Lost Love Rises (Closed for Sweetandsexy3)


Really Really Experienced
Aug 11, 2009
Name: Derek Eugene Whited
Age: 21
Tattoos: Last name down left side


Sitting on the bench outside of her classroom had Derek Whited on nerves. He had survived a horrible attack while serving over in the Middle East. For days, thoughts of hearing his close friends scream until their final breath ran though his mind while walking across the desert to try to find help. He had been alone for two weeks falling in front of an US military base. Two weeks alone in the desert and all he thought about were those screams. That and the constant picture of the girl he left back home. The girl that he loved. The girl he was suppose to marry. Some time while wondering through the desert he thought that God wasn't being fair to him. He cursed at the sky and cursed at himself for leaving her behind. He vowed to himself that if he did make it safely, he would find her and make sure that he never left again.

After being treated for multiple wounds, having some psychological needs fixed, and being nourished back to full health.. It was time for him to go back home. Although Derek didn't know it, his family was told that he was KIA. Derek was ordered to a new position with the government located twenty minutes away from the college town that she was attending. His first stop would be to his parents just to let them know that he was indeed okay. And there he found out they had all been told that he died. Saying his goodbyes quickly, he knew he had to find her.

Once arriving on campus, he pulled out his cell phone, calling her parents. They didn't believe it was him at first, but broke down when he proved it. They told him what class she would be in, and that is where he was at now. He was more scared than that horrible time, and he didn't know how she would react.

Sitting on that bench, Derek thought about his life, and how lucky he had been. How lucky it was to find her, to fall in love with her. He had changed out of his Uni into a pair of beige cargo shorts, a school tshirt and donned some new tennis shoes. He looked like he belonged there. Once the class had starting letting out, he stood up. His eyes scanned the people walking out, his eyes catching on her. A small grin crept across his face, seeing how beautiful she looked, knowing he missed it. She began to walk away, when his voice finally came out. "Melinda Lawrence."
Name: Melinda Allison Lawrence
Age: 20
Looks: http://data.whicdn.com/images/31898252/beautiful-girl-blue-eyes-dark-hair-Favim.com-464476_large.jpg


Melinda had yet to even turn twenty one and her whole life was upside down. She fell in love, they got engaged, and he left... That's where everything went wrong.

She knew it would be hard to be without him but she loved him enough to know they would make it through, the time apart would just make her love him more. Unfortunately she was right about that and it just made losing him that much more difficult. He was dead. All she could do was keep repeating it to herself hoping eventually she would believe it and that maybe on day it wouldn't hurt so much. That would take a lot more time, years before she could let him go, but there wasn't enough time in the world for her to ever stop loving him. That was something he would always have of hers.

Melinda had woken up that morning and the last thing she wanted to do was get out of bed, but she knew she had to. She needed to continue to live, it was what he would want and that's what kept her going. She got dressed in a simple light blue dress and a pair of back flats before grabbing her bag and heading off to class. Doing her best to keep her mind off of him she put all her effort into listening to what the teacher had to say, but it still didn't keep her mind from wandering.

Relieved when the class was over she followed the other students out, stoping when she heard a voice call her name. It couldn't be she thought. It was probably just a classmate, she was so desperate to hear his voice. Turning around she froze, she was sure she was looking at a ghost. Tears immediately flooded her eyes her bag hitting the ground as she ran to him, wrapping her arms tightly around him, hoping he wouldn't disappear.
As she turned around, his eyes met hers and he saw the pain she was in as they filled with tears. Derek's eyes quickly moved to the bag as it fell down and back up to her once she reached him, knocking air out of his mouth. His arms automatically moved around her, bringing his head down closer to hers and closing his eyes. His mind was racing, but maybe not as much as hers. That sadness he saw, was because of news about him. His mind was wishing he had never left, that he could have contacted the US sooner so she didn't have to go through that. Taking a deep inhale yo calm down he smelled her shampoo scented hair before pulling back slowly. He let his arms move to the front of them, his left hand reaching up to touch her face softly, his eyes watching. "You look even more beautiful than before I left."

He smiled softly, not noticing everyone staring at them. He thought of words to say, opening his mouth and then closing it as his eyes stared into hers. Derek licked his lips before lowering his hand away from her face down to her hands. He slowly brought them up to his lips giving them a soft kiss before letting them drop. "Hello, Melinda." He finally said, swallowing hard before letting out a nervous laugh. "I missed you so much." Derek whispered, his face growing calmer. "I don't know what to say.." He started, looking down at the ground. "I don't know what to do either.."
All she could do was stare at him, she still couldn't believe he was actually standing in front of her. She wasn't sure how to react. She couldn't have been more happy seeing him alive and well but all that pain she had been feeling stung. How could he leave her, how could he not find a way to let her know that he was alright, he had let her believe that he was dead, that she had lost him for good. He had hurt her... But what about him. What had happened out there that led to all of this.

It didn't matter, she had him back and she forgave him the second he kissed her hand. Everything was the way it was supposed to be, she was back in his arms.

"I missed you too... Then I thought you had died and I hated you. I hated you for making me love you and then leaving me." She said crying as she looked away from him "But I never stopped loving you and all I want right now is to be with you, I don't want you to ever leave me again..."
As Derek listened to her, he felt his heart ache. He closed his eyes and nodded his head. Raising his head, he looked into her eyes, swallowing hard yet again. "I'm sorry for making you hate me. I'm sorry I couldn't get a way to tell you I was okay. I'll tell you everything when you want to hear it. Just know there wasn't a day when I was stranded.. that I didn't think of you. Wanting to come back here to be with you was the only thing that kept me alive and kept me trying to find help." He said, the memories flooding back. "I'm damaged now, physically and mentally. If you'll take me back, and forgive me for leaving.. I'll do everything I can to get us back to before."

Derek looked away slightly, closing his eyes letting himself calm down. "But I can promise you one thing. I'm never going back over there. And that is a fact. They discharged me from active duty due to my injuries. I'm not fit to go back into combat. I get to stay home, and work a 9-5 job. Or work when I can and go to school. Everything's covered." He added, a small smile onto his face. "But, if I don't get to see that pretty face every morning, none of it would matter."
"Derek I promised you that I would marry you. I'm still sticking to that and that means that I want you for better or worse." She smiled looking up at him "I can't promise you'll see me every morning, it's a little difficult living apart... But I promise you that I will be with you every second that I possibly can. I'm so close to finishing school, I wish I could leave and just stay by your side but you know just as much as I do how crazy that would be..." Holding tightly onto him she took a deep breath, not wanting to let him go "and I've already forgiven you... I really can't blame you for everything. You weren't the one who told me you died... Knowing that you fought to see me again means so much more to me than I think you realize. I'm here for you... I always will be..."
Grinning Derek moved his arms around her yet again. "We'll figure everything out. Maybe I'll apply to school for next semester." He replied, his hand moving back up to her face. "God.." He started saying watching his thumb move across Melinda's face. "I really have missed you. " he added, moving his arms around her again, swaying to his left and right slowly. "Here's what we will do. Since I have to stay at home for some time to get readjusted back, you stay in school. When I can, I'll come up to campus and we will have lunch, especially if we don't see each other in the morning. Schools important to you. So that's a focus. Once your schoolwork dies down, we will discuss the wedding." Derek started saying taking a deep breath, pulling back to tilt Melinda's chin upwards. "And once that is over, or if I can move out, I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Melinda Lawrence. And from nearly Dying I can promise you it'll will be a great one." He finally stated looking down into her eyes. A smile crept onto his face as he lowered it down, pressing his lips against her soft ones. For years he had dreamt of kissing her again, and it was better than before. He let his hands drop to her sides, keeping them in place, and keeping her near him.
His kiss made her weak, it always had. It was the one thing that somehow always managed to make things better. She had missed it even more than she thought, she had missed him even more than she had ever imagined she would.

She smiled, slowly pulling away from him "Well I think my teachers might understand if I missed the rest of my classes today. It's not everyday that your boyfriend comes back from the dead... And I want to spend time with you. We have a few years to make up for." Letting go of him she went to pick up her bag "So where do you want to go? What do you want to do?" She asked pulling the bag over her shoulder "What was the thing you missed the most being away? I'll do whatever you want..."
Listening to her speak, Derek watched her move to pick up her bag before drawing his attention back upwards. "That is true. It's a good excuse. I don't think a lot of people use it." He replied, keeping his attention focused. "There is this one thing I did miss.." He started to say walking up behind her moving his hands around her. Derek mover his head closer, moving her hair away from her neckline. "It's something I've waited two years to have again. And two years is a long time." Derek whispered, bringing his lips to her neck kissing softly. "Very much loved doing it before I left." He hinted again, moving his lips closer to her ear. "I've really missed.." Derek brought his hands across her stomach, hearing a catch in her breath. "Big Joes burgers." He laughed pulling away slowly.
She took a deep breath trying to compose herself, suddenly realizing that she could barely remember the last time they had slept together but the first was still completely clear in her memory. She laughed, she knew him well enough to know he would do something like that but being away from him so long it caught her off guard. "Great, burgers sound amazing..." She said turning around to face him "and now that you mention it, I'm starving." Melanie smiled taking a hold of his hand "lets go..." She said starting to walk "so how did you know to find me here?" She asked "was I the last one to know that you where back and alive and well?" She held tighter onto his hand still scared that if she let him go he would just vanish into thin air.
After teasing her a tiny bit, Derek had to recompose himself, smiling as she talked to him. "Well. Fantastic. We should go eat then. I haven't had anything fatty for two years." He replied, feeling her hand wrap around his as he grinned. He loved his free hand over his stomach as they walked. Derek turned his head to Melanie as she asked if she was the last. "Well, my parents were the first to know, seeing I have to live there. And then they told me that they were told I was killed and I know I had to see you. So. I calle your parents. And had to go through some testing, which by the way. I kind of let it slip about that cute little birthmark in that place.." Derek grinned looking back ahead. "They told me where to find you. I was thinking about busting into class, however that would have been a huge disturbance. So I waiting on the bench. None of our friends know, but I can guess out parents are spreading it around."
"Derek!" She stopped, her face turning bright red "my parents don't... Well... They didn't know we had been sleeping together before you left...." She said looking down " I was going to just let them think we didn't until after we got married..." Melinda took a deep breath "you should have busted into class, would have lived things up a bit. I could have stopped mourning you a little sooner." She started walking agian her had still clasped around his "would you mind if we didn't tell our friends yet? It would be nice to have some time with you to myself..."
Derek laughed watching her reaction. "C'mon now. They had to know. I mean. Parents always know." He grinned, shrugging. "Relax. I think I've more than deserve their blessing." He added as try started walking again. "My parents knew without me even telling them, what's that say about your parents? Pretty sure they did know." Derek looked up as they were walking, shakin his head. "But then everyone's eyes would be on us. And I wanted that moment to ourselves." Looking over at Melanie, he grinned softly. "I wasn't even planning on seeing anyone else. I've been away from you for two years. You are the most deserving person to get my undivided attention."
"Well I liked being able to think they didn't know." She as she just kept walking "do you rennet the first time we slept together?" She asked a slight blush across her face as always when she talked about them having sex, he could always tell when she was thinking about it by the flush of her cheeks. "I think there where still a lot of people staring at us earlier... Was it what you had been hoping for? That moment after waiting at that bench?" She moved closer to him her head gently resting on his shoulder "is this everything you hoped for?" She asked hoping she lived up to his expectations.
Looking ahead of them his mind wandered for a split second before coming back to her. "Of course I do. I remember every time." Derek said softly, raising an eyebrow. "And as for that moment. I have to admit. I don't think I could have bursted into the classroom. Sitting down eased my nerves. You don't have to worry about if it was everything I hoped for. Because plain and simple," Derek starting saying taking in a deep breath. "Everything about you is what I wished for. That part will never change."
She took a deep breath trying to calm her own nerves now "so... Maybe later after we eat... We could... Well you know..." She said walking a little faster, her nerves getting the best of her "I've kind of missed you. But if you want to wait, that's okay. I just thought it might be a nice welcome home." Melinda quickly got quiet realizing that she was just rambling. Looking down she just watched their feet as they walked, perfectly insync. "I love you..." She said softly, looking back up at him.
A laugh escaped his lips as he listened to her speak. "Melanie. Relax. Okay?" He saidsqueezing her hand. "Let's just enjoy what we are feeling now. Trust me. There's nothing more that I want to actually be with you. But I don't want it to be planned. That's never worked for us. Our best nights, were the spontaneous ones." Derek said, meeting her eyes with his. "And I love you. More than anything. Okay?" He said softly, pulling them to a stop and closing the distance between them. "Just be you again. Even though you are adorable when you're nervous." Derek said before movin his lips to hers, kissing them softly.
"Alright. I'm sorry." She said returning the kiss "could I at least spend the night with you?" Melinda asked letting go of his hand "I just don't want to leave you right now. I've missed you so much. I love you Derek." Starting to walk agian she reached the parking lot and started looking for his car "where did you park?"