Looking for Editor...


Queen Dork of Porn
Dec 7, 2002
Hi guys...looking for a editor for my stories...they ususally run three pages (microsoft word) but have gotten up to six or seven. They really range in subject matter...but nothing to over the edge (at least I dont think!!)

PM me if intersted...i am offering to reciprocate, but i cant spell for beans, although I am a good grammer and content editor.

I would love to Be an Editor for you

If you don't mind being my first. MY first editing job anyways. I was thinking of trying out being an editor for literotica just want to make sure i have enough time. but I think i could handle just one person right now.

Email me at Lipao69@yahoo.com

Defending My Country 1 Beer at a time.
well, a taker!!
Yeah for me!!

I will shoot you an email and we can set up what format we wanna do this in!!!!
Thanks babe!!!
Sounds good

Ok Sounds good to me.

Defending My Country 1 Beer at a time.