Marriage Proposal Gone Wrong - RV & Open

As the seconds ticked by Crystal could feel her body begin to tremble as her mind raced with the thoughts of how humiliated she would be once Jonah told her to lift her skirt. She was determined to do it if he commanded it but hope he would not. Already she felt that all eyes were on her as she stood beside him. She was close to screaming at him to tell her what to do as she looked into what seemed to her his cold, stern eyes.

She thought she would scream if he didn't say something soon. She felt conspicuous standing up as everyone was sitting down. She felt her hands begin to tremble and knew soon her whole body would follow suit. Her mouth was getting dry and tears were threatening to stream down her face as she looked into his seemingly cold eyes as he refused to tell her what to do.

Her hands gripped her dress as she decided she would do it as quick as she could as soon as he gave the order. Her mind raced just imagining how much of a spectacle her actions would bring to the whole restaurant. She licked her lips as her mouth was getting dry as her nerves began to get the best of her.

Suddenly Jonah grabbed her chin and lifted it so their eyes met. She could feel the moisture in her eyes as they looked at each other. She was ready to bare all for this man but was not sure what she would feel for him after it was over. Her face showed the the surprise she felt when he told her, "I'm very proud of you." When he smiled at her relief flooded through her. The grip she had on her dress loosened as he kissed her hand.

Afterward she smiled at him broadly but didn't move until he motioned her back to her seat. She moved quickly to her seat and sat down, still a little shaken but happy that he had not forced her to do the unthinkable. She quickly picked up her glass of water and took a sip as she found her mouth very dry.
Crystal's relief poured off of her at the fact that she wasn't going to have to bare her privates in such a public locale. He could tell she had steeled herself for having to actually go through with it, but it was very obvious that she was well beyond pleased at not having to do so.

"Proof can come later," Jonah told her as she took a drink from her water glass. "But I'm glad to hear you're embracing your role. Maybe we can go through your wardrobe after dinner and see what there is to work with. I mean, you've looked perfectly lovely each time I've seen you, but I'd like a better idea what kind of selection you have, and what adjustments I may care to make."

He then poured Crystal some wine and admired her while she perused the menu. He had the menu memorized, and knew what he would order. He decided that if she wished, at least this time, Crystal could order whatever she liked.
"Proof can come later." Crystal moved the glass from her mouth and set it down as he continued, "But I'm glad to hear you're embracing your role. Maybe we can go through your wardrobe after dinner and see what there is to work with. I mean, you've looked perfectly lovely each time I've seen you, but I'd like a better idea what kind of selection you have, and what adjustments I may care to make." She tilted her head as she asked. "Why would you want to make adjustments to my wardrobe?"

When he didnt answer right away she picked up the menu and looked it over. She put the menu down as he poured wine in her glass and said, "You know I dont know what to eat, can you suggest something?" She looked at him wondering what kind of adjustments he would want to make to her clothing. Finally she asked, "Is it normal for a man to make adjustments to a woman's wardrobe?"

She knew she was entering a new world with him that she did not know and understand and wanted to go to. She wondered if he would answer her questions when she asked and waited patiently for his answer.
When Crystal asked his opinion on what to order, Jonah asked her in return: "Would you simply like me to order for you? I don't know if you have any allergies, or strong dislikes to any particular foods. However, if you're willing to just go with what I order, I can certainly do so.

"And as far as wardrobe, it can be quite common in certain types of relationships for one of the participants to be allowed to make the clothing decisions for the other. There are some where each individual article is dictated each time a change of clothing is necessary. I don't intend to get quite that picky, but there may be times where I'd like to see you in something specific, and to do that, I need to have an idea what I have to choose from.

"I may even ask you to buy certain articles of clothing if I don't find something I like, or don't find the specific item I want to see you wear."
Crystal smiled when Jonah asked her if she would like him to order for her. She told him, "I dont know of any allergies that I might have. I usually eat plain things and have no strong dislikes of food." She giggled before telling him, "But I think with you as my leader I will soon find out. I am willing for you to choice my food."

She listened as he explained how common it was in some relationships for one of the participants to choose what the other would wear. She was surprised to learn that in some relationships she assumed the male dictated what the woman would wear. She was relieved when he admitted that he didnt intend to be that strict with her but that there would be times he would want to see her dress a certain way. She smiled when he told her he would liked to see what he had to choose from. She smiled again and told him, "I understand of course we can go and look into my closet."

She listened as he told her, "I may even ask you to buy certain articles of clothing if I don't find something I like, or don't find the specific item I want to see you wear." She assumed the article of clothing would be something she would be comfortable in and told him, "That would be alright with me.
Crystal was being very compliant as Jonah explained to her some of the potential "requirements" of the relationship they were entering into. It seemed once she made her mind up, she was willing to roll with just about anything. However, he was certain her resistant side still lurked beneath the surface. That was fine, though. A woman without some spirit didn't appeal to him, otherwise, he'd have let her go her own way weeks ago.

That she was willing for him to go through her wardrobe was something of a surprise. He rather expected her to push back on that one. Still, at the moment, it was merely a concept. Once she had someone else going through her closet and drawers, her current complacency would likely change.

When the waiter arrived once again, Jonah ordered for the two of them. Since Crystal had handed him the ability to do so, he gave her no input on anything.

As the waiter strode away, Jonah sat back and asked, "So, I know you've been writing," he indicated the manuscript he'd been given, "but have you been following any of the other things you were told to do?"
She was pleased with what Jonah had order for her. She was looking at him when he sat back and asked her, "So, I know you've been writing," she smilled as he indicated the manuscript in front of him. She blushed when he suddenly asked, "but have you been following any of the other things you were told to do?"

She looked around the room and lowered her voice as she told him, "I have been working totally naked. I touch my sex and breasts and I have even had a few climaxes from doing that. It was strange to find that it opened my mind as to how to write my book. I imagined it was you touching me at times and that is when I climaxed." She blushed again wondering if she had given him too much information. She couldnt look and him for awhile and when she did she saw he was watching her.

She blushed again, "Was that too much information?" She lowered her eyes not able to look at him again.
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Jonah didn't react as Crystal described the methods by which she'd been following his orders. He may not have reacted outwardly, but inside, he was very pleased. He'd expected her to be too embarrassed to follow through with what he'd told her to do, but it appeared she was becoming fairly comfortable with the notion.

While she was admitting to having done what he'd told her to do, however, she did seem reluctant to pass on such information to him, at least, in such a public place. Again, that she had done so told him she was becoming more comfortable with the entire concept.

Then, when she had made her report, the embarrassment finally caught up to her, and she refused to meet his gaze. She sat for several seconds, obviously afraid she'd said too much, or that she'd displeased him somehow, due to his lack of a positive response as she related her behavior.

He watched her during this time, so lovely, so naive, even at her age. All the other women he'd met Crystal's age were far more worldly, far more jaded in their views, their knowledge of certain things. He wondered how Crystal had managed to avoid all that, even with her general detachment from the main of society. Still, her girlish sheepishness and idealism could be charming, if frustrating at times.

Finally, he said, "Crystal, look at me."

It took a few beats, but eventually, her chin slowly rose until her eyes met his. There was embarrassment and fear foremost in her face, and it was pretty evident that she wanted little more than to study the tablecloth once more. Still, she kept her chin up in anticipation of a reaction she was quite certain she wasn't going to like.

Now, Jonah's table was in a fairly remote corner of the restaurant, the nearest tables to his some ways away, at least in comparison to the proximity of the other tables to each other. Still, had they all been spaced evenly, there were no diners seated at the two nearest at present. It was common practice to seat those tables last when Jonah was dining, particularly if he had a guest.

Finally he decided Crystal had stewed enough. However, he didn't intend to praise her immediately. Instead, he began:

"First off, when you're talking to me about such things, it's your 'pussy,' not your 'sex.' There's another word for it that you may know, that at some point, I may prefer you to use, but for now, 'pussy' will do.

"And again, when speaking of such things to me, you 'cum.' The spelling is phonetic, with a 'C.'

"And while we're at it, you have 'tits,' 'ass,' and an 'asshole.' When we're apart, I'd like you to stand in a mirror and practice saying the words, so you can get used to them in relation to those parts of your body, since I'm sure you've never referred to your anatomy with such Anglo-Saxon terms. We'll worry about the terms for my anatomy when we get that far."

As he spoke, Crystal seemed to shrink smaller and smaller in her seat, though, to her credit, she kept her eyes up. The fear had deepened in them, though, and she appeared on the verge of tears.

"Other than that," Jonah continued, "It was not too much information. You've done exceedingly well. I'm extremely proud of you. Thank you. I can hardly wait to see what you've written, not only in what you've brought me, but in what you create in the future."

Crystal seemed buoyed up by his praise, especially after expecting what she was interpreting as scolding was going to be all the response she got from her story.

About that time, the food arrived. When the waiter was comfortably out of earshot, Jonah said, "Perhaps after we eat, we can look in on your wardrobe, unless you have other plans."
The silence was deafening to her as she sat with her head bent in shame. When he did speak, his voice was commanding and gruff. "Crystal, look at me." She didn't want to look at him but knew she must. Finally, slowly she raised her head until she was looking in her eyes. Her embarrassment was just as strong running through her as her fear. She wanted to bow her head again and look at the tablecloth but knew that would surely cause an incident.
He seemed to stay quiet for a long time and she wanted to look around to see how close other people were to him. Some instinct that she didn't know she had told her that he wouldn't like it if she looked around. She had a feeling she wasn't going to like what he had to say to her. She was starting to feel like a drawned bow ready to snap if he didn't speak soon. She actually jumped a bit when he did.

"First off, when you're talking to me about such things, it's your 'pussy,' not your 'sex.' There's another word for it that you may know, that at some point, I may prefer you to use, but for now, 'pussy' will do. Her face showed her shock. She couldn't imagine calling her sex such a word. Why would anyone call a vagina a pussy, it didn't look like a cat.

She could feel herself slowly sink into the chair as he went on, "And again, when speaking of such things to me, you 'cum.' The spelling is phonetic, with a 'C.' She had to stop her mouth from dropping open when he told her, "And while we're at it, you have 'tits,' 'ass,' and an 'asshole.' They all sounded like filthy words and she wondered why he wanted her to use them as he continued, "When we're apart, I'd like you to stand in a mirror and practice saying the words, so you can get used to them in relation to those parts of your body, since I'm sure you've never referred to your anatomy with such Anglo-Saxon terms. We'll worry about the terms for my anatomy when we get that far."

By the time he finished his instruction she had pressed herself into the chair making herself look and feel small. She managed to still look into his eyes as fear ran through her. She wanted to cry but knew he would not like her making a scene in his Nephew's restaurant. She had done that already and didn't plan on repeating it.

Suddenly he was speaking again as she looked at him with fear in her eyes, "Other than that, It was not too much information. You've done exceedingly well. I'm extremely proud of you. Thank you. I can hardly wait to see what you've written, not only in what you've brought me, but in what you create in the future."

She almost made a sigh of relief after he praised her. The fear washed away and she smiled at him feeling she had at least done one thing right. She was about to speak when the food arrive. She stayed quiet while the waiter served the food. When the waited left she opened her mouth to speak but Noah cut her off, "Perhaps after we eat, we can look in on your wardrobe, unless you have other plans." It was strange but now she was not so sure it was a good idea for Noah to look through her clothing. She didn't think she could take more criticizing after what she felt was a tongue lashing. She knew she could not get out of it after all she had already agreed to it. She looked into his eyes and said, "Yes that is a good idea, I don't have any other plans." She began to eat her food though her stomach was a bit queasy.

After awhile she realized how good it was and told Noah, "This food is excellent."
Crystal didn't sound so enthused about the prospect of Jonah's going through her clothes after he'd thrown the new terminology at her. She also appeared thoroughly shocked at the prospect of having to use the words he'd told her.

"Perhaps we'll wait on the wardrobe. It isn't going anywhere. You're following instructions at the moment, so I'll let it go for now. Someday soon, though..."

Crystal only nodded, but her relief was evident. She thought he was letting her off the hook, and he was, but only temporarily.

At her compliment on the food, he replied, "Glad you like it. It's actually a variation on one of my own mother's recipes. If you keep coming here, and go through the entire menu, I think you'll find nothing you do not like.

"What would you like to do after our meal? I'm giving you a choice."
Crystal was still thinking of the words that Noah wanted her to say about her body when he suddenly spoke to her, "Perhaps we'll wait on the wardrobe. It isn't going anywhere. You're following instructions at the moment, so I'll let it go for now. Someday soon, though..."

She felt a sense of relief for a moment but knew that he would some day soon demand to see her clothing. She thought about that as he told her that the food served here were variations of his Mother's recipe. She was impressed that his Mother had been such a good cook.

She smiled when he told her that if she kept coming here and went through the whole menu that he believed she would like everything in the menu. When he asked what she would like to do after they ate and told her it was her choice. She answered quickly before she lost her nerve, "I want to take you to my home so you can look at my clothing." She wanted to get that over with.
Jonah was surprised when Crystal responded, "I want to take you to my home so you can look at my clothing." Her initial relief at his suggestion that it could wait had told him what he needed to know regarding her wardrobe at that moment. However, the way she had given her answer to his question told him further that she really hated the idea of him going through her clothes and just wanted to get it over with.

He wasn't about to let her wiggle out of it now. If she wanted him to look over her wardrobe sooner rather than later, he was certainly prepared to do so.

"Very well. Well done. I'm nearly finished. Whenever you're ready, we can go."
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"Very well. Well done. I'm nearly finished. Whenever you're ready, we can go." She lowered her eyes as she knew the initial shock of his eagerness to see her clothing would show in her eyes. She took a bit of her food and felt her stomach turn from the anticipation of him mauling her clothing. She put her fork down and made sure her face or eyes would not show him what she really felt.

She looked at him and plastered a phoney smile on her face as she told him, "I am ready now but I can wait for you to be done. She picked up her water glass and drank it as she suddenly felt that her mouth was dry.
Crystal put on a brave face, but Jonah knew she was very uncomfortable with the decision she'd given him regarding her wardrobe. In their brief time together, Jonah had learned that, probably due to her limited social encounters, she hadn't fully developed a way to mask her feelings, as she would have if she'd had the kinds of interactions with other people that the majority of us do.

He found himself questioning himself regarding his determination to inspect her clothing this very evening, particularly given the obvious displeasure Crystal was exhibiting toward the endeavor. However, he'd given her the chance to defer for the moment, and she'd decided to go through with it, however she disliked the notion.

Well, even though she claimed she could wait, it was pretty obvious Crystal was growing more nervous and unsure as the seconds ticked past.

So the tension didn't get to be too much for her to bear, Jonah took one final sip from his glass and announced: "I'm finished. Shall we go?"
"I'm finished. Shall we go?" When he spoke so suddenly Crystal almost jumped out of her chair but instead she looked at him and gave him a weak smile. "Of course, are you coming in my car or taking your own?" She began to stand up slowly and felt her legs shaking as she looked at him. She wondered what she had gotten into with this man. She had always been a loner and now she was willing to be touched and ordered about by him. She had to admit to herself that she did like his touch but wasnt so sure about the fact that she had given him power over her. She didnt know if that was the norm for every woman or was it just her that was stupid enough to do this.

She really liked him though she knew that but were you suppose to give over your independence because of that. She could feel herself trembling and wished she had brought a sweater with her as she waited for him to stand up fully. She knew he would take her arm and steer her out of the room as he had done that before. Her eyes darted around the room to see if anyone was looking at her and almost made a sigh of relief when they were'nt.
Crystal's panic was evident when Jonah announced he was ready to go. He was sure she'd hoped he'd relent and let her off the hook. She certainly wasn't sure she wanted him to see her wardrobe, much less go through it. However, he'd posed the scenario - he'd even given her the option to postpone - she'd agreed, however reluctantly, and while it wasn't usual for him to have given the first out, he surely wasn't extending a second.

Jonah watched Crystal's eyes follow him as he rose from his seat. She seemed to shrink as he did so, hoping he wouldn't see her there, but he stepped around the table, extended his bent elbow and asked, "Shall we go?"
Crystal fisted her hands so tightly that she could feel her nails dig into the palms of her hands as Jonah rose from his seat. In the seconds that it took him to round the table she had thought of a dozen excuses to tell him why they couldn't go. When he extended his bent elbow to her and asked, "Shall we go?", she knew she was trapped. There was no way she was getting out of this. She walked with him on shaky legs actually relieved that she had his arm to support her. To soon they were at the door and through it. She looked up at him and asked, "I guess we will go home in my car, right?" Do you want to drive? She actually didnt trust herself now to get to her home with herself behind the wheel.
Crystal's body language screamed that she regretted having decided to go through with the wardrobe review Jonah had suggested. She'd refused his option to postpone, though, so she had no one to blame but herself. He was pretty sure that was part of her conflict, that she'd wanted to get it over with so badly that she hadn't thought through whether she really wanted it to happen in the first place.

He felt her grip his arm fairly tightly as they threaded their way out the door. Jonah bid farewell to the hostess as the passed, and within moments, they stood outside. The coolish breeze off the water felt good, and even through her unease, the wind in her hair made Crystal look sexy as hell.

"I guess we'll go home in my car, right? Do you want to drive?" Jonah was going to have suggested that they drive separately, so one of them wasn't stranded, but with the way Crystal had clenched at him on the way out, he realized it was probably better she didn't get behind the wheel.

He took her keys and escorted her to her vehicle, where he helped Crystal into her seat, then got them on their way.

When he pulled in at Crystal's house, he turned to her and asked, "Are you okay to get in on your own, or would you like me to help?"
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Her mind was spinning with the gravity of her decision to have Jonah go through her clothing. Did she really want him too? What would he think of her clothing? Would he make her throw her clothing away? Why had she agreed to this? Was she crazy? Had she lost her mind? She gripped his hand tightly as her mind kept whirling wildly.

When they stood outside she wondered how they had gotten there. She didn't remember walking through the restaurant at all. The breeze felt very cool against her face. She could feel her hair rising as the wind blew through her hair. She heard Jonah start to speak and looked at him blankly, "I guess we'll go home in my car, right? Do you want to drive?" She didn't even think of her car as she said, "Yes, we will go in your car."

She was like a sleepwalker as Jonah took her keys and escorted her to her own car. Had she heard wrong? Didn't he say he would us his own car? She just pushed that away as she worried about what would happen when they got to her home. She was shaking a bit as Jonah helped her into her car. It seemed to take only a minute to get to her home. Her eyes were huge with fear as he asked her, "Are you okay to get in on your own, or would you like me to help?" She simple said, "Yes", as she opened her door and swung her legs out of the car. That was as far as she got.
Crystal seemed really discombobulated as they drove toward her house. When he asked if she could manage on her own or if she needed help getting into the house, all he received was a distant, "Yes," which certainly didn't answer the question.

Jonah started toward he own door handle when Crystal reached for hers. He got his door open, as did she, and he got out and started around to the passenger side as she turned to get out. His hand touched her door as Crystal began to stand, but instead of straightening, she collapsed.

Before she could go completely to the ground and possibly damage herself, Jonah swept around the door and scooped her into his arms. Closing the car with his foot, he carried her limp form to the house. There, he unlocked and took her inside. A little searching found what looked to be her bedroom, where he gently placed her on the bed and sat beside her protectively.

She probably would have been more comfortable without her dress, and for a moment, he considered helping her out of it, but he then considered what she might think should she awaken as he was doing so, so he left her as she was.

He sat and waited...
Crystal woke up slowly and opened her eyes. She realized she was on her bed in her own bedroom. She wondered how she had gotten there. She turned her head toward the bathroom and than the other way and was surprised to see Jonah sitting by her head. She softly asked, "What happened?" Still feeling a bit groggy as she looked at him.
Jonah was surprised at how long it took Crystal to awaken. However, she did finally open her eyes and start to move a little, her look definitely one of confusion as to where she was and how she'd gotten there. When her head finally rolled to where she could see him, she started a little, apparently shocked to see him sitting there.

"What happened?" she finally mumbled, her look one of both relief that she was okay, as well as surprise that he was there with her.

Jonah reached out and petted Crystal's hair like you would to comfort a startled child as he told her quietly, "You collapsed getting out of the car. I had to move quickly so you didn't hurt yourself, but I managed. You've been out for probably five minutes. I was beginning to worry. It's good to see you awake, though. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?"

Any plans he'd had earlier were on hold, pending Crystal's well-being. He'd sit there with her as long as she wanted him to. If she wanted him to go, he'd certainly oblige, but he wanted to be completely certain she would be okay if he did leave.
Crystal woke up to the comforting feel of Jonah's fingers running through her hair. She looked at him as he explained what had happened. "You collapsed getting out of the car. I had to move quickly so you didn't hurt yourself, but I managed. You've been out for probably five minutes. I was beginning to worry. It's good to see you awake, though. How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?" She told him, "Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. But than again I never have been worked up like that before. I know its silly but the thought of you going through my clothing had me in a panic and I dont know why. Maybe it is fear of the unknown. I am sorry that I am such a ninny."
Jonah chuckled. "You certainly did get yourself all in a lather over my coming here this time. I watched it brew and boil over ever since I mentioned it."

Crystal didn't protest or pull away from the hand at her hair, so he continued gently stroking it, like a parent would a frightened child.

"I understand that this is all new and, at times, overwhelming for you. But you're a strong woman. I saw that the night we met. You have no idea the bravery it takes to undergo the type of lifestyle change you've volunteered to enter into. If I didn't think you could take it, I wouldn't have suggested it. But I'm here, and more importantly, so are you.

"Think about the things you've already done. Think about what you've almost done. You were hating every second, but you'd have done it. I know that. Whatever we have going between us may have been at an end following, but you'd have done it. It takes courage, even if you would have boiled it all down to, "He told me to. I didn't have a choice." You always have a choice. Regardless how dreadful that choice might be, there's absolutely no situation in this life that we encounter that doesn't involve at least one alternative, usually several. Now, those alternates might be hideous, awful things, but they're there. We are never without choices in this life."

The way Crystal was looking at him, Jonah couldn't tell whether she understood him or if he was simply overwhelming her. He smiled slightly, then said:

"When I offer an out, I seldom extend a second. However, in this case, I feel obliged to do so.

"While I am here, now, in the location I intended when I suggested I go through your wardrobe, I am one more time giving you the option to postpone. Just remember, if you accept this offer, the next time I intend to examine your clothes, there will be no choice. It will happen."
Crystal knew that Jonah was right she did get herself overly upset about a simple thing like Jonah looking through her clothing. She found comfort in his touch as he stroked her hair and listened to him. What surprised her most that he could read her and that he hardly knew her. She wondered how he could do that.

She listened as he explained that he understood how she felt but he knew she was a strong woman and could take the change in her life style. He seemed so confident that she could withstand the changes in her life. She nodded her head as he told her that he knew she could take the changes to her lifestyle. He reminded her of the things she had already done even though she hated it.
He assured her she had choices. She nodded her head as he spoke.

She was surprised when he said, "When I offer an out, I seldom extend a second. However, in this case, I feel obliged to do so." She tilted her head and looked into his eyes as he told her, "While I am here, now, in the location I intended when I suggested I go through your wardrobe, I am one more time giving you the option to postpone. Just remember, if you accept this offer, the next time I intend to examine your clothes, there will be no choice. It will happen."

She thought for a few moments and then told him, "I want you to look through my clothing now as if we wait I know I will panic again. That is how I am."