Lost Her Mind Redux (Closed for justmethatswho)


Really Experienced
Dec 19, 2011
Dr. Robert Rochester was working late this day in Lab D34, finally putting the finishing touches on his nerve augmenting collar known as Project Lost wings. The military had expressed specific interest in his collar, but the Doctor had a secret ulterior motive for its use: the perfect sex slave.

Despite being his handsome features, his stunning green eyes, his thick locks of brown hair, his well-toned physique, and his well-endowed member, Ken had never had much luck with women. It seemed his work always seemed to push him away from female companionship. He knew one day his work on this collar would give him a woman that would never leave him, but he couldn't have known just how soon that would come.

Dr. Rochester finished tweaking the collar and set it down in its glass protective case. He left the lab making sure to turn on the security measures and strolled into his neighboring office to make note of his final adjustments to the collar before its final test.
Addison Walker
Age 28
Brunette shoulder lenght hair
Thin but fit, small breasts

Addison had been witht he agency working the field for a bit over 4years now. Her latest assignment seemed simple enough. Procure a device sought by the military. Nothing seemed quite different from her other assignments. She often worked alone and was known for her work by her superiors.

At first she questioned why not send a less experienced agent, certainly this objective was below her qualifications and talents. That is when she noticed the AAC, noting the objective should be accomplished at any cost, including detatching the subject from society. AKA kill him. She had done this before, well several times. Mostly involed rich Middle Eastern types and subjects in Asia.

As simple as it was she started observing the subject a bit over two months ago. Finally it was time to move. The security had been comprimized for a week, though it appeaard to be working it was false feedback. As if on schedule the Dr took his break, this was her moment. She had verifed there was only a single collar, it was hers, the small camerans she ahd hid displaying where.

Still she was nervous, something was not right ... is what her sense told her.
Dr. Rochester had been so careful with his security measures that he had installed some measures in the lab at his own great expense, with no public record of their existence. After all this project was his greatest achievement and to have it taken from him would mean taking away his livelihood.

His eyes glanced over the data and smiled. They were finally ready for human testing. He couldn't wait to see what this collar could do when used for its true purpose. Now if only he had a willing test subject. He pondered this for a while in his office as he continued to jot down notes.
Addison glanced ather watch, 93 seconds to finish, or it would be anothother month of waiting. She was well aware from tapping into the network that he was about to go live and test the collar, whatever it was to do. She could not miss this chance.

It was close oh so close, her heart pounded in her chest. She loved these moments. A far cry from her Ivy League education, where she was top in her class. This is what she lived for the risk.

She knew where each camera was as she moved in the lab, careful precise. Her tight clothing unwittingly putting her body on display.
As Addison entered the lab she unknowingly activated the thermal sensors secretly installed by Dr. Rochester. The doors quietly locked behind her and the room began filling up with a knockout gas. As she neared the collar she would begin to feel the effects. A red light flashed on Dr. Rochester's computer and disturbed him from his work to let him know that someone had broken into the lab.
Addison, placed the glass cutter on the the case. Her palms sweaty, her nerves rising. Suddenly she was growing leary. "Shit" she whispered as she moved to quickly turn the glass cutter.

The case was open, she grabbed, it no longer caring, she knew her time was short.

Her mistake she took a deep breath, holding it as she begain to move, the room was spinning. The collar dropped to the floor. She paniced looking around, but everthing was fuzzy.
Dr. Rochester waited a while longer for the gas took hold before venting the gas and deactivating the security measures. He saw a woman reeling from the effects of the gas, and his precious collar on the floor. He grinned as he looked at this gorgeous woman and realized he had just found the perfect subject.

He clicked open the collar and quickly clasped it around her neck. "Were you looking for this? Well you got it." He quickly activated the collar via a nearby console. She would feel a sharp pinch followed by a rush of energy, but an inability to move as he had to insure that she wouldn't jeapordize this first test run. She would also feel a growing sense of arousal as he slowly pushed up the levels for erogenous centers.

"Now tell me, my little test subject. Who are you and who sent you?"
Addison lay there, her eyes fluttering and unfocused.

She senses the collar wrapping around her neck as he places it upon her, then the click.

She tries to move but cannot.

"Let ... let me ... let me go" She said, knowing it would do little ... she feared the worse ... soon he would kill her, but she ceratainly was not about to answer his questions.

Her body felt strange, it had to be the nerves she figured ...
"Why would I let you go? You are the perfect test subject for this new collar. Now I could get you to tell me with pain or with pleasure. What would you prefer." He cranked up her some arousal some more.

"Now let me know what's happening to your body. Your arousal is about to go through the roof. Every part of your body is going to ache to be touched. And if you don't tell me your name I won't give you what you so desperately need."
She did not believe his words. Though the collar had pirced her neck, she doubted it was more than discomfort. He asked her about pain or pleasure. How sweet of him, yet she was not telling him a thing. The only thing she wished is access to the cyanide tablet in het hip pocket.

She still could not move. He did dsomething, her internal desire greaw. "Oh God" She moaned.
"Yes now you're feeling it. I bet you're feeling awfully hot in that outfit. Here let me help you with that." Still immobile, his captive subject was helpless to stop him from slowly unzipping her suit as a large amount of body heat came off her. He slowly peeled of her clothes as he saw the monitor indicating her high level of arousal.
"Pleade no" she thought as he apprached her, unzipping her cat suit. OMG he is going to ...

She knew the risks of this job, yet had been lucky to avoid them to this point.

As he unzipped his finger touched her skin. Addison moaned a sound far from pain.

"What was this ... what are you doing."
"You know exactly what I'm doing, darling." Dr. Rochester finished peeling off her cat suit as he left her in just her bra and panties. He gazed leeringly at his conquest admiring the shapely curve of her ass and her petite frame. He reached and grasped her breasts through the fabric of her bra. "Now if you want more, you're going to have to talk."
Addison dod not knowwhat the collar would be used for, that was classified in the documents she recieved. "Stop it now' as the desire filled her like a sorority girl at at frat party.

"oh" she moaned, upon his gaze over her body. She struggled wanting to move, but could not. Part of her mind was upset as she knew she had failed for the first time in all her missions.

It had happened to others she knew, they simply disappeared and where never spoken of. Was she on that list now, to be forgotten.

She knew there would be no search party, no attempt to rescue her.

Her body now betraying her, in raw sensual desire. "Why do I feel like this."
"This is how I've made you feel, my little cat burglar. And if you do as I say like a nice little test subject I will reward you by making you feel this kind of pleasure all the time." He kissed her on the neck as he unclipped her bra. His hands going to lightly caress her bare breasts.

"Oh and did I mention a side effect of the collar? It leaves you very open to Pavlovian conditioning for instance if I just repeat a phrase over and over as you feel pleasure, you will associate that phrase with pleasure. Let me show you."

He began caressing her breasts with more intensity now, whispering rhythmically into her ear, "Obey the doctor," over and over again.
She had been trained to resist pain, but never such deep wanton pleasure.

Even so she did not speak her identity.

He reached around, shefelt her breasts released as he carresed each. Addison moaned. "Oh fuck"

"Test subject .... huh" her mind clouded with desire, causing her judgement to be foggy.

She could feel her moistness leaking from her pussy.

"I am not your sex toy" Addison moaned, though her mind was filled with desire.
The Doctor laughed. "I assure you soon enough you will be. Let me tell you what happens when you finally cum. Your orgasm will trigger the final function of the collar which will put you in the ultimate submissive state for me to alter your mind. In other words, once you cum I will turn you into my own private plaything."

He chuckled as he knew she was drawing close. He moved one of his hands from her breast into her soaking wet panties and began rubbing up and down her slit while repeatedly flicking her clit.
Her body was betraying her. SHe had only one other time been this turned on, back in college ... it was a wild night, she had tried to forget.

His had felt so good, she wanted to push herself upon it, yet was still paralyzed. She had not had an orgasm at the hand of a man in over 5-years.

"Fuck You." She moaned "Just kill me"

"Ohhhhhh" she moaned, her breasts aching for his touch as he groped her pussy. She was close.
"Not a chance. You're mine." He pushed two fingers into her soaking wet pussy as his thumb rapidly rubbed her clit. His hand that had been mauling her breast pinched and rolled her nipple as he awaited her literally mind blowing orgasm to take hold of her.
Addison felt betrayed ... this man was suppose to be hers ... she messed up. She should have killed him, yet now she ached for the pleasure he gave her. She hated him, yet wanted him

As his fingers entered her, she felt her pussy quake in desire. His hands pinched her nipples only increasing her desire. She had hated men touching ehr breasasts.

"Oh fuck ... fuck ... harder" She said, not wanting to. Yet her body needed it.

"Ohhhh fuck" she felt her body tense. It was nearly too late if what he said were true.
He thrust a third finger inside her and rapidly began ramming them faster and harder into her. He whispered into her ear, "Cum for me," as he gave everything to bring her over the edge.

((After her orgasm she will enter a sort of hazy state where he'll do the "reprogramming."))
Addison shook her head no. She could not, even if her body wanted it.

"Then the third finger filled her tight pussy. She could feel her body excited. Every inch aching to feel him.

She wanted to feel a cock in her, even his. "No ... no no" She moaned denying her desires.

"ohhhh" She maoned

"Fuck me Please fuck me" She pleaded as the orgasm began to build.
He curved his fingers up inside her pushing them up into her g spot as his other hand moved from her breast to her clit, rapidly rubbing it. "You'll get fucked soon enough, darling. And then for the rest of your life you will get to feel like this." He bit into her shoulder as he built up to a big finale.
Her body began to quiver at his touch. Though she could not move under her own control, she began to quiver.

She bit her lip trying to contain her orgasm. Oh no no no nono" She screamed as his hand pleasured her. The collar tighted restriciting her breathing. "Yes yes yes Harde"

Her body began to quake as her orgasm began to spill free.

She was in extasy, like never before, her world focused on the pleasure of the moment. As the orgasm continued, her world grew fuzzy. Her moans grew softer, she felt as if she had run a marathon.
The Doctor whispered into her ear as she began to go into the post-orgasmic haze and he saw a light blinking on the collar indicating that she was open to condition. "You now live solely to serve me. Obeying gives you great pleasure and arouses you sexually more than anything else. You love my cock above all others and love to have it feel your every whole. You are now a slave to my whim. Do you understand?"