Loss of interest in sex


Really Really Experienced
May 2, 2002
I haven't masturbated and jogged in nearly three weeks, because I had a autumn blues, and now I want to start a new so slowly (I'm male)
Yeah... really. You want to start a new WHAT? Is this a rant, statement or a comment on life?? :confused:
Re: :(

PowrDragn said:
I wouldn't mind adding input, but I have no idea what is being stated/asked/answered, etc. here.



But a guy named "fifi"? Struck me odd there too.

Please explain fifi.
ya know i lost my sexual interest to....but that was cuz to guys raped me in a bar........it really hurts a mans sexuality when u get raped in the ass and have to go to the doctor with your asshole sore. the cock suckers didnt even give me a reach around!
jamescarter91 said:
ya know i lost my sexual interest to....but that was cuz to guys raped me in a bar........it really hurts a mans sexuality when u get raped in the ass and have to go to the doctor with your asshole sore. the cock suckers didnt even give me a reach around!

You probably deserved it asshole.
Should have gotten more.
thanks for the support asshole.....like i was talking to you anyways..... besides....at least i got raped by force....im sure your someones sperm bank but not by choice bitch!
jamescarter91 said:
thanks for the support asshole.....like i was talking to you anyways..... besides....at least i got raped by force....im sure your someones sperm bank but not by choice bitch!

As pleasant a person that you are, I'm sure you deserved it.
