Media bias can no longer be denied, completely ignore Dorner's liberal ties


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Compare, as just one example, the coverage of Anders Breivik's crime spree in Norway to the absolute void of ANY mention of California spree murderer and cop killer Chris Dorner's political beliefs and motivation in the mainstream media.

Chris Dorner, an ex-cop on a vengeful rampage against police officers in Los Angeles, praised liberal media personalities in his oddly chatty "manifesto" posted on Facebook. Those details were absent from Friday's account by Adam Nagourney and Ian Lovett, "Manhunt On for Ex-Officer Accused of Police Vendetta."

Dorner's manifesto included paeans to liberal journalists, among much else:

Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad O'brien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite's lead. I hold many of you in the same regard as Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings. Cooper, stop nagging and berating your guest, they're your (guest). Mr. Scarborough, we met at McGuire's pub in P-cola in 2002 when I was stationed there. It was an honor conversing with you about politics, family, and life.

... give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws but you must understand that your critics will always have in the back of their mind that you are native to a country that we won our sovereignty from while using firearms as a last resort in defense and you come from a country that has no legal private ownership of firearms. That is disheartening to American gun owners and rightfully so.

Dorner also praised politicians, mostly Democrats, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chris Christie, and the first President Bush, and vilified NRA president Wayne LaPierre...
I asked two people who get their news only from the major mainstream media if they had heard ANYTHING about Dorner being a liberal. Neither one had heard ANYTHING about his political views.

Whenever there is any tie, no matter how remote, between a crime suspect and any sort of "right wing" beliefs that is immediately and constantly reported in mainstream news coverage.

How does the media justify this double standard? How do these "journalists" look themselves in the mirror every morning???
The guy went on a killing spree after he got fired, but Retard Ruse and the usual suspects want to dwell on the guy's politics.

On the other hand, the media doesn't seem to be making any effort to cover up the fact Dorner is black. In the past, they used to try to downplay a suspect's race when they were black and emphasize it when they were white.

Perhaps ideology is gradually replacing color as the defining issue for the media? They certainly no longer have any problem going after blacks who have the "wrong views" on say, the gay question.

Only the media knows for sure why it has the biases it has, the public can only speculate. Sadly, most of the public is oblivious to the bias and/or doesn't care. It seems they are happy to be completely manipulated by the Fourth Estate.
On the other hand, the media doesn't seem to be making any effort to cover up the fact Dorner is black. In the past, they used to try to downplay a suspect's race when they were black and emphasize it when they were white.

Perhaps ideology is gradually replacing color as the defining issue for the media? They certainly no longer have any problem going after blacks who have the "wrong views" on say, the gay question.

Only the media knows for sure why it has the biases it has, the public can only speculate. Sadly, most of the public is oblivious to the bias and/or doesn't care. It seems they are happy to be completely manipulated by the Fourth Estate.

Yeah, not sure what you're talking about. The dude's face is pasted all around the country for a reason. How could his race be covered up by the media?

And lumping the media into one homogenous group called "the media" doesn't make you look very intelligent.
Not only is there a defeaning silence in the same media that hysterically and constantly points out even the most tenuous ties to "right wing" beliefs of a crime suspect, but some liberals, even in groups with ties to mainstream politicians, like the Occupy Movement, are actually supporting Dorner:

Liberals rush to defend murderer Christopher Dorner; "A True Patriot Hero"

The Main Stream Media has been deafeningly silent on madman Christopher Dorner's liberal leanings. Dorner supports gun control. Dorner loves President Obama. Dorner said of Piers Morgan, "I agree with you 100%."

Much of the reason is clear: the MSM desperately wants to paint conservatives as violent lunatics. They did so after Representative Giffords was shot. They said that James Holmes was a Tea Party member despite zero evidence whatsoever. But for some, there is another reason: they support what Dorner
has done.

On Occupy Wall Street's website, a headline blares, "Christopher Jordan Dorner Is A True Patriot Hero: LAPD Getting Everything It Deserves."
The media owes an apology to "right wingers" over the way its treated them the past fifty years. They can start by admitting Dorner is a liberal and letting everyone know about it.
Not only is there a defeaning silence in the same media that hysterically and constantly points out even the most tenuous ties to "right wing" beliefs of a crime suspect, but some liberals, even in groups with ties to mainstream politicians, like the Occupy Movement, are actually supporting Dorner:

Give examples of the media "constantly" pointing out criminals' ties to conservatism. Since this happens constantly as you say then I'm sure you'll have a very long list of specific examples.
The media owes an apology to "right wingers" over the way its treated them the past fifty years. They can start by admitting Dorner is a liberal and letting everyone know about it.

Should the media also go out of its way to let people know that Dorner is black? That he's a military veteran? Should military veterans and blacks be held accountable for his actions?
How the Right sees itself:


How the rest of the world see them:
