Maria and Fiona


Jan 14, 2012
Puerto Ricans are American citizens. November election American citizen voters should watch the difference in how the federal government supports its American citizens in Puerto Rico in response to Hurricane Fiona now as opposed to how the Republican Trump administration supported them five years ago during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. This will show the difference between how a Democratic administration will respond to American citizens during a natural disaster in contrast to how the Republicans do so.
We need to CHANGE the LAWS for Puerto Rico and relief funds.
They were "GIVEN" 9 billion dollars only 40 million has been used because they have to build back the SAME vs better and hurricane proof!! DUMB !! Why build a new electric grid if it's just get blown apart! Put them on SOLAR for a LOT of their needs with BATTERY back up! DONE!
WHY in GOD'S name can't they get direct shipments from the world ? Everything through an American Port?? Fuck that ancient shit!! I think even TRUMP knew they were an ISLAND.
The Dems have to do them RIGHT. Make it clear that the Retrumplicans don't give a shit about them!

STATEHOOD? Do they want it?
First... get DC Statehood !!! Explain why they have TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION !! Go on. TRY!!
DC is not eligible to be a state.

But this thread isn't about DC, is it?
Fury over the government's mishandling of disaster aid following a spate of devastating earthquakes earlier this month, coupled with the recent discovery of unused supplies — some dating back to Hurricane Maria — is driving frustrated demonstrators to the gates of the governor's mansion.

The warehouse, it turned out, was filled with supplies; pallets of expired baby food, expired water, blue tarps, gas stoves, diapers, cots, air mattresses and sheets sat untouched, even as thousands continue to sleep outside in decimated communities.

In one video of the incident posted by Primera Hora, a man reads out the date on one of the water pallets: "October 14, 2017," he shouts.

"While people were suffering after Maria, this place was full of water," another man can be overheard saying. Hurricane Maria struck the island on Sept. 16, 2017.
Almost five years ago to the day, Hurricane Maria wrought catastrophic damage on Puerto Rico. Now another hurricane has caused an island-wide power outage, provoking new questions about the use of billions in federally-allocated disaster relief funds.

Congress has begun to ask questions about how exactly that money has been spent over the last five years. At a subcommittee hearing last Thursday of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, officials from the Government Accountability Office told lawmakers that 80 percent of the territorial government's disaster relief spending has gone to emergency relief, such as removing debris, dwarfing investments in the island's infrastructure. These experts also confirmed to lawmakers that only 19 percent of relief money allocated has been spent, forcing some lawmakers to ask when Puerto Rican officials plan on spending the remaining funds and moving forward on infrastructure improvements.
Thanks to Obama, Puerto Rico might never recover from Irma.

The island was devastated by Irma. But it was ruined by the former president's austerity plan first.

In June 2016, Congress and President Obama passed a bill supposedly to address the economic crisis in Puerto Rico, by imposing external dictatorship on the island. Called the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (or PROMESA), it placed an unelected seven-member board in total control of all important policy.

The supposed justification was to give the island some way to get through bankruptcy. In reality it has set the island up for a decade of mass unemployment and crisis — without remotely fixing the debt problem. It's no accident the locals call the board "La Junta."
We need to CHANGE the LAWS for Puerto Rico and relief funds.
They were "GIVEN" 9 billion dollars only 40 million has been used because they have to build back the SAME vs better and hurricane proof!! DUMB !! Why build a new electric grid if it's just get blown apart! Put them on SOLAR for a LOT of their needs with BATTERY back up! DONE!
WHY in GOD'S name can't they get direct shipments from the world ? Everything through an American Port?? Fuck that ancient shit!! I think even TRUMP knew they were an ISLAND.
The Dems have to do them RIGHT. Make it clear that the Retrumplicans don't give a shit about them!

STATEHOOD? Do they want it?
First... get DC Statehood !!! Explain why they have TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION !! Go on. TRY!!

Simple. Corruption reigns. It really doesn't matter which party is in charge. Watch....we will have the exact kind of corruption in Florida as we see in PR. Rich people don't give a flying fuck about those below them. I am sure every politician benefits equally
Simple. Corruption reigns. It really doesn't matter which party is in charge. Watch....we will have the exact kind of corruption in Florida as we see in PR. Rich people don't give a flying fuck about those below them. I am sure every politician benefits equally
Florida Democrat Dave Kerner announced this week that he is endorsing Gov. Ron DeSantis (R).

Despite being a lifelong Democrat and having held political office as a Democrat, Kerner told Floridians on Tuesday that he will support DeSantis for governor over Democrat Charlie Crist this November.

"We are a state on the rise, and I give a lot of credit to our governor for the trajectory of our state," Kerner said, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

"I have never been beholden to the rigid and disingenuous confines of partisan politics," he said. "This was not a difficult choice for me. This was not the proverbial lesser of two evils. Gov. DeSantis has demonstrated himself beyond worthy of the humbling duties of his office. And he has done so with the level of dignity, purpose and respect that is lost in the public sphere today."
Simple. Corruption reigns. It really doesn't matter which party is in charge. Watch....we will have the exact kind of corruption in Florida as we see in PR. Rich people don't give a flying fuck about those below them. I am sure every politician benefits equally
sad but true
too bad DEMOCRACY fails us.
We need to get the $$ and corporations OUT!!!
A few rules that the politicians had to follow would also be nice! NO CAPITALIZING on their positions in ANY WAY!! PERIOD
The actions by those in Puerto Rico are one thing, and certainly not a good thing, but this thread is about U.S. federal response. They are not the same issue. And I reject attempts to distract from Trump's disgraceful, inhumane responses by pointing to anything the Puerto Ricans did/are doing.
Yeah, I can see why you Trumpettes would do what you could to avoid discussing the thread topic.
Really? You don't know why? That's basic stuff. Go do some research for yourself.
So basic that you couldn't answer?

The why was that no one was seen as living in Washington, D.C, full time when the district was established. They were all supposed to be coming in from home states for a limited time each year. Not too bright of them, though. They made the territory too large for all people working there to be able to live elsewhere (it originally included Virginia's Arlington County too) and they gave no thought to there needing to be people there to provide services to those coming in just for part-time federal service. Of course most people who would be providing services enough to be living there permanently at the time weren't voting citizens at that time anyway.
Really? You don't know why? That's basic stuff. Go do some research for yourself.
Chloe, I understand that you are an American of mixed cultural background yourself and that your immediate family has close military connections
Chloe: I understand that you are an American citizen, originally of mixed Chinese/European background and with strong military connections. The People of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Washington DC are also American citizens and are disproportionately over represented in the US armed forces.

Many of these people have died for their country; do you think that they should continue to be second class citizens unable to vote in Presidential or Congressional elections? Would you support improving their status through statehood or by some other means, or should these under-class Americans be satisfied with their subservient status?
If we don't save PR then who's gonna play Maria in the next West Side Story?
What about Anita? Won't somebody please think of the Anitas!?!
On Lit, a thread entitled 'Maria and Fiona' should have a somewhat different story line. Hot and steamy and maybe a little stormy. Maybe even some showers. And some blowing.
Fiona Frost is hot.

I searched Puerto Rican lesbian porn and got far more hits than expected. Also kept me busy for a minute or two. Ok it was just a minute.
Isn't JLo from there? That ass should be on their flag.
Affleck knows quality pussy when he sees it. Personally I would stuck with garner but lopez ain't no slouch.
People that choose to live in hurricane regions should be the ones covering the costs when one it a Hurricane Tax. Or Insurance. Or at least covering the costs up to a certain point...where the rest of the country kicks in. Same for ANY state. State's Rights baby. If your State is too stupid to have some kind of plan in place what to do when a natural disasters hits...that's on them.

Same is true for fires....floods...tornados...earthquakes...whatever. if a state can't cover the cost...the country can loan them money at a moderate interest rate...which must be paid back. If Republicans want less Federal
It’s now Tuesday. Biden, who wiped out nearly $2 trillion in student debt with the stroke of a pen, still hasn’t granted a Jones Act exemption so that Puerto Rico can get desperately needed fuel and supplies.