Marvel 2007


"I don't know how I'm going to get this suit cleaned." she said. "How do you get this sort of gunk off of this thing? It's not like I can send it to the cleaners."

The voice came through her headpiece "Is that what's bothering you? I thought for sure it was that close call with the Green Goblin." As this was said the force field of the suit activated pulling the grease and oil with it into the air around her then collapsing letting the grease fall. "There. Final approach to hanger." Hel said.

The V-Wing was making it's approach to the old building. It's sign could still be made out. This had been the location of the death of a dream. Cellini's Pizzeria. It had also been the temporary base of another to have worn this costume. Except then it had been a ruse. This time it was honest. Helen was sincere in her desire to bring the injustice of the registration act to an end.

Helen knew that this was just one of her many bolt holes but this one seemed the most fitting. The people that manned the basement were prepared to face whatever happened to them. They were freedom fighters all, ready to suffer at the hands of the Registration oppressors. They would willingly do their jail time if they were caught and none of them knew enough to be able to lead to any real trouble if they were caught. They all knew that they knew almost nothing of any import. If the Registration supers tried to use telepaths or torture they wouldn't get anything out of these patriots.

She made the landing effortlessly, and was greeted by one of the techs. "Welcome home V. I think they're itching to see you down in main."

"Thanks Tim. I don't think I hurt your baby while I had her out." she said with a laugh. She stepped off the wing and went into what had once been a broom closet. Once inside she pushed a button that seemed very out of place in a storage room. The room shuddered for a moment then settled down. After a quiet ding sound she reached out and opened the door.

What was outside of the room was quite different than the old abandoned Pizzeria. It was a high tech operations center, and all of the monitors were showing a scene playing out in Central Park. There were several costumed and non costumed supers trying to subdue the Hulk. These weren't anyone Helen knew from the files of Registered Supers her contacts from across the pond had given her. "Status report?" she asked.

"The Hulk appeared at his son's concert and as usual the Registration dupes screwed the pooch. Several people, who we are assuming are non sanctioned have begun to make contact with him. We have confirmation that one appears to be Juggernaut, one seems to be Iron Fist, War Machine, Captain America, and two unidentified women. One of the women seems to have control over darkness and the other would appear to be either related to Wolverine or Sabretooth."

"Can we get a hack moving?" Helen asked. "I think this needs to be our debut as well. Standard procedure. This is not a drill. After we make the broadcast prepare for immediate evacuation. Begin evac of non essential personnel. I want to be able to hit Osbourne hard once the dust settles here. Also relay this to main. These unsanctioneds may be what we've been looking for. Now lets move people it's going to be show time soon and I don't want anyone to be out of place for it."

Several of the people at the high tech consoles stood and unzipped their coveralls exposing dirty torn clothing one would expect to find a homeless person wearing and heading out.
Cap rose once more, stretching his neck as he did so.

Yep the hulk still knew how to fight.

His mind flew back several years to when he had been a sanctioned super and how he had fought the Hulk before, trying to remember how they had won.

Then it clicked.

He couldn't stop him on his own.

Only a team could stop the Hulk.

Plans quickly began to form in his head.

(ooc: i have no idea how we can all work togethor and stop him lol, so please someone suggest something to me so i can have cap suggest it. Thanks)
As he closed in on the target area, the HUD suddely went berserk with threat assessments and Fixer's voice echoed in his brain "Hulk is in the air, hit him now!"

Jason's hands go up as the massive green form of the Hulk reaches the top of his arc, his green eyes drawn to the shimmering blue hard sound wings generated by the Raptor armor. Before the beast could fully register the new target, blue lances of solid sound slammed into his body from an downward angle, propelling him towards to ground at a speed nearing terminal velocity rapidly.

"That won't stop him," the voice came again, "better seal him in once he hits ground."

An explosion of dust rose as the Hulk hit, driven into the dirt at high speed. Even befor it settled, Jason was following Ebersol's advice, creating a wall of solid sound over the hole in the ground the Hulk had created.

"It's done. There's no way he can get out of that before he passes out from lack of air. I'll just have to...."

The thought went unfinished as a chuck of rock smashed through the barrier, powered by gamma-fueled rage. The rock, only the size of a baseball, plowed into Raptor's shoulder, throwing his balance off.

"Compensating," the voice came, but at the same moment the world turned brown and green as Jason hit the ground, cutting out the thrusters as he tried to regain balance. Meanwhile, the Hulk climbed out of the ground, a snarl on his lips.
Elsewhere again.

"Ma'am, incoming message from control with video images from the scene at central park. Control says we have one on our watch list on site."

"Let me see the video," Helen said. Seeing the view angle and a couple of other tidbits "Ah yes, I was wondering when he would hit the scene. Mary start working on the video as it comes in. Get heroic segments of the unsanctioneds as they happen. Also keep a copy of everything with an extra copy of any "Captain America" footage." She had made the quote symbols as she had said the last about Captain America. This wasn't the real Captain and she knew it deep in her gut. He moved wrong. She'd been trained extensively with old Captain America footage and her trainer seemed to have worked with the original at some point.

She watched the footage as the Hulk was driven to the ground and an energy field formed a wall caging him. Then the images went irratic and blurred out as the images implied an impact with the ground.

"Damn it, this is going badly. And if I try to get there and help I'll be too late and we'll miss our first opportunity to pull off a hack." Helen paced like a caged cat. Then an idea hit her.

"Tom, contact control. See if you can get me a patch in to our on site unregistered."
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Luke Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist

The shockwaves of Hulk's clash with this new Juggernaut send Luke rolling, the supernatural kung fu warrior rolling with the force, avoiding harm. He ended up in a crouch, watching the fight as new players joined in. It seemed some of the others were rallying. The "Captin America", that slammingly hot woman who'd momentarily hamstrung the green Goliath, and even the Juggernaut. Who was definately not the old one at all. He moved completely differently. No talent or skill in fighting, no confidence. Interesting.

"Think, Iron Fist. While they rush headlong, take this time to think. The Thunderer taught you to fight, but he also taught you planning and strategy...not that you were ever very good at it. Not enough patience."

There had to be some way. Hulk wasn't invincible. He could be beaten and captured, it had been done before. He was very strong and very touch, and he healed, and had a limitless source of energy...wait. That was it. Energy needed to flow. His body was still vaguely human. Which meant that his chi flowed the same as human's did, and could be disrupted by striking the correct pressure points.

Iron Fist rose to his feet, focusing the chi of Shao-Lao the Undying into his chest. When he spoke, his voice was as thunder, and carried to all on the battlefield. "Warriors and heroes, hear me!" "I am the Immortal Iron Fist, and I know how to end this battle." "I will need all of your help." "Including yours, Juggernaut." "I know this is your first battle, but if you want to save thousands of lives, lend us your strength."

Neat. He totally sounded more confident than he was. "I can strike the Hulk's pressure points, disrupting the chi flow in his body." "This will leaden his limbs, and send him to unconsciousness." "But I will need time to do it, with him not focusing on me." "Keep him off of me, distract him, and together we can bring him down." It did sound good. Now to see if he could do it.

Luke burst into a full out sprint, dashing toward the Hulk as Raptor hit the ground hard. While the monster pulled himself free, Iron Fist darted in front of him. His right fist blazed with molten chi, his fist becoming a thing like unto iron, and he struck. He lashed his fist forward, connecting just above the Hulk's left elbow. The beast bellowed, turning on him, the shoulder moving to life the arm and swat Luke away. The arm didn't move though. The shoulder flexed, but the arm remained still, just twitching slightly. The green brute stared at it, dumb founded. Then he howled and pulled himself fully free to the pit.

"Any time now would be great, heroes..." Iron Fist said as the Hulk loomed over him.
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It was Pheobe's first night out as Spider-girl. She swung from skyscraper to skyscraper in her new costume. It was black and red and she thought that it definitely made her body stick out. She swung from building to building looking for trouble or someone to help.

If her parents knew what she was out doing right now instead of at the library studying they would kill her. The fact of the matter was she didn't have to study she was already accepted to every major college you could think of. She just had to decide which one she was going to go to.

After about 30 minutes of swinging around Manhattan she saw her first chance to help someone there was a lady being mugged in a back alley but they weren't gonna stop there they were going to rape the young woman. Pheobe couldn't stand that idea so she dropped down from the sky on top of one of the 3 men. "I don't think its such a good idea to pick on people weaker then you." Pheobe said mockingly.

"Look its some masked freak girl that thinks she can stand up to us. We will show you who is the weak one little girl." One of the muggers said as he charged at her with a Knife. "Oh i'm shaking in my panties" Pheobe giggled at the approaching muggers.

She jumped up about 2 stories in the air and landed standing straight on the wall. She quickly fired webs at all 3 muggers holding them in place. She gave the woman back her possessions and told her to call the police. The woman asked who she could thank for saving her and Pheobe quickly responded. "You can call me Spider-girl. Spread the word their is a new crime fighter in town."

With that Pheobe swung off to look for the next person to help.
chaos had been busy while waiting for the armor's repair systems to finish up. He'd managed to hack into the communications channel being used by the BSA troops, and spoke directly to Hornet. "You going to just stand there looking like an idiot, or are you and your friends going to take the last step and become REAL heroes?" The suit still masked his voice, even in the transmission, and he was finally able to move his head. "It'll be a few minutes before I can get up. And I'm War Machine, not Iron Man, by the way. I'd have thought you'd know the difference, being a government stooge as you are." He turned to look at the others nearby, and saw a man who looked familiar. Then he realized it was one of the doctors at the local hospital.

"Hey, you think you can help me at least into a sitting position? The armor's still not working properly."
Cap smiled and nodded at Iron Fist.

'Okay people, lets do this!' he yelled, his voice easily carrying throughout most of the park.

It was then that he threw caution to the wind and jumping, he began to fly very quickly towards the Hulk.

His shield flew out of his hand, cracking the Hulk, who had being looming over Iron Fist, in the back of the neck, before returning to its weilder.

The behemoth turned, and round two of Captain America vs the Hulk began.
Iron Fist’s voice echoed across the battlefield that Central Park had become. Charlie listened to his words and raised one eyebrow, wondering how the guy could tell this was his first fight. He had to face facts, he hadn’t really done that well against the Hulk, and apparently it showed. Charlie told the doctors to stay where they were and did one of his leaping jumps to the Hulk. The impact from his landing drew the Hulk’s attention away from his current opponent and onto Juggernaut. Charlie grinned at him. “Hello Ugly.”

The Hulk roared, “Juggernaut!” and charged. Charlie braced himself and took the full impact of the Hulk’s charge. He retaliated a bit, a punch here or there, but mostly he served as an outlet of the Hulk’s aggression, a walking distraction that allowed Iron Fist to do his thing.
Alana's eyes fluttered open and she sat up with a groan. "Ooooohhhh...that smarts..." She stood on wobbly legs and shook her head slightly. "That wasn't the best idea I ever had..." She looked around and focused on the Hulk. "I see tall, green, and brutal is still up." Shadows swirled around her as she called to them mentally. Her hands shot out and the shadows rushed in a tidal wave towards the green behemoth. They slammed down on him, knocking him back, and wrapping around him. It took all her concentration to keep him bound as she was. "Now would be a good time to knock his ass out!" She grunted with the effort to keep him still.
Luke Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist

Luke smiled at the self proclaimed Captain America's attack, the impact dragging the behemoth's attention away from the Champion of K'un-L'un. He wasn't sure what to think of the man, but he was brave and he knew enough to devote himself to a winning strategy. Iron Fist leaped over the brute's flailing arms as he spun and swung, the partially paralyzed left arm only barely responding to the Hulk's nervous system. "Captain America, is it?" "We'll have to talk about that."

With that he lunged forward, his fists flailing out and hammering away at clusters of nerves along the right side of the green skinned creature. The Hulk snarled, swiping at him, forcing him to dance back. This was going to be slow going. Each blow slowed the beast, deadened his muscles, but it would take many to fell him. He was about to charge in again, then the black clad bulk of the Juggernaut slammed down in front of him, between Iron Fist and the Hulk. "Right choice, warrior." "You won't regret it."

As the Hulk charged, Luke actually ran up Juggernaut's back and vaulted off of the domed helmet and spinning to come down behind Hulk. Iron Fist's right fist blazed with chi, but as he struck, solid shadow wrapped around the raging monster, unintentionally protecting him. "Chou ma niao," he cursed. "Whoever's on the shadows, I can't hit him if he's covered in them!" "Just, you know, throwing that out there."
Alana grumbled to herself and slowly moved the shadows down to the Hulk's wrists and ankles. "Stupid stuck up sonofa...." She continued to mumble as a thin sheen of sweat began to form on her forehead from her exertion. "See you keep his heavy ass..." she muttered softly while she strained against the behemoth's power. "Not like this is exactly easy you know! Ass!" The green giant, who definitely was not jolly thank you, was fighting her every step.
Victoria Wilson.

Okay, the pretty boy had a plan. Then the rest tripped over themselves trying to accommodate him. She heard the mutter from the shadow casting girl and laughed. "What's wrong Polly Purebred? Not used to being anything but the prom queen?" With that she bolted towards the Hulk again striking as she flew past him. A small bit of blood came from the scratches before the wounds closed.

Between the Bruce Lee knock off, the walking American Flag, the big piece of meat, Shadow chick, and herself the big green freak didn't know which way to turn or strike. Every time Victoria flew in when she had the opening more blood then healed wounds. The Weapon X tactic was a simple one from her training and this was almost it to a tee. Keep him off guard and bleed him out as many times and as often as you could till he either got fed up with it and left or he went down.

"So, how long are we going to have to keep this dance up? I mean I do have better places to be and truth be told a lot of things are more fun than fighting the Hulk."
Cap couldn't help but smile as all the other heroes began to work togethor to stop the Hulk.

He smiled at Iron Fist's comment.

'Ha, we will talk later, but for now lets finish this quickly!'

And with that he sung his shield towards the hulk once more.


Hornet watched in rapt fascination as these 'criminals' slowly began to work together and, to Hornet's amazement, slowly began to win the fight.

or at least it seemed they were.

Hornet sighed, either way they were having more sucess than his team had.
As Phoebe was swinging around New York she heard a big crash. Being the superhero that she was she swung in the direction of the noise. When she came to a clearing a couple miles in front of her she saw a Giant Green Man fighting off several other people. "This isn't good Phoebe" Phoebe then recognized one of the fighters as the new Cap. Then she recognized the green man from pictures from history books. "Oh shit its the hulk. Maybe i'm gonna get myself in over my head."

Spider-girl dropped down from the building and shot about 10lbs of web covering the Hulk with webbing. "There that should hold him for a couple minute guys. hope I can be of some help in this battle."
Raptor staggers back to his feet, only catching the end of the fighter's call for a unified front.

"Might as well do what he says," Fixer's voice echoes, "he's the one who has to get close to the Hulk, not you."

Jason had already planned to assist anyway, but it was hard to find a shot with the swirl of the melee in full effect. He takes to the air again, finding that a little clearer, and sends a sonic pulse down on the behemoth's head, bouncing sound waves around in his eardrums and trying to disorient the monster. He raised his other hand and fired another weapon, this time sending ropes of blue solid sound to reinforce the shadows binding Hulk's wrists and ankles.

"Whatever the plan is, I hope it comes together soon," Jason thinks as the Hulk's titanic muscles strain against the bindings, moving them far more than he should be able to.
Elsewhere. The rest of you get to listen in I guess.

"Control has arranged your request." Tom said to the woman.

"Thank you Tom, patch me through," Helen said. "Absolute silence in the room while I talk to him got it?" The few people remaining nodded, not a sound from any of them.

Tom gave a thumbs up and gestured to Helen. She nodded and calmly said "Hello Raptor, I am Citizen V. My Control has arranged this with your Control. I am receiving everything he is. Listen to this new Iron Fist. Be wary of the new Captain America, he isn't the original and thus his motive is suspect. I believe we will possibly have a mutual cause in this and for the time being I will need you to be my eyes and ears."

She waited for this to sink in with Raptor then said "It is time that the Registration Act has some opposition again. I am feeding to you all data my data base has on the Hulk. Use it to keep yourself and as many of these others alive. If you have questions please feel free to ask, but do not let me be a distraction. But once this is over I want you to tune into any newsfeeds you have access to. The liberation of America and this unjust Act is about to be challenged."
Luke Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist

Iron Fist almost laughed, "Sorry to take up your time, claw lady." "I'll see if we can't move up defeating the most physically powerful being on the planet."

It was easier once the shadows retracted. Really, what did the girl think? That when he was trying to put the Hulk down by hitting him he could do it with something in the way? "Anything else I can do for you to make this easier on you?" Iron Fist ducked and hammered a heavy strike into the Hulk's left armpit. "I'd hate for you to be stressed, that's really me concern right now."

He darted in for two more quick blows. It was beginning to tell on the beast. His moves were sluggish and failing, his limbs leaden and slow to respond to his mental commands. He was not much less dangerous though, one of those clumsy arms smashed the ground, fragments of earth and asphalt and pipe shooting through the area. One of which grazed his head, knocking him down.

Luke knew the daze would only last a moment, but a moment would be all the Hulk needed to stomp him into jelly. At least, he could have if not for the blue bindings of sound that suddenly joined the shadows yanking him back, or the great glob of what looked like webs that splattered onto the brute.

Luke grinned as he watched the joint effort actually push the Hulk back. Potentially the most powerful being in the galaxy, one that had fought and beaten all of the world's heroes decades ago, and they were beating him. "Focus, Iron Fist," he chided himself, "Big Green's not beaten yet."

He threw himself into a roll, coming up into a handstand kick that drove both his heels into the pressure point about the Hulk's right elbow, "Ascending Insolent Mule Kick." He flipped over, launching himself into a flying elbow to the same armpit, "Crimson Leaping Cat Technique," as the blow landed,, he reached up with the other arm, grabbing hold of the top of the Hulk's bulging bicep. He heaved himself up onto the shoulder, kicking out with his right foot at the green brawler's right wrist, "Withering Paw Strike." He spun with the follow through, spinning on his hands to bring the foot to connect the back of Hulk's head where the skull and neck joined, "Seven Points of Weakness Blow." The Hulk staggered forward, and swayed once. Almost.

Iron Fist flipped up and jumped, sailing through the air to fall down the Hulk's front. As he fell, he lashed out again and again, he snapped his head forward, his forehead impacting the Hulk's nose, bursting it, "Brooklyn Headbutt," both fists joined to smash into his solar plexus, "Heaven Thunder Hammer." As his feet touched the ground, Luke sprang up again, pulling back his right had as it blazed and burned with chi, "Iron Fist." He swung, striking at the point where neck and chest became one. The impact cracked the ground under their feet, and sent the much lighter Iron Fist flying away through the air, the nimble martial artist landing in a sliding crouch.

The Hulk stared into space, he blinked, swayed a second time, and then toppled slowly over like a felled tree. "...Now, he's beaten." The Immortal Iron Fist rose, a thin smile on his face, taking a deep breath and savoring the moment of victory as a fresh wind caught the tails of his mask and the long sash at his waist.

Then he laughed, looking straight up into the sky where he knew satellites were watching, "In your face, Stark!" "You too, Osborn!" "We got everyone out safe AND beat the Hulk when your guys couldn't find their car keys!" "Register that!"
Alana released her hold on the Hulk immediately and stormed up to Iron Fist, then decked him. "You try controlling shadows on the fly asshole! It's not as easy as you might think. Not all of us are as trained in our powers and abilities as you cupcake." Her hair whipped in her face as shadows ebbed and flowed around her, unsettled in her angry state. No longer paying any attention to Iron Fist, she whirled on the clawed woman. "You can bite me Claws. I ain't never been a prom queen or anything like that. I never got to play in high school like you did ya frosty bitch cause I was a freak and people knew it. So shove it up your ass." The tirade done, she turned her glare back to Iron Fist, her anger keeping her from realizing it was the same man from the club.
Victoria Wilson.

It worked. And Brucie had a bit of a smart ass in him. If this hadn't just been possiblly the biggest thing any power could have pulled off she would have dragged him off and shown him a few tricks they probably didn't teach in a monastery. Almost good enough to eat. That thought might scare any man if they knew Victoria's history. "Well, tights, we just managed to take down the Hulk..."

That was as far as she got when little miss prom queen went nuts. First she had smacked Brucie, then had a little tantrum at her. Then had the nerve to turn her back on her. "Compared to what I have for a past you have been a prissy little prom queen snack." she said as she began to walk towards little miss snack cake. Her teeth bared she advanced. "You were born the way you are. Power, just like your life. Handed to you on a platter."

Her nails slid back out. "I ought to eat your prissy little face girl. But I'm going to let you off the hook in the spirit of what we've just managed to do."

With that said she turned, retracting her claws, and began to walk away. When she turned she took in the sight of what had managed to sneak up on them while they had battled the Hulk. "Oh fuck. Here we go."

Approaching them at a good clip were the premiere Registration team, the Thunderbolts. Moonstone, the female Venom, the Swordsman, the Beetle Mk.III, the female Smuggler, the Unicorn, and Quicksand.

Moonstone looked at Iron fist and said "Your statement has been registered criminal. Your cell in the Zone awaits you."
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Luke Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist

Iron Fist was about to respond to Victoria's remark about beating the Hulk when the dark skinned girl from the club hit him. She had a decent right cross, though she probably had no idea that's what she'd thrown. Fate was a real jerk. He lay on the ground for a moment. "...Well, that's a perfectly reasonable and mature response to criticism." He looked over at the girl, quirking an eyebrow beneath his mask, "You're one of those girls who looks 20 but is actually 12, right? Behavior gives you right away."

He kippuped to his feet, shaking his head. "All right, now we better get going before..." Victoria's utterance made him look at the oncoming Thunderbolts. "Oh. Never mind." He took a few steps toward them, shifting into Golden Janissary Stance. "Anyone who wants to run, go ahead. I'll hold them...but I reserve the right to mock you about it later." He had a slight smile on his face. A fight with enemies like this, so soon after the Hulk? What a battle this would be! Maybe he owed Fate an apology.

As Moonstone spoke up, Iron Fist's smile became a rather impudent grin. "Actually, I've got a place in Harlem, but thanks for looking out for a brother. Just put in the deposit too, otherwise, I'd take you up on... Then he cocked his head to one side. "Oh, ohhh, THAT 'cell' in the Zone. I'm flattered, but even with the implants, you're a bit old and saggy. Very life-like though."
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chaos rose to his feet, the armor's nanorepair system finally finishing its work. He dusted himself off, and then shook his head. "Good job. Sorry I couldn't be more help. I'd read about him, but he was far stronger than I read. Perhaps he's gaining control of his powers as The Hulk. Regardless, the people are safe, the only damage was caused by the Registration troops, and we had better get out of here before...." Before he could continue, he heard the unmistakable arrogance of a government lackey. He shook his head at Moonstone's threats, and then laughed.

"If you say so. As for me, I'm out of here. Good luck cleaning up the remains of your mess, and you're welcome for the hard parts." With that, War Machine took to the air, giving a mock salute to the BSA forces, and a real one to Captain America and the others, before flying off at high speed. Tony Junior had already picked up the coat and briefcase, and would do his best to provide cover for the escape.
Captain America's Ultimatum

Hornet simply watched as the Hulk went down, and found himself staring in awe as the Thunderbolts made an appearance.

He quickly regained himself and flew off in the their direction, landing behind the criminals.


Captain America rose as the Hulk went down, and stood silently as the Thunderbolts appeared.

He had to sort this out.

He pushed his way to infront of Iron Fist, so that no one was stood between him and the Thunderbolts.

'Guys, leave now while you can.'

He turned to Moonstone.

'More than anything else at the moment, you want to take all of us in. But understand this, we won't give in easily, thus i have a deal for you...'

He paused for effect, and sighed knowing that this could be a vital decision.

'If you let this lot go free, i will surrender myself and the Hulk to you without any struggle. Now come on, I'm the most wanted man in america right now and bruce, well he's the Hulk. We're the people you want most, and we're giving ourselves to you. why risk taking us with force and loosing us? I'm sure you'll catch this lot later anyway, so it doesn't matter if you let them go now.'

'So what will it be?'
The Hulk data had been a big help, letting him keep the hard sound bonds firm by adjusting frequencies to match the Hulk's rising strength level much more easily.

"Acknowledged," was the only response Jason was able to give in the heat of the moment, and after that the arrival of the Thunderbolts drove away any thought of coherent response. Especially Moonstone. He had heard his mother speak of her plenty of times. She, as much as Osbourne, was the root of the cancer that had destroyed his parent's vision.

"Let's not do anything rash Jason," the voice, smooth and calm and infuriating, slipped into his ears like a knife, "this isn't the time or place, not with the damage done by the Hulk..."

"Compensate for it. You're the technical genius," Jason replied quietly, willing power into the high-frequency generators. He knew, from previous study, that the Venom symbiote was hurt by loud and high pitched noises, and he figured taking out the flesh-eating alien would be a good start. He raised his arm...

...or he tried to. But his servo motors locked, the impulses stopped between brain and electro-enhanced muscles. "I'm sorry Jason, I can't let you do that," said Fixer, his electronic voice a paraody of HALs, "You're going to launch, and you can help the tin man knockoff provide air support if it'll make you feel better, but we are not engaging in head-on conflict here."

Outwardly, Raptor semed to simply stand, waiting to see which way things would fall, his blue hard sound wings flickering and pulsing. Inside, turmoil reigned.
The Thunderbolts.

Moonstone watched the two heroes playing martyr. They had always been that kind of pompous. She laughed. "Oh don't worry, you all are going to be coming with us." As the Beetle lifted off apparently going to pursue the Iron man knock off Karla Soffen said "Let him go Beetle. Send a message to main base. Have the data on him checked. If it's Stark tech Mister Stark will probably be able to shut him down himself."

She looked at the unregistered. "Now lay down on your sotmachs, hands on your heads and this will go down peacefully. Smuggler, transport Mister Banner to main base quickly."

Venom was getting antsy. It looked like she wanted them to resist. "If any of you assist us when the rest make the wrong choice we will be lenient with you."