Me? Published?


Aug 4, 2002
I think I need some help on this one.

I got an EMail from the editor of a magazine called "Anais." It's published at Wellesley College in Mass. She says they have a monthly guest writer, and she wants to publish something of mine.

Is someone having me on? Did anyone else get anything like this? Why the hell would a legitimate publication want to print anything of mine?

Any help, advice, feedback, whatever would be appreciated.

MathGirl said:
I got an EMail from the editor of a magazine called "Anais." It's published at Wellesley College in Mass. She says they have a monthly guest writer, and she wants to publish something of mine.


If she provided a phone number, just call her up and ask her. You can probably tell from her email address if it's legitimate, but I'm sure it is.

And they probably want to publish something by you because your writing is beautiful.

Dear Sarah,
The EMail address is legitimate., and all that. I replied asking about readership, what specific piece, why me, etc. No, there is nothing beautiful about my writing. It's mostly the ramblings of a girl who was too young to even know what she was doing. Thanks for the compliment, though.]

I'll post any further developments here, just in case anyone is interested. Comments would be appreciated.

Re: Legit

MathGirl said:
I'll post any further developments here, just in case anyone is interested. Comments would be appreciated. Diane

Too cool, MG. Are you going to still remember us when you're rich and famous?

Definitely way to young to be taking pictures of themselves to supplement their own smutzine.

They did me last month. I figured what the heck. I knew "what" they were. A bunch of girls in college running a smutty website that their college probably doesn't know they're running.
MathGirl said:
I think I need some help on this one.

I got an EMail from the editor of a magazine called "Anais." It's published at Wellesley College in Mass. She says they have a monthly guest writer, and she wants to publish something of mine.

Is someone having me on? Did anyone else get anything like this? Why the hell would a legitimate publication want to print anything of mine?

Any help, advice, feedback, whatever would be appreciated.


Well done dear, fame at last, you mean they really want stories about 6ft long brown objects and discharged excess foodstuf, wow, there's even hope for me yet.
KillerMuffin said:
Definitely way to young to be taking pictures of themselves to supplement their own smutzine.

They did me last month. I figured what the heck. I knew "what" they were. A bunch of girls in college running a smutty website that their college probably doesn't know they're running.

Thank you, KM, that's sort of what I figured. That's the information I needed. I had a hard time imagining that Wellesley College would have a sanctioned erotica publication.

So much for my 'writing career.' Hah Thanks again,
Svenskaflicka said:
Oh, go for it!Serious or slutty, atleast they want your works! It's a compliment!:)

Dear Svenska,
Now that I have an idea what it's all about, I'll probably follow up on it. You're right, why not?

At least that outfit has selected what I consider to be the two best things I've written.

I don't see what harm it would do to allow them to use the stuff, but I'm going to take 24 hours to think about it anyway.

Re: Publish?

MathGirl said:
At least that outfit has selected what I consider to be the two best things I've written.

I don't see what harm it would do to allow them to use the stuff, but I'm going to take 24 hours to think about it anyway.


Go for it kid.....:)
OMG. Just checked my e-mail and discovered I've been invited too. According to this editor, my work is of a similar quality to that of MG's and KM's. Admittedly you could say: 'What does this girl know about writing?' but it's still very flattering.

The (truly flattered) Earl
Just checked MY email and got the same thing!! MG, Earl, did your emails read:

Security Advisory - RHSA-2003:051-30
Updated kerberos packages fix various vulnerabilities

Updated Kerberos packages fix a number of vulnerabilities found in MIT Kerberos.

An integer signedness error in the ASN.1 decoder before version 1.2.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a large unsigned data element length, which is later used as a negative value. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has assigned the name CAN-2002-0036 to this issue.

Pretty amazing coincidence, hah?
Security Advisory - RHSA-2003:051-30
Updated kerberos packages fix various vulnerabilities

Updated Kerberos packages fix a number of vulnerabilities found in MIT Kerberos.

An integer signedness error in the ASN.1 decoder before version 1.2.5 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a large unsigned data element length, which is later used as a negative value. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project has assigned the name CAN-2002-0036 to this issue.

Errr, no, my e-mail didn't say that. Confused? I know I am. Is this some white cunts joke that black cunts don't get?

The Earl

Hiya, Joe, whereya been? There's a whole thread on here using your name. See what happens when you don't show up for a few days?

I didn't get stuff like that in my EMail from someone supposedly at Wellesley. What the hell's going on here?

Earl, please send me a copy of your letter from that Anais outfit at I'd like to compare it with what I got.
If you send me your EMail address, I'll send you what I got.

You show me yours, and I'll show you mine.

Re: ??????????

MathGirl said:
Earl, please send me a copy of your letter from that Anais outfit at


Hmm. Quite a neat trick. First of all change your AV for a distant topless shot. Then change it for a topless shot with an equally gorgeous and equally topless friend. Then start a new thread about receiving mail requesting your romantic and well written stories. When this trap is set it will inveigle some poor unsuspecting dupe into revealing similar mail requests whereupon you can blatantly give out your real e-mail addy, in public, thus "inadvertantly" inviting lots of pervs to send you pictures of themselves in little or no clothing, in the honest and wholly deniable belief that you had done no such thing.

Well done Diane;)


Dear Gauchie,
I get plenty of uninvited photos of overweight men's genetalia as a regular part of my feedback. What I was really trying to do was to provoke YOU to send me a nudie.

gauchecritic said:
Can you see any clothes in my av?

Well, no, but that wasn't really what I had in mind. The other woman in that AV is my aunt. She likes to have her picture taken with me, because she towers over me. She's 5'1". I'd like to be back at Aruba right now. Siggggghhhhhhhh

Because you write an english and history major i have been shocked at the quality of your prose....and the sex is the best on Lit
Gd Grf

nabe said:
Because you write an english and history major i have been shocked at the quality of your prose....and the sex is the best on Lit

Good grief! Blush

That place that wanted to use some of my stuff seems to be a nice site. I noticed that KMuffin was guest author last month. Very nicely done.

They're wanting free stuff to use for their monthly issue, and I decided to let them use three pieces of mine. At least they asked. Seeing that someone whose writing I respect as much as KMuffin's there made me want to me there, too.


Ps. I'm sure a place like Wellesley would never acknowledge them.
Last edited:
I almost hate to look

KillerMuffin said:
Wow, they're quick. You're already up there.

Dear KMuffin,
I guess I'd better go look. I'd decided not to put my stuff on there until I saw that you were there last month. You've been around this stuff a lot more than I have, so having you there gave me a feeling of security. A little. Thank you.