Looking for lesbian experience



Looking to have a lesbian lover onthe side. Willing to settle for hot sex over net. Waiting impatiently! i am about 5 feet 7inches tall, dark hair{short around chin} with bangs. I shave regularily just to feel sexier. I am small breasted with a trim body that is still curvy. Age is about 30 years old. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Anybody interested? Would be willing to be a third. Please answer.
If you ever come to Australia, then my friend and I would love to meet you. She is Bi and I am...well I cannot see any better way to put this...I love women. My email is trebor__51@ hotmail.com if you ever cum over the big pond.
hi i'm in edm.

Hi there, just read your post, I was wondering if you could send some pics first or chat on messenger first. My boyfriend is interested in a threesome, i don't know if you're interested. I've never had experience with another girl before and i would love to try it ;) . Please e-mail me back at wai_mei18@hotmail.com