Maryland Elementary School Bans Hugging, Birthday Party Invitations…


Jan 23, 2011
Maryland Elementary School Bans Hugging, Birthday Party Invitations…

This crap gives me migraines.

Via HuffPo:

From the same state that suspended a 7-year-old for turning his Pop Tart into a Pop Tart shaped like a gun, comes a ban on hugging.

Southern Maryland Newspapers Online reports on the new guidelines for visitors, parents and students for St. Mary’s County public elementary schools:

“Birthday invitations should not be handed out at school, Hall said, because students who are not invited could have their feelings hurt. She said school PTAs could develop phone and email contact lists, with parents’ approval, to distribute.

Foods for celebrations should be limited to store-bought items that contain ingredient lists so as not to interfere with children’s food allergies, according to the rules.

Parents visiting the cafeteria should not hug or touch children other than their own, nor should they discipline other children, the guidelines say. Parents should also not walk with their child when he or she leaves the cafeteria.”
"Parents visiting the cafeteria should not hug or touch children other
than their own, nor should they discipline other children, the
guidelines say."

If memory serves, weren't these same individuals claiming years ago that it took a village to raise a child?
I'm trying to remember all those children felled by food allergies during my elementary school birthday parties when their moms brought in the cupcakes.

how come there were no FUCKING "allergies" when we went to school?
Maryland Elementary School Bans Hugging, Birthday Party Invitations…

This crap gives me migraines.

Via HuffPo:

From the same state that suspended a 7-year-old for turning his Pop Tart into a Pop Tart shaped like a gun, comes a ban on hugging.

Southern Maryland Newspapers Online reports on the new guidelines for visitors, parents and students for St. Mary’s County public elementary schools:

“Birthday invitations should not be handed out at school, Hall said, because students who are not invited could have their feelings hurt. She said school PTAs could develop phone and email contact lists, with parents’ approval, to distribute.

Foods for celebrations should be limited to store-bought items that contain ingredient lists so as not to interfere with children’s food allergies, according to the rules.

Parents visiting the cafeteria should not hug or touch children other than their own, nor should they discipline other children, the guidelines say. Parents should also not walk with their child when he or she leaves the cafeteria.”

What happened to the separation of church and State! :eek: There's the problem. :)
I'm trying to remember all those children felled by food allergies during my elementary school birthday parties when their moms brought in the cupcakes.

how come there were no FUCKING "allergies" when we went to school?

Your food was not genetically altered. :D
Since none of you actually work in schools....

I'm willing to bet much of these policies are due to the fact that people lawyer up at the drop of a hat and because of that the schools have to create draconian policies to limit their liability because parents don't have any common fucking sense anymore and just want to score a quick payday as soon as they think they've been wronged. If people were actually to mature a bit, we wouldn't see shit like this. Same thing with dress codes, gang colors, backpacks, cell phones, and the billion other stupid ass things educators have to put up with lately because people can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that acting like a jackass hurts everyone.
I could ignore most of it as just idiocy you have to deal with in today's looney toon society, but this part is chilling:

....Parents visiting the cafeteria ... should [not] discipline other children...

I thought it took a village to raise children?

Once upon a time, when we were a sane society, children were expected to respect their elders and adults would step in to teach youngsters the rules of socially acceptable behavior when parents were not around.

I wonder if the child says or does something not politically correct, if a nearby adult can tell the child that's not appropriate? What if little Johnny tries to kiss little Mary, I'm sure the liberal adults around would wish to intervene and explain sexual harassment law to little Johnny. Does this preclude that?
for fuck's sake. next thing you know, they'll be trying to ban our ritual human sacrifice. fuckers.
for fuck's sake. next thing you know, they'll be trying to ban our ritual human sacrifice. fuckers.

So in other words, this is sarcasm to say that our society is "on the right track" and nothing is really wrong with our post-modern culture?