March is Women's History Month!

We're over half the population, yet we only get one month out of the year. Fabulous.

I can't wait for the day we get integrated history, so we don't have to cordon off segments for different populations.
*slowly tip toes into thread*

Milestones for women in the Marine Corps include:

* Col. Margerat A. Brewer's appointment to brigadier general in 1978 made her the Corps' first woman general officer.
* Col. Gail M. Reals was the first woman to be selected by a board of general officers for advancement to the rank of brigadier genera in 1985.
* Brig. Gen. Carol A. Mutter became the first woman to assume command of a Fleet Marine Force unit at the flag level when she assumed command of the 3rd Force Service Support Group in Okinawa in 1992.
* 2nd Lt. Sarah Deal became the first woman Marine selected for Naval aviation training in 1993.
In 1994, Brig. Gen Mutter became the first woman major general in the Corps and the senior woman on active duty in the Armed Forces.
* Lt. Gen. Mutter made history again when she became the first woman Marine to wear three stars in 1996.
* Today, women serve in 93 percent of all occupational fields and 62 percent of all billets. Women constitute 6.2 percent of the Corps end strength and are an integral part of the Marine Corps.

This, the 60th anniversary of continuous active service of women in the Marine Corps, is a significant part of the Corps' history and today's female Marines carry on that heritage.
Just wanted to push Oprah's show today on child sex slaves in Africa.

We all have a long way to go to achieve Global Women's rights.
Mischka said:
We're over half the population, yet we only get one
month out of the year. Fabulous.

I can't wait for the day we get integrated history, so
we don't have to cordon off segments for different

Hear hear! Everyone should celebrate each other
every day of the year!

Of course......March seems to be the primary month
for when a lot of V-day events are taking place.......
particularly readings of "The Vagina Monologues".
HeavyStick said:
*slowly tip toes into thread*

Milestones for women in the Marine Corps include:

* Col. Margerat A. Brewer's appointment to brigadier general in 1978 made her the Corps' first woman general officer.
* Col. Gail M. Reals was the first woman to be selected by a board of general officers for advancement to the rank of brigadier genera in 1985.
* Brig. Gen. Carol A. Mutter became the first woman to assume command of a Fleet Marine Force unit at the flag level when she assumed command of the 3rd Force Service Support Group in Okinawa in 1992.
* 2nd Lt. Sarah Deal became the first woman Marine selected for Naval aviation training in 1993.
In 1994, Brig. Gen Mutter became the first woman major general in the Corps and the senior woman on active duty in the Armed Forces.
* Lt. Gen. Mutter made history again when she became the first woman Marine to wear three stars in 1996.
* Today, women serve in 93 percent of all occupational fields and 62 percent of all billets. Women constitute 6.2 percent of the Corps end strength and are an integral part of the Marine Corps.

This, the 60th anniversary of continuous active service of women in the Marine Corps, is a significant part of the Corps' history and today's female Marines carry on that heritage.

Wow, HeavyStick.....I never knew its been 60 years for women in
the Marines! Thank you much for the link and the factoids! :)
Mona said:
Just wanted to push Oprah's show today on
child sex slaves in Africa.

We all have a long way to go to achieve Global
Women's rights.

thank you, Mona! Child sex slaves are not just in
Africa, but I believe also in some parts of Asia if
I'm not mistaken.

If you (or anyone else) watches Oprah today please
post some info from the show on I won't
be around to watch the show this afternoon........

thank you! :)
Michael Ann
Kelly 2
Kelly 3

Womens History.....Thanks :rose:
Mischka said:

I can't wait for the day we get integrated history, so we don't have to cordon off segments for different populations.

Mischka said:
We're over half the population, yet we only get one month out of the year. Fabulous.

I can't wait for the day we get integrated history, so we don't have to cordon off segments for different populations.

Hey, don't complain, it's more than what we get.
8ball said:
Hey, don't complain, it's more than what we get.

we being who? white men? You comprise the majority of space taken up by history texts, and the western hemisphere canon of "great" literature.
I go to sleep and wake up before going into work for the
overnite shift, and this here is getting really interesting!

Let's stick to the positive aspects, ok? No bashing of
anyone please!

Thanks! :)
and here I thought FEB. was the shortest month of the year..
congrats BABES..
I watched Oprah today.
It was a sad but inspirational show.

The women were being used as sexual pawns in warfare in Sierra Leone. Practically brutualized for years on end, (I won't go into details). After a decade of civil unrest, some are returning home to try rebuild their lives from nothing. Some are still captives, many now mothers against their will. Sadly, this kind of thing happens too often in many forgetten parts of the world. :(

Women please, many of us are so fortunate.
Today, remember those who are not. :rose:
Mona said:
I watched Oprah today.
It was a sad but inspirational show.

The women were being used as sexual pawns in warfare in Sierra Leone. Practically brutualized for years on end, (I won't go into details). After a decade of civil unrest, some are returning home to try rebuild their lives from nothing. Some are still captives, many now mothers against their will. Sadly, this kind of thing happens too often in many forgetten parts of the world. :(

Women please, many of us are so fortunate.
Today, remember those who are not. :rose:

thank you Mona, for your words..........we are fortunate here
in this country to have freedoms that women in war torn countries
and esp. in 3rd world countries do not have.
one thing i've observed is that no matter what ethnic group, and no matter how disenfranchised or disempowered that group, within that group, the women will be even more disadvantaged than the men. i'm not a big crusader for abstract issues, but i think a thread like this helps elevate my awareness of inequities, arms me to think and act in my small sphere of influence--my life. education. :)
MercyMia said:
one thing i've observed is that no matter what ethnic group, and no matter how disenfranchised or disempowered that group, within that group, the women will be even more disadvantaged than the men. i'm not a big crusader for abstract issues, but i think a thread like this helps elevate my awareness of inequities, arms me to think and act in my small sphere of influence--my life. education. :)

well said, Mercy! :)
Let's all do a collective pout.....

And sit around complaining on how rough you've got it.
Let's not turn the celebration into a global whine of inequality this time, okay?

Fuck, from year 1, women have directed the civilizations that have existed. They are the reason for males to progress forward, to impress them, and make them happy. They have led nations in battle, and inspired great works of art. They are the most important in the survival of the race, and provide balance in the world.