Looks Like Soros DA Kim Gardner Has Resigned


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Published May 4, 2023 5:25pm EDT

Soros-backed prosecutor mired in scandal resigns from office​

Kim Gardner steps down after repeated calls for her resignation​

By Aaron Kliegman | Fox News

An embattled George Soros-bankrolled prosecutor in St. Louis resigned Thursday amid a legal effort by Missouri's attorney general to fire her for allegedly neglecting her duties.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, the city's top prosecutor, is stepping down following repeated, bipartisan calls for her resignation from officials across the state.

Gardner's office tweeted her resignation letter, which was addressed to the people of St. Louis.


She was totally incompetent and way out of her league. All mouth and no brain. No management skills. Prosecutors have resigned in disgust at the mismanagement of her office. One prosecutor remains in the Major Crimes Office and he is left with over 500 cases on his shoulders.
All the things she's accused of doing and all you can do is accuse her of being funded by Soros

It's a mess for sure and she's still got 3 weeks to fuck it up even more than it is.

I'm wondering if the quo warranto will be dismissed as moot. I hope not because Gardner is apparently pursuing a new degree in nursing and she has proven that she shouldn't be put in charge of someone's welfare ever again. If she's found guilty of malfeasance and abuse of the public trust, she won't pass the ethics requirement. Not that she should given her past ethics violations but the quo warranto finding would ensure that she's never in a position of power again.
It's a mess for sure and she's still got 3 weeks to fuck it up even more than it is.

I'm wondering if the quo warranto will be dismissed as moot. I hope not because Gardner is apparently pursuing a new degree in nursing and she has proven that she shouldn't be put in charge of someone's welfare ever again. If she's found guilty of malfeasance and abuse of the public trust, she won't pass the ethics requirement. Not that she should given her past ethics violations but the quo warranto finding would ensure that she's never in a position of power again.
The fact that she has been attending college on days she was supposed to be managing her office seems like proof enough she isn't properly motivated in her duties as Circuit District Attorney. Her office is in complete disarray with cases being dismissed against defendants because nobody from her office is showing up in court to prosecute scheduled trials. It's an outrageous dereliction of duty in my opinion.
Has the Crow-backed Judge Thomas resigned, or declared his second income on his tax returns yet?

Editorial: Gardner's downfall was her own doing, try as she so often did to blame others​

  • By the Editorial Board
  • May 4, 2023

Gardner might have valid claims that she was the victim of a racist, sexist political witch hunt by Jefferson City Republicans, but she laid the groundwork for her own downfall. She might have generated sympathy and patience had she acknowledged her own substantial shortcomings along with a pledge to do better. Instead, Gardner threw everyone possible under the bus, then set fire to the bus, then tried to blame the bus company for the fire. Everyone else was at fault — but not Kim Gardner.

That’s exactly how to lose the loyalty of staff members and turn political supporters against you. Her management was so toxic that she experienced a 100% turnover of her prosecutorial staff during her first two years in office. Even as she embarked on her second term, the hemorrhaging continued to the point that not even two dozen prosecutors remained to handle hundreds of the office’s biggest cases. Some attorneys were juggling more than 150 cases at a time.

The workload was impossible. They wound up missing court dates or constantly asking judges for continuances. Or they would drop cases then refile them. In one case, a dangerous killer temporarily walked free for lack of prosecution. Out of exasperation, judges threatened to cite Gardner with contempt.
The chorus of detractors continued to grow, even including Mayor Tishaura Jones, a close progressive ally who finally, after a particularly tragic accident linked to prosecutorial failure, issued a public statement in February that Gardner had “lost the trust of the people.”

More here on the subversive phony:

It's a mess for sure and she's still got 3 weeks to fuck it up even more than it is.

I'm wondering if the quo warranto will be dismissed as moot. I hope not because Gardner is apparently pursuing a new degree in nursing and she has proven that she shouldn't be put in charge of someone's welfare ever again. If she's found guilty of malfeasance and abuse of the public trust, she won't pass the ethics requirement. Not that she should given her past ethics violations but the quo warranto finding would ensure that she's never in a position of power again.
The State AG wants her out before the 1st.

Editorial: Gardner's downfall was her own doing, try as she so often did to blame others​

  • By the Editorial Board
  • May 4, 2023

Gardner might have valid claims that she was the victim of a racist, sexist political witch hunt by Jefferson City Republicans, but she laid the groundwork for her own downfall. She might have generated sympathy and patience had she acknowledged her own substantial shortcomings along with a pledge to do better. Instead, Gardner threw everyone possible under the bus, then set fire to the bus, then tried to blame the bus company for the fire. Everyone else was at fault — but not Kim Gardner.

That’s exactly how to lose the loyalty of staff members and turn political supporters against you. Her management was so toxic that she experienced a 100% turnover of her prosecutorial staff during her first two years in office. Even as she embarked on her second term, the hemorrhaging continued to the point that not even two dozen prosecutors remained to handle hundreds of the office’s biggest cases. Some attorneys were juggling more than 150 cases at a time.

The workload was impossible. They wound up missing court dates or constantly asking judges for continuances. Or they would drop cases then refile them. In one case, a dangerous killer temporarily walked free for lack of prosecution. Out of exasperation, judges threatened to cite Gardner with contempt.
The chorus of detractors continued to grow, even including Mayor Tishaura Jones, a close progressive ally who finally, after a particularly tragic accident linked to prosecutorial failure, issued a public statement in February that Gardner had “lost the trust of the people.”

More here on the subversive phony:

So it wasn't Soros' fault?
