do."

" And we were on this porch?"

" I recall very well."

" That was so hot---you really got into it!"

" I had no idea you were that skilled at roleplay. It was wild."