Looking for like minded people in the UK

British Literoticians

Thought I might as well make my first posting on these forums on this particular thread.

I'm Fiat Knox. I've so far written two stories on the Mind Control board. There are a few others planned.

I'm glad that there are Brits on these forums. I'm also glad to see that there are more than a few of us who are listed on the Literotica site as actual writers.

I just thought I'd stick my head out at this point, stick in my tuppence' worth, and show all and sundry that I no longer choose to wear LURX aftershave from now on.

Anyway, until next time.


Hello all I thought I,d better stick my head above the parapet,I wish you all well ,7of 9 is quite exceptional I do agree she also has a nice line of attire.Nice thread Harrowborg
Greetings Bachlum Chaam
Still comes from here mainly

benhur34 said:
We may have invited sci-fi - HG Wells, etc - but we lost the thread somewhere - probably with Sapphire & Steel (god I'm getting old). I don't think that there's any doubt that the only decent sci-fi now comes from the states - and before you say it - yes it is an appalling state of affairs!:p

Yes the sci-fi is paid for by US dollars, but where are all the best special effects teams based, and where did they have to come for Star Wars sets and specials, and all the other big sci-fi stuff. Pinewood, (athough PW is on its way out now) and other such UK studios are still the master sci-fi sets.

Someone mentioned good old Blakes 7 earlier, brings back memories, I watched the making of several scenes for that one, they used the air base where I worked for a location. All good fun.

Yeh that was me Pops ....cool - did you get to meet any of the cast? BTW everyone I once met Terry Nation on the train....let's see how many of you are really clever...who was Terry Nation???????:p
me, me! I'm clever!

Terry Nation was, among other things, the designer of the Daleks, the space monsters for the BBC tv series Doctor Who. This was one of those bizarre success stories in which we Brits specialise: Doctor Who was intended to be a piece of low-budget entertainment, to run for one series of 13 episodes, and I believe the Daleks were made of cast off bits of packaging material held together with string. It was so popular the BBC ran it for ... oooohhh... ages...
Well done Gus - he also created Blakes 7 - your prize is the date of your choice (except for me - 'cos you're a bloke!). Who ya gonna pick????:p
BrightCatsEyes, please!

I guess it had better be BrightCatsEyes, since we're neighbours (but she hasn't replied to my earlier post, so I'm not holding my breath!).
Yo mate

benhur34 said:
Yeh that was me Pops ....cool - did you get to meet any of the cast? BTW everyone I once met Terry Nation on the train....let's see how many of you are really clever...who was Terry Nation???????:p

Yes that's the guy, and yes they were all there at one point or other making the series, had a pint in the local with half the crew a couple of times.
The explosives guy was a total nutter, his spec effects all went a bit pearshaped and he blew up a lot of stuff he shouldn't have, including a small brick shed, there was meant to be a big spurt of flame and smoke out of the windows and door, the bloody roof fell in afterwards though. Good giggle.

Have I just been given away as a prize???

Ben Hur...

I believe that is called pimping matey *g* and I knew who Terry Nation was too.. Darleks scared the shit out of me as a kid....and the cybermen....and what was the episode with the giant slug things in the caves that glowed? I hid behind the sofa for days because of them!!

Blakes 7 did indeed rule! And how the fuck did they get away with such obvious S&M costumes?? I sooooo fancied Avon, he was such a shit, bless him! I think perhaps i have a thing for bad guys....I was always very fond of Vader too..I think it was the deep breathing and the leather boots *g*

The actress who played Servalan lived across the road from me in Notting Hill..she was dead sexy in RL too.

I loved Saphire and Steele too..yes i know it was a bit sad and wobbly but the one about the soliders ghost "Pack up your troubles.." was very moving.

Does anyone remember The Tomorrow People? I still hanker after one of those belts!

Star Trek is wonderful in almost all it's forms.... (John deLancy is a God!!) I am even quite fond of Enterprise..but then, I have loved Scott Bacula since Quantum Leap.

The UK still has much to offer the sci fi world but the US has teh money to wipe us out in terms of glossy production and so on. I love all forms of TV and movies, I can bore for England about it all...but i have been very conscience of the fact that the really powerful and affecting.... or just plain fun...TV is all coming from the US these days...

OK..I'm going now before i start waffling about Buffy....
Or Oz...
Or Westwing..
Or Chigargo Hope......
..or teh countless other american drama TV that has caught my attention in recent years...

And dont get me started on the sitcoms!!!!

Gus As....erm..thing...

Hello! Hate to be pedantic but I'm an old fashioned girl! Winning me would involves dragons at the very least *g*

And what message to me? I didnt see any message?

Cats xx

Hmmmm I must have got it wrong surely you aren,t a Dragon Cats?
greetz Bachlum Chaam :rose:
Jotting down my name as one of the growing briteroticans :D

If anybody wants to PM me please do so, i'm so very bored at work and all by myself today! :(
Just found this thread and thought I'd say hi.

Read through the whole thing and thought it was about to turn into a B5-DS9 'mines better than yours' arguement at one point, but it didn't.

The american TV shows can be good, but they do also produce a hell of a lot of crap. Most of the good US movies have a foreign involvement either UK, AUZ or NZ.

Anyway I'm on the western edge of London.

Bit of a newbie, but learning!

Hi all,

been checking out literotica for a while, but only just started the personals. Looking good so far.

Personally, I like a bit of sci fi erotica, especially Star Trek. Always thought the female crew of Star Trek with their very short uniforms were excellent in my dim and distant past.

Still some sci fi babes about though.

7 of 9 does have a certain appeal I must admit.

Keep posting. I'm watching.

Re: Have I just been given away as a prize???

Blakes 7 did indeed rule! And how the fuck did they get away with such obvious S&M costumes? I think perhaps I have a thing for bad guys....I was always very fond of Vader too ... *g*

The bad guy always got a far better choice of companion, because he was never saddled with the Golden Rule of Science Fiction Heroes (a holdover from its progenitor, the Western fantasy genre): "The Hero Never Get the Girl," and its corollary: "If The Hero Gets The Girl, She Dies At The Altar."

The actress who played Servalan lived across the road from me in Notting Hill..she was dead sexy in RL too.

I met Jaqueline Pearce in person, a few years back. I heartily agree. She still is.

I loved Sapphire and Steel too ... yes I know it was a bit sad and wobbly but the one about the soliders ghost "Pack up your troubles.." was very moving.

It was a very cool series, right up to the point where they ended up inside a Klein Bottle and packed off to Oblivion.

Does anyone remember The Tomorrow People? I still hanker after one of those belts!

I still wish I could jaunt ...

The UK still has much to offer the sci fi world but the US has teh money to wipe us out in terms of glossy production and so on.

Sadly, yes. Plus, the United States has a media industry which is accepting of Science Fiction, because it is aware of the huge market share of SF and Fantasy fans among their population.

They are also aware that SF and Fantasy fans don't generally stop at their genre. They have interests which reach deeply into other territories, such as emergency dramas such as ER, the more well - written law enforcement drama series such as CSI, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, and other shows such as Oz and Frasier.

A lot of the broad appeal comes from the fact that these shows mix actors and production staff very frequently. John de Lancie has appeared in all sorts of shows; Kelsey Grammer voices over Sideshow Bob in The Simpsons (and did a passable job of pronouncing Klingon in Frasier *g*); and actors cross over and end up directing, such as Jonathan Frakes and Stephen Furst.

Contrast that with British drama, which is, well ... I'd use the terms "calcified" and "fossil record" to describe how rigid and formularised it has become. Russell T Davies does his best to break the mould with every project, but even he tends to find that his projects are better received outside of the UK.

And our movies fare little better. No matter how well we fans want our homegrown movies to do well, we end up with Dog Soldiers and Reign of Fire - projects which could theoretically have rocked, if they'd been given Stateside budgets.

Hello! Hate to be pedantic but I'm an old fashioned girl! Winning me would involves dragons at the very least *g*

Would that make you an Anne McCaffrey / Dragonrider fan? Into hardcore Pern, then? *G* My favourite McCaffrey novel is the Crystal Singer trilogy.

But then, I've always been more into books than movies, for some reason. When people asked me if I'd seen Lord of The Rings, I'd keep telling them that I hadn't, but I'd read the novelisation by someone called Tolkien ...

(and secretly, I'd brace myself in case any of them replied with something as staggeringly stupid as "Oh, Russian is he?" or "Cool. Is he writing a sequel?") *G*
Re: Have I just been given away as a prize???

BrightCatsEyes said:
Ben Hur...

Gus As....erm..thing...

Hello! Hate to be pedantic but I'm an old fashioned girl! Winning me would involves dragons at the very least *g*

And what message to me? I didnt see any message?

Cats xx

OK, next time I go walkies in Battersea Park I'll look for a dragon (haven't seen anything fiercer than a fox so far) and I'll bring you the smouldering tail to claim my date. I guess you've found my earlier message now, such as it was...
Fiat Knox….

I’m so glad someone else remembers The Tomorrow People and thinks about going for a jaunt. I never stand in an airport or train station without thinking about it!

I agree that the US does think of it’s audiences in terms of consumers and therefore understands that the type of demographic that enjoys Science Fiction will be interested in many other areas covered by dramas and comedies. Something the UK TV controllers and producers don’t seem to have grasped. At least not in this context but they have certainly saturated the market in gardening/interior design/cooking programs ! (Please God we will be spared any more…I used to quite enjoy them until we got buried under them….and I cant even bring myself to discuss the ‘fly on the wall’ stuff. If I ever have to watch another thing about an airport or a vet I shall claw out my own eyes!!!)
I also agree that the broad appeal of the US shows is having actors and directors move freely between many genres, bringing publicity (and their fan base) with them! Given the internal rivalry and politics of the various networks in the states it is odd that they should seem to present a far more cohesive output than we can manage!
While I can think of numerous US drama and comedy series that I watch on a regular basis, which include all the ones you mentioned and more besides, I can think of barely a handful of home grown stuff that holds my interest. Jonathon Creek comes to mind and Cracker was a fave. Spaced and Black Books were the only comedies of merit recently.
I will have to take your word for Kelsey Grammer’s pronunciation of Klingon in Frasier *g* !!
I adored Queer As Folk but didn’t see Bob and Rose and missed The Second Coming because I was in LA but I think Russell T Davies in one of out best hopes. I’m also a Stephen Poliakoff fan. Shooting The Past and The Lost Prince were both excellent.
I agree (yet again *g*) about the movies! I haven’t seen Dog Soldiers but I liked Reign of Fire and firmly believed that with a bigger budget it could have been fantastic. There was a film I saw a while back called Revelations I think that I felt much the same about. We seem to have excellent projects but they end up looking shabby and the whole is far less than the sum of the parts. Actually I saw the George Clooney film Solaris yesterday…..and I felt the same way about that!

Do you know for years people have been thrusting Anne McCaffrey under my nose but I have still failed to read them. I have no idea why as I feel sure I would enjoy them. I have been somewhat sluggish in my reading in recent years, an odd state of affairs for a girl who from the age of about 11 always had several books on the go at once and felt naked without a volume of something or other close by. I do still read Pratchett and the like as well as some history and crime. Ellis Peters is a fave of mine, excellent stories and emotive prose. Also Lindsey Davies who write historical crime….so I get to kill two birds with one stone *g* ! I do have a thing for dragons though…but I think that’s partly just the romantic in me *g*, partly my interest in myth and legend and my degree in medieval history, and partly some TV adverts for Listerine years ago featuring Clifford, a most attractive dragon ;o) I was a serious child, so I think ’m going through a shallow period lol.

Big lol at your response to the have you see the Lord of The Rings film enquiries …… although they have fiddled with the book I would recommend seeing the films. They are visually stunning if nothing else and if by watching them only 10% of kids then read the books that otherwise wouldn’t have I feel it’s a great thing.

Just thought I'd mention I'm still lurking here.

I remeber The Tomorrow People, but I was a BBC kid so don't actually remember what it was all about.

But who remembers Children of the Sun? I remember it had an absolutely fantastic storyline. Can't for the life of me remember what about, but I know it was fantastic.

And I still think the best sci-fi is coming from the UK, but in book form, which is where sci-fi really belongs. Iain M. Banks has changed my world.

Ye Gods and little fishes - all these Brits that I never knew existed.

I should get off the General Board more!

Good evening to you all!
oooh, the cbbc v. citv divide

I just downloaded the theme tunes to Cities of Gold and Thundercats this morning. Have been bopping round to my laptop all day. :)

Hope you lot are keeping your ends up:devil:

:kiss: to the emmerging brits, see you round
Hello brits!

Ahh thundercats was cool, the crisps they prduced were pretty good too.

Have you noticed that they're just rehashing the ads of my childhood right now?

Care bears are back in a big way and I saw a new version of transformers the other day...
English Lady said:
Hello brits!

Ahh thundercats was cool, the crisps they prduced were pretty good too.

Have you noticed that they're just rehashing the ads of my childhood right now?

Care bears are back in a big way and I saw a new version of transformers the other day...

Blasphemy! they'll redo all my old favourites and make them rubbish, then when i talk about them ill have to say "no not the recent ones, the old ones" ahhh! :eek:
Thundercats? Yeah - it was cool until you realised that Liono just did *everything*! As someone who thought the best characters were Panthro (no, nothing to do with the fetish harness, I was too young ;) ) and Cheetara I got really narkked that it was always Liono who saved the day ;)

Transformers, Care Bears, etc. ... yeah, my previous job meant Ihad far too much to do with "intellectual property licensing" - which meant lots of people taking about "leveraging nostalgia brands" - not so much flogging a dead horse as squeezing the last drops out of an aging cash-cow.... hence Transformers, Care Bears, Bagpus, etc.

English Lady said:
Hello brits!

Ahh thundercats was cool, the crisps they prduced were pretty good too.

Have you noticed that they're just rehashing the ads of my childhood right now?

Care bears are back in a big way and I saw a new version of transformers the other day...