OK, I need major help in a piece of writing im doing, this includes ALL editing and any ideas, suggestions, hints or otherwise you can possible help with. I know i have a good story 3 other editors have told me so, but it seems no one wants to touch it, And before you ask, No i dont know why.
Please if you're looking for a piece of writing that you want to mess around with, would'nt mind co- authoring or just editing for me, Read it, But please offer me something more than "Good read" And heaven know it dont give me "Tips" on how to write. Ive always written like this, Im asking you to change my Babble into something people can follow.
Please if you're looking for a piece of writing that you want to mess around with, would'nt mind co- authoring or just editing for me, Read it, But please offer me something more than "Good read" And heaven know it dont give me "Tips" on how to write. Ive always written like this, Im asking you to change my Babble into something people can follow.