Mature Category, what to expect


Naughty Worldbuilder
Apr 7, 2022
So I’ve learned my lesson a few times now the hard way. I’ve posted in categories under an assumption of what it was about or minimal information. But now I want to be a bit more educated.

I want to write a story in the Mature category, a sort of may/December deal. Ultimately I am writing for me, but If I can be educated on the ins and outs why not?

What is this category about?

What are the no nos?

What makes a story successful there?

What do the readers want to see/not see?

Any help is appreciated!
So I’ve learned my lesson a few times now the hard way. I’ve posted in categories under an assumption of what it was about or minimal information. But now I want to be a bit more educated.

I want to write a story in the Mature category, a sort of may/December deal. Ultimately I am writing for me, but If I can be educated on the ins and outs why not?

What is this category about?

What are the no nos?

What makes a story successful there?

What do the readers want to see/not see?

Any help is appreciated!
It's a good category, inhabited by adults who understand erotica is many things for many people, and who are capable of reading without negativity.

It's my most successful category - comments are forthcoming, intelligent, and the Vote/View ratio is always pretty good. I've not found any squick-meisters - they're a tolerant bunch.

It can be about May December age gap (older man, younger woman; older woman, younger man) but it can also be about December December, mature adult relationships.
I've written two stories for mature. One was a very vanilla older man/younger woman story. It did ok.

The second was a three on one story about three generations from one family fucking one woman at the same time. It was very well received. :nana:

My guess is the readers are tolerant of all sorts of links.
I have two stories there, both older women (late forties) and younger men (one late twenties, the other 18). Both relatively vanilla. One was my most recent Geek Pride entry and was bedevilled by one-vote trolls, and the sweeps either didn’t remove all or it rubbed some people the wrong way. It’s just below Hot and the only comment was quite complimentary.

The other is one of my higher-rated stories that tells of a couple who meet on a plane (she’s a senior flight attendant, he’s a single guy going to Europe for work.) The story is essentially a travelogue of their night around Paris (visiting the Eiffel Tower, but otherwise mostly more out of the way places that tourists don’t always know about.)

I have one other older woman/younger man story but I put that one into Fetish because the woman pegging the guy is a key sex act and plot thread.
I have three stories, a chain, in Mature and it's about a young woman who works in the proverbial old folk's home. All three stories have good scores and got good views/comments. I focused on the differences between the young woman and the experienced men and how the two differences work against each other. Take a read:

I like reading the stories too. Some are mature/mature, others are mature and young. I think the ones that do well have to be more well-written and more developed before they get into the sexy time. There's some patience and story-telling needed here, like romance, to create a sense of realism for the readers.

Good luck!
Give this thread a quick look. Its a great category and the reasons why are discussed here

Thanks for relinking to that. I had forgotten that thread but now I remember reading it at the time.

I'm working on an older man/younger woman story that could be mature or first time. It has minor elements of BDSM and exhibitionism, too, but not enough to justify inclusion in either of them. I'm inclined to post it in mature or first time and am trying to decide which. My general philosophy is to try to match a story with the category that will give it the greatest number of appreciative readers. It boils down to "where do I think it will get the most favorites?" That is more important to me than the highest score or greatest number of views.

I wonder if the popularity of mature, at least in the case of older man/younger woman and older woman/younger man, is that for many readers it has much the same appeal as incest/taboo without the ick factor.
Thanks for relinking to that. I had forgotten that thread but now I remember reading it at the time.

I'm working on an older man/younger woman story that could be mature or first time. It has minor elements of BDSM and exhibitionism, too, but not enough to justify inclusion in either of them. I'm inclined to post it in mature or first time and am trying to decide which. My general philosophy is to try to match a story with the category that will give it the greatest number of appreciative readers. It boils down to "where do I think it will get the most favorites?" That is more important to me than the highest score or greatest number of views.

I wonder if the popularity of mature, at least in the case of older man/younger woman and older woman/younger man, is that for many readers it has much the same appeal as incest/taboo without the ick factor.
I'd go mature and use tags like first time and virgin. I feel the mature crowd would get a thrill out of an older person being a younger person's first.

Yes, I definitely see a relationship between mature and taboo. Mom/Milf...your mom or another person's mom. Daddy issues v your real daddy. I see a lot of the same commenters on my taboo stories showing up in mature stories.
Not my usual category, I have two, both "750 word" entries. Comments were all positive; >4. They would have set the LW crowd on fire - one husband/wife/boyfriend, the other husband/wife/bar pickup. Both are lighthearted fun.
My favorite category. The readers are tolerant of the kinds of stories I write.

There's no rule of thumb about how great the age gap needs to be; there is an expectation, though, that there be a significant difference, in terms of maturity or sexuality, in the two protagonists. I've had successful stories there with double-digit age gaps, and others with like three or four years' difference: in the latter, I emphasized the power imbalance between the two. Like, say, boss/employee or teacher/student.

The readership there, in my experience, does reward characters who are not too mean, and they like a happy ending more than a sad one. They like humor, deal well with irony, and enjoy longer works.

One thing to note is that MERELY having an age gap is not necessarily going to guarantee success, especially if the two protagonists treat each other as peers.
A question about mature stories: Are they more appreciated if told from the perspective of the older person, or from the younger person? Does it make a difference? I'm working on an older man/younger woman story, 28 years apart, from the POV of the older man, mainly because it's closer to my perspective and I think I could write it more authentically this way.
I've found this category to have appreciative readers, and the ratio of reader demand to story supply seems to be pretty high.
Agreed with Voboy and others that readership is a 'tolerant' crew, with a keener than usual interest in a well-told story. There is lots of room for all sorts of tales (be sweet to see more light bondage maybe?) and for younger authors I suppose the only dicey threshold is considering how old a character has to be to be categorised as 'mature.' Maybe best not to ask.

Ages gaps can be considerable (my two involve gaps of perhaps thirty and fifty years apart) but just plain old geezer lust amongst elders possesses its own quaint charm and qualifies too.
A good question, PJ!

It is a good category to write for, IMHO, arguably my favourite. I think the scoring and comments there are as fair as anywhere and there’s certainly none of the vindictive irrational harassment found in Loving Wives. It’s pretty open in terms of what’s acceptable, meaning that at least one important character needs to be ‘mature’, however you want to define that. In other words, it can be about a pair of septuagenarians or a 40s sugar daddy/mommy with a 20s sugar baby; it’s all good. I suppose I should throw out a warning about the usual sensitive subjects like gay male, extreme non-consent or some of the odder fetishes, but there are no special pitfalls in Mature.

I’ve generally written from the younger person’s perspective, but some from both and I’m working on one now written from the (much) older person’s perspective. Most of mine were May-September tales, but one which did quite well involved a threesome, two in their 50s and one in her 30s.

Have fun and good luck!
I don't understand what this category is for. The stories I have read so far are consenting M / F.
What does it matter if there is an age-gap or if both are a bit older, sex is sex.
It could be different if a young woman is very patient(saintly) trying to get her old man hard.

It could be interesting if a couple with 15 or so years age difference would fall in love and plan to marry. There would be plenty of room for conflict because friends or relatives might not approve and the couple has to make difficult decisions.

I doubt I will ever find such stories on LitErotica.
I don't understand what this category is for. The stories I have read so far are consenting M / F.
What does it matter if there is an age-gap or if both are a bit older, sex is sex.
It could be different if a young woman is very patient(saintly) trying to get her old man hard.

It could be interesting if a couple with 15 or so years age difference would fall in love and plan to marry. There would be plenty of room for conflict because friends or relatives might not approve and the couple has to make difficult decisions.

I doubt I will ever find such stories on LitErotica.
I would guess that it offers an alternative to the usual erotica, where everybody is 20 years old with a toned body, no wrinkles and endless stamina. I think some people find stories in Mature a bit more realistic, maybe gentler that the run-of-the-mill everybody-pile-on stories. Yes, sex is sex, but there are other categories putting a bit of spin on ‘just sex’, too. This one just happens to make maturity the spin.

As to your specific ‘ask’, I might suggest you try the site search section. There are hundreds of thousands of stories here; some have to be what you are looking for.

Good luck.
A question about mature stories: Are they more appreciated if told from the perspective of the older person, or from the younger person? Does it make a difference? I'm working on an older man/younger woman story, 28 years apart, from the POV of the older man, mainly because it's closer to my perspective and I think I could write it more authentically this way.
I've done all mine from the younger person's POV and my reason is its less predatory. Just like dad/daughter stories have a negative vibe if the father is lusting after the daughter as opposed to making the daughter the aggressor.
I can speak on this subject first hand. My wife is older then me. I was a virgin when we met, she wasnt. This has been good and bad. Going through menopause caused her sex drive to go to 0. So many men experience this i believe though. The wives lose the drive, the men still have it. So for me, it steered me to explore. I dont want to cheat and have a relationship i just needed a release. I would say it turned me bisexual and i discovered the erotic sensation of giving head to another man. It was much Better then just masturbation. I discovered other men can be incredible fun. Especially older men. Alot of the men are in there late 40,s 50s and 60s. Its like this secret club where we just meet to play. So many wild kinky direction with these kind of stories. Ive experienced the daddy fetish in both directions. Talking with a younger man on kik who called me that. Then ive met older men where i dress up sexy and call them daddy. Ive had some very erotic times. So if your looking some ideas, ive got a ton of them. Personally some of the hottest times ive had was from. I realize this is beyond straight sex M-F. Im not prejudice, i like the older woman teach younger men a very hot read too.
I've done all mine from the younger person's POV and my reason is its less predatory. Just like dad/daughter stories have a negative vibe if the father is lusting after the daughter as opposed to making the daughter the aggressor.

Most of my IT stories are like this, but I wanted to try something different. I also wanted to try a story from the POV of someone who's more like me, which is something I haven't done a lot of. What makes it less predatory is that the younger woman will in some ways be the instigator, although the POV is the older man.
Most of my IT stories are like this, but I wanted to try something different. I also wanted to try a story from the POV of someone who's more like me, which is something I haven't done a lot of. What makes it less predatory is that the younger woman will in some ways be the instigator, although the POV is the older man.
Whatever works, that's just my MO here. In the pay market I have a milf series where they're all from the female POV, but as they're mostly smutty encounters without a lot of build up, I think it might work better that way, and the pay market is a little different from here.
My question is, what is mature for Lit? I'm about to turn 33 and our lawn boy call's me ma'am, I keep telling him to call me Millie, he says that would be disrespectful. Jo, my wife, worked her way through two years of college and 2 years of trade school as a stripper. Her old boss called and asked if she wanted to compete in Mature Amateur Dance night? Mature at 34, is that right? So when is a woman mature?
Curious as what age is defined in the mind of most as "mature." 40s? 60s?