Lost and Found (closed for bjhass)


Jun 29, 2013
Ashley woke up and rubbed the sand out of her eyes, only to discover it was over most of her face. She reached out to turn off the light, only to discover it wasn't there. Opening her eyes a bit more, she discovered she wasn't in her bed at all. She was on a wide, sandy beach, looking up at a mountain covered in a thick green jungle. Behind her, a calm, blue-green lagoon with breakers crashing on a reef. She rubbed her eyes again to make sure she wasn't dreaming, but it seemed very real. She sat up, looking around for any sign that would tell her where she was.

The last thing she remembered was the wedding. It had been perfect. Even her brother's drunken, rambling toast hadn't been too embarrassing. It had been a little after midnight when Evan finally gave her that look, and they had said their goodbyes and set off for their honeymoon. A dream come true, riding in her husband's yacht to a resort island out in the tropical ocean. Everyone had been standing on the pier, waving and as they had left the lights of the city behind the stars had been spectacular.

Evan had opened a fresh bottle of champagne, not that either of them really needed more to drink. He had pulled her close and kissed her, and she had felt it then for the first time. He had kissed her about a hundred times at the reception, but there had been people around offering congratulations and demanding their attention. Now they were alone, it was different. They were really married.

"How far is it to the resort?" she whispered. A minute seemed too long too wait to have sex with her husband for the first time. She knew it was silly to think that it would somehow be different now, but she had never been this aroused in her life. She was even ready to try some of the nasty things that he had talked about.

"About an hour and a half," he had laughed, one arm around her waist, the other hand steering the boat. "I told you we should have Jack drive us out."

"I wanted to be alone with you," she pouted. "I thought it would be more romantic this way."

"It is," he said. "I do have to drive, but you can do whatever you want."

They were so absorbed with each other that they hadn't noticed the storm clouds blotting out the stars until the first crack of thunder crashed nearby, and then they were in the midst of it.

And now she was sitting on a beach, in her wedding dress. Thankfully she had gone with something modern and short, instead of one of the monstrosities that probably would have dragged her down. She was pretty sure this wasn't the resort. The sand was smooth, unbroken by foot prints, and the sun was getting hot as well as bright. Ashley stood up and headed for the shade.
Killing the power to the engine, Jeff guided his boat through the breakers using a single paddle with skill that only came with experience. It was a small craft, light enough to be brought on shore by a single person, but boasted a powerfully upgraded engine that spoke to his purpose there.

The island was small and desolate. No one ever came here because it was just far enough out to sea that most small boats couldn't reach it and most large ones couldn't navigate the difficult reefs. Which was why the cartel had decided this was the perfect island. Once a week a small, private helicopter flew over a clearing about a quarter of a mile inland from the island's only lagoon and dropped a package. Jeff's job was to pick up that package, return it to the mainland and distribute it equally to his dealers. He made a nice cut from each of them, as well as occasional bonuses from his cartel buddies on the other side of the border.

Business had been so profitable that he had given up his other jobs to seek more leisurely activities. His body was toned from the hours of his free time spent working out and tanned from hours traveling across the open water. His brown hair was longer than average and cut in a surfer boy type of look. His bright green eyes searched the shore making sure the island was desolate as usual before he jumped out of the boat, grabbed the rope and pulled the boat up onto the sand. The lagoon was too protected by corral to park the boat there so he would have to travel the rest of the way by foot.

He set off at a brisk jog. It was an easy pace for him, but one that he knew even most cops would have a difficult time keeping up with. As he rounded the point he could have sworn he saw a flash of white disappearing into the foliage at the only point the dense underbrush broke, the trail head inland to the secret clearing and his money making stash waiting there. Wiping sweat from his brow he stopped and looked again but there was nothing there. The sand must have tricked me he thought as he set off again, but even so he moved more cautiously as he pushed into the foliage.

Even travelling quietly down the trail it didn't take him long to reach the clearing. Careful not to make a sound, he tread lightly until he had a clear view of the clearing. When he saw what was there though, his jaw nearly hit the ground.

A lithe figure clad in a skimpy outfit that looked like it might have been a wedding dress was bending over the spring of water on the far side of the small clearing, drinking from the cool freshwater.

He had to rub his eyes twice before he realized he was not hallucinating. Was this some sort of joke? Or even better a bonus his buddies south of the border had sent? Either way it just seemed to good to be true.
After a good, long cry, she felt a little better about things. She was remembering the storm a little better now, Evan getting her into a life vest as he steered the boat, the long hours (or maybe they were only minutes?) when the boat was being rolled around like a child's toy. She had been scared, but Evan had been so strong. He had looked so grim, but wave after wave had come and he had managed to keep them afloat. He hadn't really seemed afraid until they saw the white line of surf breaking on the reef, in the darkness and storm, they had been almost on top of them before they spotted them, and one look at his face told her they were done.

If the reef they had hit was the one at the edge of the lagoon here, he was likely on the island somewhere as well. Of course, he had never had time to put on his own life vest. She would look for him, but she had more immediate problems. She was covered in sand and salt, and her mouth was dry, and she felt the weary ache of dehydration settling in. She found something that could have been a path and followed it under the shadows of the trees, where she was at least out of the sun. She tossed the lifevest into the bush and stepped carefully as she could, but twice her dress caught on thorns and tore.

She heard a soft gurgling sound and headed towards it, stumbling as she tried to hurry, and there it was, on the other side of a clearing. A shallow little stream tumbling over rocks. She dropped down on her knees when she reached it and put her face in it to drink. The water was so cold it gave her a freezer headache, and she slowed down. She found a pool deep enough to lay down in, and rinsed the salt and sand off of her, out of her clothes and her hair, until she was shivering from the cold.

That wasn't going to be a problem, she thought, not with the tropical sun beating down in the clearing and on the beach. Even in the shade the heat was there. She walked back towards the clearing, trying to get her dress off carefully, but the seawater and the thorns had done too much damage to the silk, and it tore into pieces as she pulled it off. She hung it on a branch to dry, knowing she'd be able to make something out of it.

The lacy white g string and bra she had worn to celebrate her wedding night were both sheer from the water, and she giggled at the idea that she was going to be stumbling around the jungle in lingerie. She stepped out into the sun and the heat hit her again, evaporating the cold spring water almost immediately. She sighed. The next thing was to find some way back to civilization.
Jeff sat silently in the shade of the underbrush observing her movements, still not 100% sure what was going on or why this pretty little slut was wandering around his island. But the more he watched her the more he realized that she was not the bait for any trap. In fact it seemed like she was stranded. Perhaps last night's storm had swept her off a cruise ship and the currents had brought her in.

No matter what had brought her here, one thing was for sure. The skimpy lingerie she was wearing was not made to stay on her much longer than the dress she had been wearing, and it looked like he was the only one around to ensure that happened. But he had to remind himself that he didn't have much time. The storm had delayed his deliveries by a day already. He only had a few hours of daylight left and he needed to have the package back to the mainland by the end of the night or there'd be hell to pay.

Deciding to act, he stepped into the clearing and strode towards her.

"Well, well, well. What have we here?" His voice rang through the clearing, silencing the chatter of the jungle birds. He walked to the center of the clearing and grabbed a bundle that was laying, camouflaged among the long jungle grass. Once he was sure it had not been tampered with, he turned back to the lingerie clad woman and smiled. His eyes roamed freely up and down her body twice, evaluating every inch of her.

Yes he thought to himself. She will definitely do.

Holding the package under his arm he approached her confidently, knowing she wouldn't run simply because there was no where to go. He finally stopped just inches away from her and inhaled deeply, allowing her aroma to fill his nostrils. Then he allowed his free hand to reach out and feel her soft skin, caressing one of her cheeks, then allowing his thumb to trail down her neck to her collar bone.

"Seems to me like you've got yourself in a bit of a predicament." He said. "Now if I were a gentleman I might offer to help you out. But that begs the question ... how much of a gentleman am I?"
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The sound startled her so much that she screamed when the man spoke. For a moment, she couldn't believe he had gotten so close without her noticing him, but then, she had been lost in her thoughts. The rush of thoughts that came crashing down stunned her and she just stared at him as he strolled towards to the middle of the clearing and picked up a heavy looking duffle bag that she had almost tripped over in her hurry to get water.

Relief at seeing another human being. Hope that he would get her off of this island. Embarrassment at being so exposed. A little worry about what kind of person he was, picking up a duffle bag in the middle of the jungle on this flyspeck island. Then he turned towards her and she flushed. She had the kind of body that got a lot of looks like that, hungry looks. Looks that she could be flattered or annoyed by when she was in the city and the rules of civilization applied, but other than a few tropical birds, there had be no response to her scream. She felt a cold rush of fear.

When he reached out and touched her, she flinched, and then he spoke, and she knew civilization was a long way from here. She shivered and lowered her eyes. A moment ago, she had thought things couldn't get any worse than being stranded on an island, but this man seemed to have nothing on his mind but proving her wrong.

"Please help me," she said, forcing herself to look him in the eye, praying that somewhere in there was a shred of humanity. "My husband and I were caught in the storm last night. Our boat wrecked. I don't even known if he made it." She felt her eyes filling with tears, and she bit her lip to stop herself from sobbing.
He chuckled as her story came tumbling out. His eyes continued to rove over her skin and he found her beauty far more interesting than her pleads.

"Look lady," he cut her off before she could speak any more about her husband. "I don't even know if I believe your little story or not, but I'm not going to lie to you. If any of what you just said is true, then he probably didn't make it. This island is surrounded by miles of treacherous shoals, razor sharp reefs, and currents that change quicker than you could bat your pretty little eyes. Oh, and did I mention the sharks?" He paused to observe her reaction and found himself reveling in her obvious pain.

"You best just get over him, because honestly it is a miracle you made it here in as good of shape as you are. So consider yourself lucky. The sooner you do, the sooner you can start to face the real problems ahead of you."

As he spoke his thumb continued down across her collar bone, along the lacey trimming of her lingerie and between her breasts. It paused there for a fraction of an instant as he considered tearing the thin frilly fabric away. But the look on her face excited him to no end and he decided to play with her like a cat would with its mouse. So his hand continued downward. Across her flat stomach. Around and around her little belly button. Along the smooth curve of her navel.

"Now the way I see it, you don't have many options," he spoke softly, almost kindly, as his thumb traveled back and forth along the top of her panties, dipping just a fraction of an inch lower with each pass.

"In the civilized world I could easily get you for trespassing on my property." His eyes stayed locked on hers as his hand tormented her. "But this isn't the civilized world," his voice had lowered to a menacing tone. "Out here I am king. What I say goes. Is that understood?" It was a question, but he continued before she could form a response.

"You want help? Sure I'll help keep you alive. Maybe someday I might even take you back to the mainland. But this simple fact is right now I just don't trust you. So if you want to continue to receive my help you're going to have to prove you are worthy of it."

His thumb dipped suddenly beneath the hem of her panties. It slid slowly but firmly against her clit, then was gone. Her panties snapped back in place as his hand pulled out of them. Then he grabbed her firmly by the arm and began guiding her towards where the trail continued into the jungle on the other side of the clearing.
She was actually surprised that he laughed at her, but once he spoke, it made perfect sense. He leered like a schoolboy looking at his first internet porn, and she could hardly blame him, considering what she was wearing.

"Look lady. I don't even know if I believe your little story or not, but I'm not going to lie to you. If any of what you just said is true, then he probably didn't make it. This island is surrounded by miles of treacherous shoals, razor sharp reefs, and currents that change quicker than you could bat your pretty little eyes. Oh, and did I mention the sharks?"

"Well, you don't even have a shred of humanity left in that rotten lump of meat you call a heart, do you?" she said cheerfully, and looked around. "Boy, I'm really lucky I survived, aren't I? This is really kind of a beautiful spot, isn't it?"

"You best just get over him, because honestly it is a miracle you made it here in as good of shape as you are. So consider yourself lucky. The sooner you do, the sooner you can start to face the real problems ahead of you."

She nodded. She was over her husband already. In all likelihood, he had been dead longer than they had been married anyway. What did this guy think she was going to do, carry a torch forever? She looked down and saw he was touching her in a creepy way, and was surprised to see that she was totally numb to it.

"Now the way I see it, you don't have many options," the creep went on.

She had lots of options, the way she saw it, but it seemed like a pretty pointless thing to debate at the moment. More important was his facial hair.

"You should grow a mustache," she interrupted. "Like a big long one that you could twist."

"In the civilized world I could easily get you for trespassing on my property. But this isn't the civilized world. Out here I am king. What I say goes. Is that understood?"

"I think so, your majesty," she said, and giggled.

"You want help? Sure I'll help keep you alive. Maybe someday I might even take you back to the mainland. But this simple fact is right now I just don't trust you. So if you want to continue to receive my help you're going to have to prove you are worthy of it."

At that, she sighed and shook her head in disappointment. She heard her panties snap and realized he had just been fondling her pussy. She wondered if the complete lack of sensation was a psychological thing or if she'd suffered some sort of injury.

"Are you calling me stupid?" she said. "You're obviously planning to rape and torture me. Whether for a couple of days or decades I don't know, it doesn't really matter, because you'd be a fucking moron to take me back to the mainland when you're done." She pulled her arm out of his grip and gestured to the apparently weightless duffle he held before she put her hands on her hips.

"You're obviously in the drug trade and you own an island, or at least a rowboat, so if you're too stupid to put two and two together, someone you work for is smart enough to know that I can't leave here alive," she sighed. It was strange that she was so unaffected by the realization. That of the whole circumstance, the only thing that seemed to bother her at all was his attempt to manipulate her with such a transparently false hope.

"So I'm asking you as a favor, can you just do your whole drooling psychopath bit without asking me to believe that anything I do or don't do will affect the outcome?" She held out her hand for him to drag her off.
Dropping the package from his left hand he turned and hit her. The blow was hard enough to make her reel. He grabbed her wrist again, this time twisting hard, holding her hand high up so she had to bend over, facing away from him. Using his free hand he grabbed her hips and pulled her roughly back against the hard bulge in his pants.

"Listen up you cocky bitch," he growled as he thrust against the thin fabric covering her ass. "Just because you know what is going to happen in five minutes doesn't mean you can get an attitude. And don't think that death is the worst I could do to you."

Releasing her hips he raised his hand high in the air before bringing it down with all his force against her ass. The sound of the slap echoed off the trees in the quiet clearing and he smiled when he saw the red imprint of his fingers across her right cheek. Pushing her face down in the dirt he released her wrist only to bring his left hand down with equal force on he left cheek, leaving matching imprints across her ass.

"I was going to take you back to my shelter before I fucked you, but since you want to be such a kunt I guess I'll just save myself the trip." As he spoke he knelt behind her and tore away the flimsy G-string.
"Obviously, killing me isn't the worst you can do," she said, spitting out a mouthful of blood into the dirt. As he began whacking her ass, she watched the blood trickling down a blade of grass. "I wouldn't ... ow ... be looking forward to ... ow ... it so much if it ... ow ... was. It's the ... ow ... cherry on top of your ... OW ... psycho sundae."

When he ripped off her panties, she stumbled a bit, and felt the fresh laceration on her hips where the band had stretched and dug into her before it snapped.

"I guess you do what you have to do to get it up, right?" she said, speaking a little louder since she had her face shoved in the dirt. "I was going to make love to an actual man last night, and today I'm here with you, so if you really want to be the thing that bothers me, you actually have to be worse than that. Spanking me and raping me is pretty weak in comparison. Don't get me wrong, it hurts and all, I think you might have knocked a tooth loose, but really, so what?"

She wasn't really sure what she was expecting him to do, but she was pretty numb to it anyway. She accepted her fate, and since there was little she could do to change it, she figured she may as well try amuse herself while he amused himself. She tried whistling, but her lips were too swollen.

"Hey, do you want to play a game?" she said. "How about truth or dare?"
Her nonchalant attitude surprised him, but did not stall him. Standing over her, he kicked the inside of her knees, spreading her and exposing her pussy to his measured and rhythmic blows. When he finally stopped it was only long enough to pick up a switch that had fallen from a nearby tree. Running one end of it from her enflamed ass cheeks up her spine to her lacey bra hook he considered the idea of playing a game. As far as he could tell he had nothing to loose, but at the same time he was only just starting his fun.

Crouching beside her he reached out and wrapped his hand around her throat, turning her so he could look at her face and see his handy work. She was only just starting to get one black eye, but that could be fixed easily enough. Besides, he had several hours before the tides were favorable to leaving so there was no rush.

"Oh sure. Why not? I'll play your little game but only if I get to go first. I'll take a dare." he said, dragging the tip of his switch across her shoulder blade then down her arm while looking her straight in the eye.