Mary Peltola (D) defeats Sarah Palin (R) for House seat in Alaska


Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2007


let's gooooooo
great news! palin can fuck the fuck off. will the 3 contenders will be doing it all again in November or is this it for the next 2 years?
Maybe Alaskans aren't as high as I thought? This actually surprises me.
so i deleted that last post since i've now read different information... this time it's CBS so i'm hoping they've got their shit right:

She was declared the winner of the special election late Wednesday night, after a process of elimination in Alaska's new ranked-choice voting system catapulted her above the 50% threshold needed to secure a victory.
On Wednesday, the Alaska Division of Elections tabulated the final results during a public livestream, which showed Peltoa coming out on top with 51.47% after Begich's votes were redistributed to his voters' second choice candidate.
According to election officials in Alaska, 15,445 of Begich's voters listed Peltola as their second choice while 27,042 put down Palin as their second option. The final tally showed Peltola with 91,206 votes to Palin's 85,987 votes.

All three candidates will be on the ballot again in November to decide who will serve a full two-year term in Congress.
great news! palin can fuck the fuck off. will the 3 contenders will be doing it all again in November or is this it for the next 2 years?
Yes, they will face off again in November, this time with a Libertarian in the mix.
I have disliked Sarah Palin ever since the initial roll out. I was amused when it turned out that Mrs. Family Values could not prevent her daughter from having an illegitimate child by a man who later on posed for PlayGirl. I was delighted with the way the mainsteam media turned Sarah Palin into a national laughing stock by the time of the 2008 presidential election.
They'll face off again in November, so it isn't over.
tom cotton's tantrums over alaska voting 'scam' backfires on him. plenty point out what he suggests also applies to the electoral college votes, and he completely ignores the fact Mary Peltola won the first round (before any votes were split and distributed) anyway! In fact, i think there were something like 10,000 more votes went palin's way than Peltola's in the split... somewhere around the 28,000 to 14,000(?). So Mary Peltola won fair and square even with 40% to palin's 31% BEFORE the second round. Toddler's gonna tantrum, i guess.

Ranked choice is the voting method used in Federal and most state elections in OZ. It tends to give the "3rd" party protesters a voice in the first round but then their second round votes go to the main parties. It works well and works against extremists.
Ranked choice is the voting method used in Federal and most state elections in OZ. It tends to give the "3rd" party protesters a voice in the first round but then their second round votes go to the main parties. It works well and works against extremists.
I truly hope it gains momentum here in the states. It is truly the best way to gauge popularity of a candidate.

Plus, it will drive the right bat shit crazy...add independent districting and I'm all in.