Maryland is for lovers?

Yes welcome!

And of course it is. We are awesome people out here in CC. Well, that and there really isn’t much to do in the dead of winter if it isn’t to be found online. :cathappy:

haha well that does make sense! Hopefully everyone doesnt run back to real life when the weather turns more pleasant!
Sounds like I need to spend more time up in Carroll County . . .

Yes welcome!

And of course it is. We are awesome people out here in CC. Well, that and there really isn’t much to do in the dead of winter if it isn’t to be found online. :cathappy:

. . . and less down in Montgomery County -- at least insofar as the interesting MD folks here on Literotica seem to be telling me!
. . . and less down in Montgomery County -- at least insofar as the interesting MD folks here on Literotica seem to be telling me!

I think I may be the only one from Frederick county here as well (though I border on Washington lol)
If it is within driving distance they should be welcome to the thread. ;)

Fricking cold outside. Need to think of some ways to stay warm. :D
If it is within driving distance they should be welcome to the thread. ;)

Fricking cold outside. Need to think of some ways to stay warm. :D

Yeah, but how much driving distance? Cause that could be anywhere on North America technically. :p

Sorry, I’m a smart ass, I know. I just can’t resist sometimes. :eek: :cathappy:
Yeah, but how much driving distance? Cause that could be anywhere on North America technically. :p

Sorry, I’m a smart ass, I know. I just can’t resist sometimes. :eek: :cathappy:

Heck, its tough to drive one end of the state to another lol, thats what, 5 and a half hours across? If we do half of that as a radius from the center of the state (Columbia?) we can safely get NOVA and southern PA into there.
Heck, its tough to drive one end of the state to another lol, thats what, 5 and a half hours across? If we do half of that as a radius from the center of the state (Columbia?) we can safely get NOVA and southern PA into there.

See, that’s all I wanted, was to know what my boundaries were. So that I can proceed to smash them to pieces! :devil: :cathappy:
Heck, its tough to drive one end of the state to another lol, thats what, 5 and a half hours across? If we do half of that as a radius from the center of the state (Columbia?) we can safely get NOVA and southern PA into there.

I think we could include parts of PA, DE, NOVA and WV. I once drive to Pittsburgh to meet a woman so 5 hours is not bad.
I think we could include parts of PA, DE, NOVA and WV. I once drive to Pittsburgh to meet a woman so 5 hours is not bad.

That must have been some trip! especially the first time, all that anticipation...on both sides I would presume.
Judging by your newest story (which is really excellent, everyone should read it), I doubt you have trouble keeping up lol.

Hey, thanks viany! Much obliged for all of your help. I wish I could check in on the forums more than a couple of times a day, but life just gets in the way :rolleyes:
Hey, thanks viany! Much obliged for all of your help. I wish I could check in on the forums more than a couple of times a day, but life just gets in the way :rolleyes:

It was my pleasure, the whole thing turned out great!

And real life is actually kind of a pain in the arse isnt it? lol
Glad to see people posting about where they are from. Nice to know that there actually people out there in MD who are on Lit. Now get out there and recruit more. :)
Glad to see people posting about where they are from. Nice to know that there actually people out there in MD who are on Lit. Now get out there and recruit more. :)

haha well, we do have a bunch who seem to wander in and out, just need to keep more active!
So is how is everybody doing this evening? Anything interesting happening? Unfortunately I cannot say I have anything going on tonight other than finishing up work and watching some TV. I have been watching Marco Polo on NetFlix and I am bummed that there are only 2 seasons. Why do the shows that I like only last a season or two but the crappy shows seem to go on forever. lol
So is how is everybody doing this evening? Anything interesting happening? Unfortunately I cannot say I have anything going on tonight other than finishing up work and watching some TV. I have been watching Marco Polo on NetFlix and I am bummed that there are only 2 seasons. Why do the shows that I like only last a season or two but the crappy shows seem to go on forever. lol

Nothing much happening here either. Worked, came home and ate dinner, and now I'm just hanging out with my cats. :cathappy:
Why do the shows that I like only last a season or two but the crappy shows seem to go on forever. lol

The longer they go, the crappier they get. Writers start out with great concepts and spend years developing clever ideas before they get a green light. And then once they're successful, studio execs pressure them to crank out more and more, faster and faster and the writers don't have the time to put in enough thought to maintain the series' quality.

They do it better in England where a season might only be 6 or 8 episodes long, and it might be two or three years between seasons. Love me some BBC America.

Don't mourn a series with a short run; be grateful it wrapped before the life got sucked out of it.
The longer they go, the crappier they get. Writers start out with great concepts and spend years developing clever ideas before they get a green light. And then once they're successful, studio execs pressure them to crank out more and more, faster and faster and the writers don't have the time to put in enough thought to maintain the series' quality.

They do it better in England where a season might only be 6 or 8 episodes long, and it might be two or three years between seasons. Love me some BBC America.

Don't mourn a series with a short run; be grateful it wrapped before the life got sucked out of it.

I remember and loved Benny hill. :) I started to watch killing Eve on the BBC but I need to get back to it. I find I rarely really get into a show so when I fined one that I really like I want it to on but you are right, The Wire was great the first couple of seasons but the later seasons were not as good to me.