Looking for substance

Tell us your thoughts on whether or not there should be a cap on the amount of money that can be awarded in frivilous lawsuits.

It's substance, just not sure what flavor. :)

Main Entry: sub·stance
Pronunciation: 's&b-st&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin substantia, from substant-, substans, present participle of substare to stand under, from sub- + stare to stand -- more at STAND
Date: 14th century
1 a : essential nature : ESSENCE b : a fundamental or characteristic part or quality c Christian Science : GOD 1b
2 a : ultimate reality that underlies all outward manifestations and change b : practical importance : MEANING, USEFULNESS <the... bill--which will be without substance in the sense that it will authorize nothing more than a set of ideas -- Richard Reeves>
3 a : physical material from which something is made or which has discrete existence b : matter of particular or definite chemical constitution c : something (as drugs or alcoholic beverages) deemed harmful and usually subject to legal restriction <possession of a controlled substance> <has a substance problem>
4 : material possessions : PROPERTY <a family of substance>
- sub·stance·less /-l&s/ adjective
- in substance : in respect to essentials : FUNDAMENTALLY
P. B. Walker said:
Tell us your thoughts on whether or not there should be a cap on the amount of money that can be awarded in frivilous lawsuits.

It's substance, just not sure what flavor. :)


The definition of frivilous is subjective, but in my own view, yes, there should be a cap on such lawsuits. Perhaps it will deter stupidity.

Stupidity will not and cannot be deterred. Just drive around town for an hour or so.
The void is the bookend of every life.

If you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes also into you.

There must be a sacrifice for every technological development.

Faith is stronger than any god.

If a tree falls in the forest of course it makes a sound … dumb ass :D
Re: Nothing

Thin Man said:
Stupidity will not and cannot be deterred. Just drive around town for an hour or so.

Darwin isn't working fast enough
Blindinthedark said:
The void is the bookend of every life.

If you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes also into you.

There must be a sacrifice for every technological development.

Faith is stronger than any god.

If a tree falls in the forest of course it makes a sound … dumb ass :D

Again, everyone has to find their koan.
Re: Re: Looking for substance

Hanns_Schmidt said:
<Shoots her face with goo>

There ya go


Hanns I'm surprised at you. Since you have no dick.
Blindinthedark said:
Was this the kind of substance you wanted?

I've got hunderds more useless bits of trivia like this.

I'm surrounded by useless bits of trivia....I'm feeling carnivorous.
carnivorously auspicious?

Are you sure that is the sound of my heart breaking, I could of sworn it was the sound of your pompous arrogance imploding. Silly me.

ridddder said:
carnivorously auspicious?

Are you sure that is the sound of my heart breaking, I could of sworn it was the sound of your pompous arrogance imploding. Silly me.


Go find your own koan...that's mine.