Looking for girls in Capital region of NY


Mar 23, 2003
I'm a 19 year old college freshmen at the Sage College of Albany, about 5'11'', unruly, shoulder-length, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, glasses, clean shaven, though its hardly worth the bother as it takes me a week to develop five o'clock shadow and even then it only shows up on my chin. I'm also incredibly skinny, so much so that I'd think I was anorexic if I didn't know how much food, both junk and actually healthy, I consume every week.

I'm rather shy in real life and that combined with my nerdiness and an appearance which is only so-so has resulted in my having had absolutely Zero luck in relationships thus far, plus I'm living with my parents so that I don't have to pay for student housing and I don't drive yet.

I prefer the looks of girls a little better fleshed than the quasi- and actually anorexic chicks the media tries to pass off as attractive, but aside from that I don't have any preferences.

I'm quite open minded, (or at least I like think of myself as openminded, I've never been in a situation that would put my self image to the test) but I'm not sure what my parents would think about me doing this, so that kind of makes this a little more difficult.

So all in all, this is a long shot, especially as the other guy in this area doesn't seem to be having any luck, but I'm despairing of meeting anyone in a more conventional way and its worth a try.
