Malicious voting


Jul 21, 2012
Does the Literotica moderator have the ability to easily spot and put a stop to malicious voting? Does the moderator ever do this?
The ability? Sure, there's a thread right above/below (depending on the time of day) yours about votes that mysteriously vanish off of certain stories. But the real question is, can the mods definitively tell what is a malicious vote and what is just an honest negative vote? In almost all cases it's a subjective thing and hard to make a case for.
Voting patterns

The ability? Sure, there's a thread right above/below (depending on the time of day) yours about votes that mysteriously vanish off of certain stories. But the real question is, can the mods definitively tell what is a malicious vote and what is just an honest negative vote? In almost all cases it's a subjective thing and hard to make a case for.[/QUOTE]

Thanks TamLin,

I didn't do a good job with my question. It is more about a pattern than about a single vote. Let's say the trend for a period of time is 90% 5 and 10% 4 and suddenly there is a string of 1s that cause the score to drop. If there was just one or two outliers (e.g., a 1) then subjectivity is certainly a concern. But if there are 10 1s in a row after a period of only 5s and 4s, it would seem to me that at a statistical level someone is trying to alter an overall score. It's the striking change in pattern that I was getting at in my question rather than the outlier vote.

Thanks for pointing out the other thread. That's helpful.
I have had about 5 votes removed recently, 4 of them just in the last 24 hours. My score went up to a 3.86, not spectacular but a hell of a lot better.