love respect and trust


use to give a shit
Aug 16, 2008
you can love anyone. you love your family and friends no matter if they are nuts. you can meet someone a long time ago and love them for a lifetime. you can fall in and out of love over a lifetime.
respect. it's automatic no matter who they are. unless they show no respect for you.
trust? you don't get trust until there is love and respect. whichever comes first. you EARN trust. until then, regard everyone as a potential threat. at any time i will pull a gun and stick it in your face with the safety off and the hammer pulled back. make the wrong move, and you are dead.

live it.

That's the actual number...

...kind of hoping you don't use it, though.
you can love anyone. you love your family and friends no matter if they are nuts. you can meet someone a long time ago and love them for a lifetime. you can fall in and out of love over a lifetime.
respect. it's automatic no matter who they are. unless they show no respect for you.
trust? you don't get trust until there is love and respect. whichever comes first. you EARN trust. until then, regard everyone as a potential threat. at any time i will pull a gun and stick it in your face with the safety off and the hammer pulled back. make the wrong move, and you are dead.

live it.

That is a prime example of retroductive reasoning...or not.
ivan has been threatening his ex wife again, folks.

He'll also be taking a short hiatus.
I know I have a lot of nerve being a jackass myself often. But someone was murdered. Joking like this is really shitty.
this thread screams premeditation. life w/o parole.
I know I have a lot of nerve being a jackass myself often. But someone was murdered. Joking like this is really shitty.
it is vulgar
in the olde sense of the word...

not just glib infused crass for immediate consumption.

this little playpen never seems to know its bounds
until consequence actually lands at individual doorsteps...

in the blue light of this incident,
there is a shitload of creepy dancing going on;
not just by the obvious creeps.

they still put frothy icing on the cookies,

they are using ingredients from your pantry;

this time
more than they usually steal
during your fits of nervous collective glee...



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it is vulgar
in the olde sense of the word...

not just glib infused crass for immediate consumption.

this little playpen never seems to know its bounds
until consequence actually lands at individual doorsteps...

in the blue light of this incident,
there is a shitload of creepy dancing going on;
not just by the obvious creeps.

they still put frothy icing on the cookies,

they are using ingredients from your pantry;

this time
more than they usually steal
during your fits of nervous collective glee...




Go fuck yourself. I have never laughed at a person being murder, sell your bullshit lies elsewhere.
Who is "Some Daughter" and why is her post inaccessible but shows up in TryHarder62's post?

I changed what I said when I realized I may not have the inside story.

Ivan was a type of person we see quite often around here. He could not maintain a satisfying relationship with a woman and knew it was because the woman would not do as he liked.

So, like a lot of men, he thought the Dom/sub relationship was the thing for him and he came to Lit in search of a sub. The problem was, Ivan was not a dom. He lacked all the qualities needed in a Dom, primarily self confidence and self control.

True to the pattern, Ivan eventually convinced himself the problem was was a flaw in all women.
I have no idea what happened in New Mexico, but from what I remember of Ivan, it doesn't surprise me at all,
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He was always bull-headed when it came to women. Who in their right mind would want him, is beyond me.
Who is "Some Daughter" and why is her post inaccessible but shows up in TryHarder62's post?


Hmmm, the account must have gotten zapped. It bumped the thread last night, and only had a couple of posts.
It had 2 posts, none of which were against the rules, it's just laurel's selective banning because....well who knows, she seems to read a lot more into some people's posts than what is intended and at the same time she turns a blind eye to people who regularly break the rules.

Are you that woman who wanted to marry Charles Manson, so she could have his body when he died?
Reminds me of 21 yr old a Blob posting he used to watch All In The Family.