Male penis power hand gesture needed


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Everywhere today you see these young women giving V gestures with their fingers. For older people unaware of what this means, it refers to their vaginas. Though the meaning varies, often the general meaning is "pussy power." Power over what one wonders, but that's besides the point.

It seems the young men do not have an equivalent hand gesture of their own to counter this grrrrl power non-sense. I propose the most basic, simple, eternal hand gesture of all, to be used as a sign of Penis Power. The good old middle finger.

I propose the most basic, simple, eternal hand gesture of all, to be used as a sign of Penis Power. The good old middle finger.

I think I speak for everyone when I say you personally should probably stick with your pinky.
renard wants to overturn 2500 years of history, because women are allowed to use their hands

really well thought out, kudos to you renard
post script

it's first usage was to describe anal sex in a denigrating way

I guess renard interprets getting fucked in the ass as "penis power"
Everywhere today you see these young women giving V gestures with their fingers. For older people unaware of what this means, it refers to their vaginas. Though the meaning varies, often the general meaning is "pussy power." Power over what one wonders, but that's besides the point.

actually that's a derivative form of the italian gesture to " go fuck yourself"

they're calling it " pussy power" because they know you're too stupid to figure out you're being insulted

Nixon had a vagina?

eeesh, that's just wrong.
ruse, you skeezix, I got your male penis power gesture

.....see what I did there? ^^^
I'm not so insecure that I need a hand gesture but I found one for renard.
