Majority of Americans, plurality of Dems now believe lab-leak theory is probably true

You can see the obvious shift in attitude. Fauci's house of cards is falling apart. People ar going to be looking to the administration to lead the global community in holding China responsible for their actions.
Um, because a majority of people believe something to be true doesn't make it true. While I personally have qualms about the Chinese handling of the virus (yeah, I know, pot calling the kettle black, Trump made Xi look like a truth teller with Trump's mile a second lies) and I do find the 'coincidence' of a virus lab being in Wuhan and Wuhan being the epicenter of the pandemic something that should be addressed, whether it is to find out the truth or to put it to rest. Saying Fauci's house of cards is falling apart is ludicrous, outside conspiracy theorists the only thing other scientists have said is that there should be a further investigation into this.

The one thing that all scientists agree on is that Covid was not engineered, that it is basically the same as strains found in bats, so it wasn't a bio weapon gone amuck. You have to be Donald Trump to develop a bio weapon and release it without a cure or vaccine ready to go (I have heard "well the Chinese had a vaccine before we did"...yeah, but it also is like only 50% effective, it is nowhere near the Moderna or Pfizer or the other vaccines. If they had developed covid in a lab and came up with a vaccine before releasing it, it wouldn't be that bad).

Could it have been an accidental release? Yes, because there is no proof it wasn't at this point, what the Chinese government says you can count on being about as accurate as anything Trump would say about anything and just as batshit crazy. I don't think a full investigation has been done either, the WHO is basically run by China and there could be a cover up, corporate America especially would want it shut up because with all their factories now in China, would make them look really, really bad.

But again, saying because a majority believes it doesn't prove anything. 90% of people in the US as late at 1967 thought that people of different races marrying was going to destroy society (today it is like 35%, and they are like 99% republican, big surprise), in the 19th century the majority of people in the US thought the universe was created in 6 days by God and the earth was created as is, Darwin only became a majority view roughly by 1920 (it is why all the southern states rushed to ban teaching evolution, they had become on the wrong side of what most people thought). People believe all kind of crazy shit without proof *shrug*
Um, because a majority of people believe something to be true doesn't make it true.

True enough!!!! :D
There's more evidence supporting the lab leak explanation than the near impossible evolution narrative.
The virus has mutated countless times in the past year, and at least five of those are viable. Evolution happens, whether you believe in it or not.